View Full Version : For the sheep

04-26-2010, 07:01 PM
http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/0410/Obama_seeks_to_reconnectyoung_people_AfricanAmerin s_Latinos_and_women_for_2010.html#comments

I love this guy more and more each day.:thumbs:

04-26-2010, 09:01 PM
He is trying but the true fact is the government is practically controlled by investors and as we all know money talk’s bull shit walks. I have not been keeping up to date on what has been going on lately but sometime soon I am going to see how well he has been doing but the truth is I will not be voting for him but rather vote for Paul but his chances are slim and frankly there really isn’t anyone I trust much or have any confidence. I will say this I am glad Bush is out because he has to be the most illiterate president I have ever witness and a lousy prevaricator.

I plan to read a book about his not so mention bad sides plus more on Obama. I feel I like to read about him on both sides and decide myself how I feel about him. There are two books that I plan to read which I feel by the authors have good information on him. Of course to keep up to date on what he has accomplished since being president because I have not really read much on it lately. I have been busy with more astute books that I been reading.

04-26-2010, 09:07 PM
Sas, 90% of the people are not even aware what is going on. They vote for Presidents like they cheer for a sports team. I can accept people not liking Bush but if people actually paid attention to what Osama has done in just one year, they would take Bush back with open arms. Eventually, people will realize and then say WTF.

By the way, you have to wonder why the Democrats want to rush this latest immigration bill into effect. They are going to need this done way before November so they can get the votes. Don't believe me though, lets just see how it pans out.:thumbs:

04-26-2010, 09:15 PM
Bush is no picnic either but yea I plan to read on it about the immigration bill.

I been reading so many different books lately on Physics and History lately that I may need a break from it and read something different for a change.

Thanks for the heads up Biggs

04-26-2010, 09:16 PM
democrats are posed to lose their majorities come this election. they pissed off a lot of people with their spending and health care bills. it was the independents who elected obama last election. It is going to be the same group throwing the democrats out of office, or at least if the republicans don't screw up.

04-26-2010, 10:03 PM
democrats are posed to lose their majorities come this election. they pissed off a lot of people with their spending and health care bills. it was the independents who elected obama last election. It is going to be the same group throwing the democrats out of office, or at least if the republicans don't screw up.

Quoted for the truth.

04-27-2010, 03:51 AM
Sas, 90% of the people are not even aware what is going on. They vote for Presidents like they cheer for a sports team. I can accept people not liking Bush but if people actually paid attention to what Osama has done in just one year, they would take Bush back with open arms.

Not Bush, but Clinton for sure!

04-27-2010, 04:18 AM
democrats are posed to lose their majorities come this election. they pissed off a lot of people with their spending and health care bills. it was the independents who elected obama last election. It is going to be the same group throwing the democrats out of office, or at least if the republicans don't screw up.

Jim, what are your thoughts on the tea party? I kind of like what they stand for. Of course they are looked at as racists and gun freaks. I honestly wish they were because it sickens me how the media gets away with this and if they were, why arent they shooting any of them.

04-27-2010, 05:27 AM
I really like the tea party. the problem is that the media finds the nuts in the party and those are the people they show on tv and they say that is what the group is. given hundreds of thousands of people in any group you will find a lot of ignorant racist people. they do that so they can ignore the message of the group.

it is not the governments job to guarantee everything for everyone. in a perfect world that might work. in this world the world is full of lazy shits that will take advantage of everything they can. I am not saying this against any particular group, just that it is a part of human nature.

if people can get a free ride as compared to doing the work, then that is what they do. eh, not sure where I am going with this. obama has screwed us all. this government guarantee of healthcare, its just not going to work. there is too much money involved and we have already overextended ourselves with promises (social security/medicare).

the only reason our money is worth anything is because we have been shipping it to china, and they chinese have been buying our savings bonds with it.

all these guarantees to pay everything.... yeah, we will pay retirement you paid into, the medicare you paid into, bail out banks, bail out wall street, bail out the mortgage industry, and yeah, pay the interest we have promised you also...

well people are already starting to realize at some point it may not be possible. the entire credit rating of our country has started to drop.

maybe buy gold, chances are that our money won't be fit for wiping our ass in our life time. like germany in the early 1900's, people carting around wheel barrows full of money trying to trade for a loaf of bread.

