View Full Version : SSSE - Alias Confessions!!

05-10-2010, 07:38 PM
With the new game out (SSHD:TSE), it’s time to confess my alias’s for SSSE as I no longer play that cheat infested game!!

This post would have mattered if posted years ago when many were still playing. Now not many care, but nonetheless it’s time to reveal it all and leave it here in the achieves for others to see:

In no particular order:

Gods – Herc

CF – WeaponX

KOA - Riddick

MERC – Sid Vicious

DOA –Rustinator (shared account with Nitro)

SPWA - Gambit

Campers - Titanium

Limited Edition – Stone Cold, Titanium

XSW- Doc Bonez, Eutheronmius

AOX – ‘Faker’ (They thought I was FASTway lol!!)

GGAM – Don’t recall the name I used- (FASTway was in this clan with Alexis, Julia, Nano, Nitro)!

Mobsters – Don’t remember the name I used!!!

TheSmokingGunz – Don’t remember the name I usedl!!

Assassins – Me and my brother only…but there was another similar clan using the same name…maybe Nitro’s clan lol!!

Agents –Can’t remember the name I used as this clan was started with me and Strider for 2 weeks!!

EMPIRE – Stealth (There is a new Empire clan right now that has nothing to do with the old EMPIRE)

CE - Stealth

A51 - Havoc

Northern Threat – Wolverine (4 member clan with Dangerous Dan, FASTway & my brother who played as Maverick)

Saints/LE - Stone Cold- (I took over this name and used it since my brother stopped playing the game)

Along with other popular/famous names which I can’t recall right now as it’s been so long lol!!!

Yes, I was an alias abuser!! But had no intentions of causing any harm to any anyone as this was all done for fun and entertainment, bringing life into an old game!!!

And for the record, I never used any cheats as I earned my way to the top of many best player’s list by training hard and playing a lot. It’s only because of the rise in online cheating that I left SSSE!!

There you have it!!


05-10-2010, 08:08 PM
DOA –Rustinator (shared account with Nitro)

Being Rustinator (well, sharing at least) made me appreciate how dedicated Sasquatch was to building and growing the DOA clan and I saw that he was truly a very very good person.

AOX – ‘Faker’ (They thought I was FASTway lol!!)

Haha yes, but that was mostly AI that thought that and since I never knew Fastway, I didn't really have an opinion one way of another. Btw! check out our old AOX forums (http://theunderground.short.be/)

MERC – Sid Vicious

I believe we shared this account as well, but I rarely played wit that name (perhaps twice?)

GGAM – Don’t recall the name I used- (FASTway was in this clan with Alexis, Julia, Nano, Nitro)!

Julia! I totally forgot her name. Thanks for reminding me :)

Assassins – Me and my brother only…but there was another similar clan using the same name…maybe Nitro’s clan lol!!

That was me that created The Assassins clan in late 2003 (my pre-XSW creation) and I didn't realize there was another clan with the same name until you told me a few years later haha. It was me and Monster Crab, also a duo like yourself :)

Yes, I was an alias abuser!! But had no intentions of causing any harm to any anyone as this was all done for fun and entertainment, bringing life into an old game!!!

Exactly! But we already discussed this ages ago, it's just my hope that others are so understanding that it was all good fun with no malicious intent involved whatsoever :)

05-10-2010, 08:20 PM
now im confused.. when i played stonecold a few years ago.. was that really him or was that you? :P

i also remember gambit .. good old times :D

05-10-2010, 08:24 PM
now im confused.. when i played stonecold a few years ago.. was that really him or was that you? :P

i also remember gambit .. good old times :D

Good times indeed Phantom :cool:

That StoneCold you played was me :D :P

@Nitro: If I missed out something, go ahead and post it bro :)

05-10-2010, 08:30 PM
That StoneCold you played was me :D :P

lol then i guess i never played nor talked to the real stonecold? :P

right now im not even sure if you even have a brother that used that name lol

05-10-2010, 08:32 PM
lol then i guess i never played nor talked to the real stonecold? :P

right now im not even sure if you even have a brother that used that name lol

there was, Nitro played him and so did Chyliniak :)

05-10-2010, 08:38 PM
As for me? Hmm, let me try to remember.

Villains (Nitrostatic, Eternal Knight)
The Assassins (Static Fusion)
XSW (Nitrostatic)
Campers (Ecstasy, Nitrostatic)
AOX (Slay3r)
Limited Edition (Nitrostatic)
MCCF (Thunderbird)
MERC (Warmachine)
Negatives (Snuggles)
SF ($peed)
AWS (Nitrostatic)
POLAND (Paul Hotti)
ZoMBiE (Redneck Zombie)

I'm probably missing some and if I remember things relating to me or you Titanium, I'll bring them up.
I'll be happy to take any questions regarding these or other things :)

05-10-2010, 08:43 PM
As for me? Hmm, let me try to remember.

