View Full Version : Cleanternet

04-25-2010, 09:30 PM
For all those who're ignorant and/or naive:


04-25-2010, 11:01 PM
where do we go for a dirtier internet.
frankly I am tired of all the pretending and censorship that everyone does

04-26-2010, 04:51 PM
"Even China, North Korea and Iran are already using a successful website blocking system to protect their freedom and democracy"

That made me laugh.

04-26-2010, 06:28 PM
"Even China, North Korea and Iran are already using a successful website blocking system to protect their freedom and democracy"

That made me laugh.

The "poor countries" made me smirk though it's noting to laugh about :P

04-26-2010, 08:40 PM
This is another way to prevent people from knowing the truth about what really is going on and restrict them from real education. It's important to have more parents involve with there children and keeping a close eye on them but to use something like this for example Iran or North Korea, will never really give there people to true meaning of freedom of speech and more.

This is just another excuse for them to use there influence and persuasion to people.

I do not agree with this and I feel there are better and other ways.

It takes away your rights completely and bad as it is with the fu*king patriot act, now we have to deal with sh*t like this to only continue to dominate and control.

04-26-2010, 08:52 PM
"Even China, North Korea and Iran are already using a successful website blocking system to protect their freedom and democracy"

That made me laugh.

I kind of had the same response. I guess it's just me that notices though, the type of propaganda this guy posts.

Sas, you are 100% correct and I agree 100% with that. As a parent, I am well aware of every thing my daughter can view on her laptop. You never hear once who is actually doing the controlling of such thing. The funny thing is most of us have the same technology right in our router. I think I will keep my control what sites to block and to what systems on my network.