04-27-2010, 12:34 PM
I’m not in any group or so call Tea party because my only concern is how the government is spending our money without consulting and not giving us the chance to decide how we should spend our money. As you all have seen that our government has bail several companies without the approval of us using our tax money and by asking yourself where the money is now.

The other issues is the HealthCare plan, which to me is not going to work because HIS and TPC analysis spoke and found that spending by the federal government would, on net, have to increase significantly in order to implement the plan and to me there has to be a better way. Obama proposal would increase the federal spending by about $1.7 trillion dollars by 2010 to 2019. He also made promises that reflects on a typical family would save about $2,500 dollars on premium under the Senator’s health plan. The calculation in what the experts figures on this was that it is a best-guess estimates if only systems savings at fully implemented, so it is more like $425. The key word to me is the full implementation. Base on the elasticity-based approach that they are talking about which I am not going to say the estimates because you can all look into those yourselves is somewhat confusing because from what the experts are saying is that it is impossible to determine the enrollment in the National plan. This alone speaks for itself because it tells you all or in my own opinion that it has gone so far deep that they can’t predicted how it will play it’s roll and without having the full implementation plan, it would be impossible to work.

Now the Tea Party to me is just another group who may voice out there opinion and have many good points but the fact is a party is not needed to establish a group, which will be easy, for like CNN to attack and criticize and manipulate the true reason why we all need to unit as a nation to prevent the cost of what they been spending. Focusing on the real issues then to have CNN and many others to easily divide or discriminate between groups, which to me will only delay and provide the news like CNN to break up and split us apart when we are pretty much are in the same page in what is needed to improve our Nation economy.

Remember I once said and will say it again that history plays a major role in our society base on manipulation and persuasion in our government and with now modern time with the News can easily separate us from the truth. History if you know it well, have been base on it and have altered future events in the political arena and the separation of groups who are actually speaking the same words and purpose.

One other thing why I feel groups can at this important moment of history or event that is taking place now in America is dividing and separating by the so call intrigue news media and more from the truth which if it continues in doing so as things becoming more intense in the coming years can separate and divide our nation into parts. Professor Igor Panarin, Political theorist and Sergei Karaganove a formal KGB Analysis mention the breakup of America. This is possible and not to take it lightly because if you look back on the world history like during the Civil War in 1861 to 1865, Russia, Germany, Roman era and more speaks for itself. We are living in the most precarious times in our government and military by predicting the possible outcome of our future. It is easily to anticipate the future that can possibly happen because most America’s, especially during this time of age are more educated than ever before compare to the past when you can look back on history were events took place at a similar way but of course ignorance can only overcome the consequence of our future.

04-27-2010, 02:26 PM
Sas, do you know everything you said it what the tea party is fighting for? We need it really because it's people like us who work every day and our money gets taken by big gov etc.

04-27-2010, 04:12 PM
Sas, do you know everything you said it what the tea party is fighting for? We need it really because it's people like us who work every day and our money gets taken by big gov etc.

Bigg's I said this "Remember I once said and will say it again that history plays a major role in our society base on manipulation and persuasion in our government and with now modern time with the News can easily separate us from the truth. History if you know it well, have been base on it and have altered future events in the political arena and the separation of groups who are actually speaking the same words and purpose."

That is very important to know and to remember because like I said they will turn the tables on us and make it look like an anti-America issue instead of focusing on the main issues that concerns us.