Villains (Nitrostatic, Eternal Knight)
The Assassins (Static Fusion)
XSW (Nitrostatic)
Campers (Ecstasy, Nitrostatic)
AOX (Slay3r)
Limited Edition (Nitrostatic)
MCCF (Thunderbird)
MERC (Warmachine)
Negatives (Snuggles)
SF ($peed)
AWS (Nitrostatic)
POLAND (Paul Hotti)
ZoMBiE (Redneck Zombie)

I'm probably missing some and if I remember things relating to me or you Titanium, I'll bring them up.
I'll be happy to take any questions regarding these or other things :)

I think there were more u used!! but i can't recall them right now lol!!

AOX Slay3r - I first thought that was AI lol!! But later found out it was u :)

$peed was really you? i thought it was the guy who played First Encounter!! u had me fooled here :P

never heard of or seen Negatives!!

05-10-2010, 08:54 PM
haha well let me explain! $peed was in fact, an FE legend and that was not me. In fact, that $peed actually joined my clan XSW some years down the road and we had some great times. He let me use his old SF captain tag with his $peed alias in SE though, so I used it from time to time with an invisible skin that just had the eyeballs because it looks so funny ^.^

Negatives was a clan me and AI made in which we only got negative scores. We tried to see how low we could go!


05-10-2010, 09:15 PM
wow didn't know titanium and stone cold'r bros
so titanium get ur bro back to play !:P as far as I know he should still be in le ?!

so my alias list:


~ Godlike (there's a new noob ghosty who now is "ab"using that name)
~ Hazard ( yes one of my nicks I had before Quiet Storm used to have it)
~ Nightwish
~ Blue Moon

LE nicks

~ Scream
~ Neo
~ Trinity
~ Sexoholic
~ Cold Pray

Asian Invasian
05-10-2010, 09:27 PM
I am

Outlaws The Machine
Limited Edition Asian Invasion
MERC Ephemerion
Saints The Bone Collector
MERC Dark Leviathan


I was alexis


05-10-2010, 09:31 PM
I think there were more u used!! but i can't recall them right now lol!!

i also think there are way more names nitro used :P

i heard rumors that he also used the names alexis and falcaster .. but i dont think they are true.. or are they? :P

05-10-2010, 09:44 PM
I am

Outlaws The Machine
Limited Edition Asian Invasion
MERC Ephemerion
Saints The Bone Collector
MERC Dark Leviathan



05-10-2010, 10:04 PM
MERC – Sid Vicious
I believe we shared this account as well, but I rarely played wit that name (perhaps twice?)

Yes we did share this account :P

haha well let me explain! $peed was in fact, an FE legend and that was not me. In fact, that $peed actually joined my clan XSW some years down the road and we had some great times. He let me use his old SF captain tag with his $peed alias in SE though, so I used it from time to time with an invisible skin that just had the eyeballs because it looks so funny ^.^

Negatives was a clan me and AI made in which we only got negative scores. We tried to see how low we could go!

Well that explains it with regards to $peed!!

With the invisible skin model, I'm assuming others will see it as the normal Sam Model when they play you, correct?

I remember some guys joining in a few games just to commit suicide and get scores like -30, -40, etc...what a waste of life :P

wow didn't know titanium and stone cold'r bros
so titanium get ur bro back to play !:P as far as I know he should still be in le ?!

so my alias list:


~ Godlike (there's a new noob ghosty who now is "ab"using that name)
~ Hazard ( yes one of my nicks I had before Quiet Storm used to have it)
~ Nightwish
~ Blue Moon

LE nicks

~ Scream
~ Neo
~ Trinity
~ Sexoholic
~ Cold Pray

My bro retired and no longer plays Serious Sam!!! I took over the name and had fun with it hehe :)

I remember a 'Godlike' player but that's some noob like you say!!! Also yes Quiet Storm used Hazard!!

Did you know there is a Merc Phoenix?

I think i did play or observed Nightwish in the gamezone shotty servers...pretty good player :)

I am

Outlaws The Machine
Limited Edition Asian Invasion
MERC Ephemerion
Saints The Bone Collector
MERC Dark Leviathan



I was:



i also think there are way more names nitro used :P

i heard rumors that he also used the names alexis and falcaster .. but i dont think they are true.. or are they? :P

Yes he did play as Alexis but he's not the real Alexis!! I played with Alexis, Nitro, AI in the same game :)

05-10-2010, 11:51 PM
With the invisible skin model, I'm assuming others will see it as the normal Sam Model when they play you, correct?

Yea, only those people who have the skin installed can see the invisible eyeball man, hence no advantage for moi ;)

I remember some guys joining in a few games just to commit suicide and get scores like -30, -40, etc...what a waste of life :P

haha perhaps but we had a good time doing it so why should it matter if we're enjoying ourselves by winning the game or losing terribly? i dont think there's a difference in the end :)

My bro retired and no longer plays Serious Sam!!! I took over the name and had fun with it hehe :)

How about your cousin?

