View Full Version : My Latest Thing

05-13-2010, 12:12 AM
So I've really started to focus on trying to get back in shape and losing some excess weight I've picked up.

I've started really getting back into riding a bicycle.

I'm doing about 10 miles a day which isn't much but it's a start. And I'm commuting to work by bike at least once a week for now which is 20 miles round trip.

I will say that I finally bought a decent "bike store" bicycle and holy crap! The difference between that and cheap mass-market stores is amazing. I didn't spend a fortune (compared to what most quality bikes cost) - about 500 bucks fully decked out.

It rides great though and I like things like the little computer that tells me how fast I'm going and seperate trip and total odometers and crap like that. Heh.

Here's a pic of the thing with all the lights and stuff ready to ride to work (Cause it's still dark when I leave).

One thing I really do like is that I had to get the rear pack for being able to carry a change of clothes to work, but in the evenings when I ride the parks and trails for fun I can take my camera gear with me.

It's got full front suspension and rear seat-post suspension. 21 speed and nice fat semi-slick tires for good speed on pavement and enough tread to deal with hard-pack trails alright.


05-13-2010, 04:20 AM
Way to go! I'm an avid cyclist, did my first 100k ride a few weeks back. It's not only good exercise, it can clear the mind :thumbs:

Good luck!
Smart move buying a decent bike from a local shop instead of from Dicks or Sports Authority

Some sites to watch if you start to get addicted



the deals last until they're sold out, so check frequently. You can get some great deals!

Die Hard
05-13-2010, 09:25 AM
I'm doing about 10 miles a day which isn't much but it's a start. *clears throat* That would kill me, seriously. Well done man I'm very impressed!

I like the look o those semi slick tyres too ;)

05-13-2010, 11:58 AM
Good decision! Looks like a nice bike, I like the 'change of clothes' carrier bag and looks like you have a decent lock too (always important)

OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
05-13-2010, 02:54 PM
Congrats on the new bike, love it! And pats on the back to losing weight and getting healthy. I can't imagine riding 20 miles on a bike though. About all I can manage on mine is a ride around the park or neighborhood a couple times and after that my pelvic bone just can't take it any longer. I am so proud of you! Be safe and wear your reflective clothing and helmet. I know there are some crazy drivers out there, but I don't know how many times that I have been driving my car at night and somebody's riding there bike in dark clothing with no lights or anything. We don't want ya getting hit by a car!

05-13-2010, 03:24 PM
I like the ride bud but i'd have to figure out a way to mount my desk chair on there, those narrow seats hurt my ass. :o

05-13-2010, 04:46 PM
Do they have any internetted bikes? :D

05-13-2010, 10:44 PM
I like the ride bud but i'd have to figure out a way to mount my desk chair on there, those narrow seats hurt my ass. :o

Who are you kidding? We all know you like the seat off :D

05-13-2010, 11:35 PM
Damnit you were not supposed to tell anyone, I guess i'll have to post the video of you on yours when you were showing how to do it. :P

05-14-2010, 12:29 AM
It's funny you say that. I actually have a big giant fat-arsed seat that I had on there at first. But after a while it actually gets a little uncomfortable.

Basically at least for me - I want something slightly narrower so that my legs aren't scraping the sides when I'm pedalling up and down. Not sure if that really makes sense what I'm trying to get across.

But yeah, I was surprised that I wanted to go with that brown seat in the pic instead of my big giant seat.

05-14-2010, 03:12 AM
I bought a nice mountain bike a few years ago and had the kid seat put onto it so I could ride Jenna around. She grew like a weed and don't fit on it any more. I should probably get my ass on the bike again but it seems there is just not enough time in the day.

05-14-2010, 04:52 AM
My bike!

Oh I have to pedal some times, to move it around to try to get a stop light to change..........dammit!

Sorry, just had to hehe :D

05-14-2010, 10:35 AM
My bike!

Oh I have to pedal some times, to move it around to try to get a stop light to change..........dammit!

