View Full Version : Tax, Tax, Taxxxxxxxx

04-07-2010, 03:35 AM

Love those Dems!!!!!!

Believe me yet? Is this a good solution? The Deficit is still going higher and watcha got left in the bank? How's your job? Living week to week? Are you dependant on a Government check?

This is turning out be like those Friday the 13th movies where you actually start routing for Jason. I just want to see how far they will go and how long it will take before we start seeing the sheep snap. I think we are actually already done but lets see.

04-07-2010, 06:22 AM
ya, that was what a lot of people were predicting. a vat can add 20 to 40% to the cost of everything. maybe our british buddies can tell us about it.

Die Hard
04-07-2010, 08:51 AM
Aha we pay 17.5% VAT on pretty much everything. We don't really feel it because it's been around for as long as i can remember. All prices are inclusive too so you don't have to try to work out the final price.

In business you can claim the VAT back as long as your turnover reaches a certain level.


04-07-2010, 01:55 PM
Well last time I checked This was America and not Britain. I thought we beat them to avoid this kind of tax. I wonder if the Brits are also rewarded for not doing anything while the leeches collect. So much for the younger generation getting any where. One has to pay attention to the bigger picture and figure out exactly what agenda they have. Talk about a nation of slackers who do not even see where this is going to lead the Country.

Jim, GA is doing ok economy wise so far right? NY has been ok but it's starting to hit the fan as it all drags. We are also extremely taxed from property to soda. Still the State is just about broke. My friends in Florida are struggling the worst from what I understand. No jobs and very weak pay. It's just a disaster and I see the very things my father once told me would happen. The middle class is being wiped out. Rich or poor. As much as I am grateful to have my head above water, it bothers me that hard working Americans are being dragged and stripped of everything they worked for. And for what? 12 million illegals? Larger Governments that bail out corporations? Things should be simple but when the people ignore what's going on, they allow things like this to happen.

I always tell my friends, my guns are not just to protect me from a thief. I think Americans better arm themself and prepare for anything. I always say, too bad the South didn't win. We wouldn't be having these problems now would we?