Yes he did play as Alexis but he's not the real Alexis!! I played with Alexis, Nitro, AI in the same game :)
Thank you! For everyone out there, Titanium knows the deal and my silly antics so please believe him mmkay? :)

I have loads of screens with me and alexis and ai so don't think i forgot GM's banning of me for a very long time for their belief that i was alexis! you guys took a joke too seriously ;)

To Phantom: Yes, I used many other nicknames but this thread is about what clans you were playing in under different names, as to give people an "a ha!" moment when they hear that someone who they thought was someone else turns out to be quite someone else! Now that I think about it though, I played under an SPWA name but I dont remmeber what it was. Also, Fakie or AI also played as another SPWA player (we made them of, naturally), so maybe AI can refresh my memory ^^

05-11-2010, 03:59 AM

With regards to you being banned, I would have told them the truth that you and Alexis are two different people as in those days I had screenshots, demos... but I wasn't around then...sorry bro :(


who played as VoODoOo or something similar to that name in green colors?

was that buzzkill? and if so, who really is buzzkill?

also who is Aztec warrior?

05-11-2010, 04:26 AM
Thanks man, I know you would have :)

I don't have the answers to those to but from what I remember, Buzzkill wasn't really a distinguished player per se but he was incredibly good with the chaingun.

Never heard of Aztec Warrior.

05-11-2010, 06:00 PM
I was MERC W0rk3r :P

05-11-2010, 07:39 PM
I regret so much using alias all the time..I could change every game :(

result is that noone remembers playing me...

I was

saints the crimson centurion

DOA Nick

LE Nick

a lot of star wars alias..
(-o-) - - - - -
mr white
and so many I dont remember

05-11-2010, 09:05 PM
I regret so much using alias all the time..I could change every game :(

result is that noone remembers playing me...

I was

saints the crimson centurion

DOA Nick

LE Nick

a lot of star wars alias..
(-o-) - - - - -
mr white
and so many I dont remember

Yea this is so true. I feel the same way about Nano :(

Asian Invasian
05-11-2010, 09:14 PM
Yea, only those people who have the skin installed can see the invisible eyeball man, hence no advantage for moi ;)

haha perhaps but we had a good time doing it so why should it matter if we're enjoying ourselves by winning the game or losing terribly? i dont think there's a difference in the end :)

How about your cousin?

Thank you! For everyone out there, Titanium knows the deal and my silly antics so please believe him mmkay? :)

I have loads of screens with me and alexis and ai so don't think i forgot GM's banning of me for a very long time for their belief that i was alexis! you guys took a joke too seriously ;)

To Phantom: Yes, I used many other nicknames but this thread is about what clans you were playing in under different names, as to give people an "a ha!" moment when they hear that someone who they thought was someone else turns out to be quite someone else! Now that I think about it though, I played under an SPWA name but I dont remmeber what it was. Also, Fakie or AI also played as another SPWA player (we made them of, naturally), so maybe AI can refresh my memory ^^

I don't remember, I had too many.. :P

Asian Invasian
05-11-2010, 09:15 PM
Yea this is so true. I feel the same way about Nano :(
yea, good old nano..

05-11-2010, 09:52 PM
I have no aliases. I always had "Suicidal" in it (except when I was Bob, but everyone knew that for that one evening)

05-12-2010, 12:38 AM
I don't remember, I had too many.. :P

Does SPWA Mobstyler ring a bell? :D

05-12-2010, 03:10 AM
I have no aliases. I always had "Suicidal" in it (except when I was Bob, but everyone knew that for that one evening)

you remind me of Merkwannabe sometimes :P

Asian Invasian
05-12-2010, 06:50 AM
Does SPWA Mobstyler ring a bell? :D
not at all haha

05-12-2010, 11:56 AM
this thread brings back a lot of memories.. nano was a great player, one of the fastest fraggers ive seen

Asian Invasian
05-12-2010, 03:21 PM
this thread brings back a lot of memories.. nano was a great player, one of the fastest fraggers ive seen
Yea I remember having competitions with him to see who could actually get the best time getting 36 frags and not worrying about deaths at all. He was pretty damn good. I remember getting doing levels in around 2 minutes to 36 frags.

05-12-2010, 04:27 PM
not at all haha

haha well then I guess that was Fakie. s'alll good

05-12-2010, 04:31 PM
I played with tons of aliases. Not sure why. I suppose it is because I have had difficulty bonding with people since I was a child....

LOL Not!

Really though sam community was always small and always a lot of drama. I never cared for the chat or the drama. I like to get in, play, leave, come back, whatever.

Some playing styles I have liked, others not so much. Annoying were the 3rd person corner campers. Others get their high scores by spawn raping and abusing powerups. Add to that the glow hacks and the game died.

Pretty much the way I figure is if someone is spending some time helping you be able to play the game you love, you should thank them instead of using the lowest and cheapest tactics possible.

Anyway looks like they have removed a lot of the powerups from SE:HD, cannons also. Still a really small market though.