I am not saying not to, it's your choice but just to let you know that we are all pretty much on the same page and the media will take advantage of it. Here is an example of what i mean because like CNN is picking out people from that tea party and using it against them especially the ones that don't seems to understand or know how to reason or say the right words. It is not to be violent but to fight with reason, diplomacy and using our minds and votes to overcome this huge obstacle.

CNN - Her interview was completely out of term when she said anti-government and if you notice what the other lady said to her, which to me was well said and she said also she isn't in any group but only fighting for her rights and focusing on the main issues.

Don't let CNN detour the true story because with this bitch she took the focus away from the true issues that concern us.

It’s a typical CNN news reporter to turn the issues into a anti-America and Fox News is another shit news that will do the same.


The history of Andrew Jackson was the only president who got us out of all debs and took control.

President Wilson regret when signing and I quote what he said below.

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." -Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve into existence.

Bigg's, History is a thing of the past but during those times, brings a reminder and why we are all in this together.

Die Hard
04-27-2010, 05:43 PM
if people actually paid attention to what Osama has done in just one yearI thought he had been quiet in his cave for a while?

04-28-2010, 02:59 AM
I thought he had been quiet in his cave for a while?

He decided to shave his beard and hair and become the President of the U.S.

04-28-2010, 03:14 AM
^^^ LOL

Ah ha so that is why Obama won't produce his birth certificate to prove he really was born in the United States.

04-28-2010, 03:31 AM
I can sum up all that's wrong with the Tea Party & why it will never accomplish anything as long as these 2 words have anything to do with the party....

Sarah Palin :down:

04-28-2010, 06:06 AM
I can sum up all that's wrong with the Tea Party & why it will never accomplish anything as long as these 2 words have anything to do with the party....

Sarah Palin :down:

I can sum it up in one word: egocentric

04-28-2010, 06:34 AM
nitro, everything everyone does is based on selfish reasons. now sure you can say you do stuff for other people, but the reality is that you get something for it, even if it is only a feeling of "helping"

the tea party has come into being partly because we the people have lost control of our government. I think this was one of the reasons the republicans were thrown out of office the first time. democrats came into power and they have gone absolutely insane with all their spending.

politicians did not get the message the first time around. I think they will get it this time.

anyway, sarah palin is not the tea party. maybe the news media likes to put her face on it, but that is not reality.

04-28-2010, 10:39 AM
Democrats and the Republicans are not to blame but Democrats, Republican and the people are to be at fault because they let it happen and the real problem and the true overpowering, irrepressible deceitful enemy is the Federal Reserve. Eliminate our central Banking and return to a private banking system. Not only will ending the Fed eliminate inflation the government cannot print more money than it has gold reserves), but also business booms and busts, wars, income inequality, trade imbalances and the growth of government. Further, and perhaps most important, it would disempower the secretive cartel of powerful money managers who exercise disproportionate influence over the conduct of policy. When the panic of 1907, in which private banking and gold standard were law the bad reputation of the nineteenth century American banking is largely the result of propaganda agitating for the creation of the Fed.

Keep this in mind that the Democrats and the Republican are all just as bad and that the minute we begin to choose a side; it separates us from focusing the truth and unity of the people but to focus what is needed to be done.

This is why I plan to vote for Ron Paul even if he was democrat or Republican because I feel he is willing to stop this corruption and he believes in this and I, and this will help a great deal for our nation.

The people need to focus on unity and staying together not to be separated and to understand the real enemy (FED) of the problem for it will only delay and split us apart like it has for the past years of government in the US.

Science and technology should be applied with human and environmental concern to secure, protect, and encourage a more humane world for all people. The Politician, who only know two things and that is making laws and war.

Democracy never really existed if you look back in history and today and if you really believe that democracy exist, then you may have to think it through again.

04-28-2010, 02:25 PM
Keep this in mind that the Democrats and the Republican are all just as bad and that the minute we begin to choose a side; it separates us from focusing the truth and unity of the people but to focus what is needed to be done.

quoted for truth :thumbs:

I've been saying this for years!