Sorry, just had to hehe :D

I hear yah Grim, if it doesn't have a big motor and a wide seat I ain't riding it.
Nice bike Bingo, that's a good way to exercise. Wife and I tried that for a while but my skinny butt (shut up Bigg) and those seats just don't get along.
Keep it up!:thumbs:

Death Engineer
05-14-2010, 08:01 PM
Kudos on getting some exercise man. I've recently taken up running again and am up to about 10 mi / wk. Between that and BodyPump at the Y, I'm getting more exercise than I have in years!

05-27-2010, 12:22 AM
Did my longest continuous ride to date tonight. 16.2 miles in 1:21:35. Works out to a 12mph pace. Not too bad, but I really want to get it up to a 15mph pace!

05-27-2010, 02:59 AM
I once did 100 miles, oh, a long time ago. Took all day. I was proud, but I read about some of the tour racers and calculated they averaged 35 MPH. Man, if I hit 35 MPH it was going down hill with the wind on my back, and a scary ass ride at that.... :D

05-27-2010, 09:41 PM
No kidding!!! I average around 15-16mph or so right now, up to 20 if I get a good downhill start but that's really pushing it and I can't keep it up.

05-28-2010, 04:35 PM
We used to have 3 wheeled bikes at work, with a basket in the back for our tools, since out building is so big, and we often had to make trips next door looking for parts, ect. They since took them away, cause salary people can't watch where they are walking and seem to walk out in front of people on bikes, so the company took them all away and crushed them....assholes!

05-31-2010, 03:31 AM
Lovely bike, Bingo! [caresses the image] Well done! Me, I just loooooove cycling; back in the day I'd regularly ride a couple of hundred K a week, and was so nuts about it I went and blew not only $6000.00+ for an airfoil Trek bike, but also an additional $3000.00 for a "backup" ride. Then there was all those accessories... oh, and the snappy clothing (really, for once I am not kidding - very much obsessed).

The bikes are in storage these days. Too expensive to ride. Threat of wind damage and all that. If I ever get testicular cancer, I'll get back into it and maybe write an inspiring book...

Death Engineer
06-01-2010, 02:05 AM
There was an Arthur about that once. Arthur had saved up for a really nice bike, but he didn't want to ride it for fear of messing it up. Moral of the story was that bikes were made for ridin' homie. Take it from Arthur. ;) Get that bike out of storage and put some miles on those tires if they aren't melted or dried out by now!

PS. I'm also an expert on Dinosaur Train and Elmo. RAWR scary Merc ... with kids now! :thumbs:

06-01-2010, 02:48 AM
Thanks guys. Just hit another goal today as a matter of fact - my first continuous 20 mile ride. Managed it in 1 hour, 28 minutes for a pace of about 13.6 mph. Not blazing by any means but also not bad for a fat guy on a cruiser-style hybrid mountain bike!

I also made a rack for my pickup truck today. I'll have to post pictures later. Right now I'm going to go slip into a coma and try to forget about how sore my arse is. :P

06-06-2010, 01:20 PM
Did my longest ride today though I didn't extend it by much - I did 23.1 miles today.

HOWEVER, it was also about a billion degrees today and ridiculous humidity here in Clearwater, Fl. Ok, it was only in the mid-90's but it damn sure felt like a billion by the time I was coming home. I rode the Pinellas Trail all the way down to St Pete. The killer for me was the 7 flyover bridges going over various roads.

Let me tell you - on the way back the 13th and 14th climbs were just murder. Plus I only brought 1 24oz bottle of water with me. I'm realizing I need to bring 2 of them for a long ride on a very hot muggy day like today.

A couple of pics here. The first one is a guy coming down off one of the bridges on a Unicycle.. and yes he's going BACKWARDS. It was hilarious.

Second pic is fairly crappy, but right as I was coming across one of the Bays I spotted this dolphin lazily chasing down some fishies. Always a cool sight for me to see them.

06-06-2010, 02:35 PM
you need one of those camelback waterpacks bro.... :)

06-08-2010, 12:28 PM
Well I surely agree on that one!!!

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