View Full Version : Anyone Here Lo-Carb?

03-07-2010, 02:13 PM
I've started really paying attention to carbs and stuff being a diabetic and never previously having really given a crap. I suppose I really should. lol

Anyways, I just had to share this in case anyone else is watching carbs.

I am a carb F-R-E-A-K. I'm serious. I friggin love my carbs man.

Especially - the biggest thing - is breakfast. Oh my holy friggin hell. To me, breakfast is a bigass plate of pankcakes covered in syrup, hashbrowns, toast, the works. I guess it comes from being a Georgia Boy.

So now I'm just sick and tired of eggs every morning. I was craving something else.

Came across this recipe and I have to say - it friggin rocks. It really is outstanding. I was amazed.

Best of all - for a big stack of pancakes it comes out to a TOTAL of about 5 net carbs. There are about 16 grams total but since it also has 12 grams of fiber, it works out to 4 net carbs. Then I throw in an extra carb for the slight amounts in everything else.

1 cup almond flour
2 eggs
1/4 cup water (for puffier pancakes, you can use sparkling water though I didn't and they were fine)
2 Tblsp oil
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 Tblsp sweetener (I used Splenda)
1/4 Tsp Vanilla Extract

Dash of cinnamon for the tops when done

Mix ingredients together and cook as you would other pancakes. I like to use a nonstick pan with a little oil. The only real difference is that they won't "bubble" on top the same way as regular pancakes. Flip them when the underside is brown.

There is sugar-free syrup out there which I'm going to have to go get. I just drizzled a very, very small amount of regular syrup (Since it's what I had) and it was perfect. Just gave them the right hint of flavor. I also put a good dash of fake butter on them.

They definately do have a grainer texture than regular flour pancakes but not in a bad way.

Anyways, just wanted to share.

Share your ideas if you have them!


03-09-2010, 02:51 PM
Apple cider Vinegar and it should be organic, which helps before your about to have any meal to take it and wait about 20 to 30 mins before you begin to eat will actually help and prevent from your sugar level to go high and this has been proven already, but the other matter what this does is also helps to lose weight and by eating less when you do this for a while. Now that part is not proven by scientist at all but over the years and even going back for thousands of years many have been doing so and I have been doing it for a while. This helps me from eating anything at night and of course to sleep well helps.

Since I been working out a lot and going to two different gyms and I run a lot too I am in the best shape I have ever been since I played professional baseball years ago. Weight-lifting and I go to my boxing gym been doing that for a long time and will never stop boxing because I love but I don’t compete no more just making sure I stay in shape and when I need to defend myself which is something I hope doesn’t happen.

To do this some do it the hard way which taste really bad to drink 4 to 6 oz of mixed water with 2 to 4 tables spoons of Apple cider Vinegar (Organic) but you can mix it up with sugar free type that you can get at a organic store which adds flavor to it. I do a few different things which you can eventually do but I at times will drink it straight up the hard core way when I don’t have time. I have lost weight and now because of this, and not eating anything after 6 PM have gain solid muscles and been complemented by many people especially women of my body and have told me I do not look anywhere near 47 years of age at all. I have always had a young look face like my mother who is 77 years old and she looks nothing like 77. The other day I run into a few friends and went out and most of them were bold, fat and looked old and they all said to me that I have not changed a bit just a few grey hairs on the side. It’s also generic with our family, so it helps. My point is that that are many things out there to research on that and some doctors will not tell you about it, and when it comes to this, I take it very seriously because I really don’t trust doctors much because most do not do their research because they have no time with so many patients to make money and always prescribing medication when it fact it would be easy to tell you to cut down in bad food intake. My doctor we get alone good and he likes when I ask him question and then at times I know already because I do research myself and he doesn’t have to explain to me about it because again I read up on it. But anytime with your doctor, the more you know the more your doctor has to be on his toes with you and helps him to be a better doctor and for me a better patient.

Again there are many great stuff that I can post here but it would be like writing a book because, so many great things that can be researched and to learn.

Oh btw way I cleanse every 2 to 3 times a year for my body which last as long as 3 to 4 days. This is important because our body holds a great deal junk still hanging in our bodies which at times will make you sick occasionally like a cold or flu. I have not been sick of any kind in over 14 years now and my uncle Dave has been over 11 years. The rest of the family most of then get sick at least once or twice a year.
