View Full Version : The Pacific - HBO

03-10-2010, 11:04 PM
As a fan of war related shows, games, etc ... I'm so looking forward to this mini-series that HBO is doing, with Tom Hanks & Steven Spielberg as Exec Producers you know this is going to be great.

The clips look awesome, there are parts that look 3-D, this is just one that I randomly picked.
http://www.hbo.com/the-pacific/index.html#/the-pacific/about/video/trailer-5.html/eNrjcmbOYM5nLtQsy0xJzXfMS8ypLMlMds7PK0mtKFHPz0mBCQ Ukpqf6JeamcjIyskknlpbkF+QkVtqWFJWmsjGyMQIAWCcXOA==

03-10-2010, 11:32 PM
Damn, that does look intense, eh? Wow.

03-17-2010, 12:20 AM
Even though it was only the first episode (this past Sunday night), you can tell the show is going to be pretty powerful throughout the rest of it.

I kind of like the fact that it's told through the experiences of three separate soldiers instead of a squad of soldiers like BoB was, I think we will get a wider range or better grasp of what the guys went through that way.