View Full Version : New things

05-24-2010, 04:40 AM
There are a bunch of new things on the forums, that I can't list them all. As I am trying to get everything back and to make it better, I am having to install some things as well (mostly updating mods so they work with V4 of the forums). I will try to keep this list up to date of some new features that might interest you.

[-]-new version of the shout box, as well as it has more options[/-]
-installed a different chatbox, one that you can adjust the size of the font, for easier viewing
-some new BBcode
---> highlighted code it's the http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/images/borgs_bbcode/hl.gif image when you are typing a post in advanced mode, in pop up box, type in the color you want mmm green!!
---> [-]strike through[/-] use the http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/images/borgs_bbcode/strikethrough.gif button, or you can use (-) text (/-) code, just replace ( ) with [ ] (funny, this is so I can keep notes and cross stuff off my to do list, that's where the custom BBcode all came from
---> added youtube bbcode, you can type (youtube)theurl extension, such as EtGQgSY9Nn4 (/youtube) and your vid will appear right in your post; replace ( ) with [ ]

There is a new skin for your using, that's must easier on the eyes. You can select this in the lower left hand corner of the forums, in the dropdown menu, select Dakrness 6.4 or click here (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/profile.php?do=editoptions) and near the bottom, at Forum skin, you can select your choice as well

Another skin has been added, Dark Green. This is much easier on the eyes, and fixes a few issues with the color selection on the chatbox, that's an issue on the darkness skin

-Fixed an issue with the format of the first post of a thread where it wouldn't stretch to the edge of the page, but after the first post, it would.

-added some forum stats, at the bottom of the forums

-added "My Mood" mod, editable from the nav bar above

-added Tapatalk support for mobile devices -> www.tapatalk.com

Again, this is just a start and I will try to update it as things are added. Of course there are a ton of new features from V4 of the forum software (some are disabled till things are straightened out).

If you know of something that you would like added or see, please post them and will see what can be done.

He Is Legend
05-24-2010, 04:46 AM
The new shiz is awesome!

05-24-2010, 09:28 AM
Again I say, Grimmy is absolutely The Man!

05-24-2010, 02:28 PM
How do I go about changing the style/theme/whatever it's called of the forum. This one...hurts my eyes.

More specifically, is there one that's the same as the old one, or similar, and if so, what is it called? Thanks :)

05-24-2010, 04:22 PM
How do I go about changing the style/theme/whatever it's called of the forum. This one...hurts my eyes.

More specifically, is there one that's the same as the old one, or similar, and if so, what is it called? Thanks :)

Bob, you can't. During the upgrade from version 3 to version 4, we lost pretty much everything, cause it wouldn't convert. I wanted to keep atleast one of them, but when I looked at it, it looked like someone threw it in a blender and stuff was all over the place. Maybe when I get home tonight, I will look for something that is easier on the eyes for a temp solution. There are a few out there but the ones I looked at didn't sit well with me, I didn't like how they looked. Feel free to browse here (http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=247) and if you find something you like, post the link to it and I will see what I can do, or atleast add it to my to do list.

I found one that is easier on the eyes. I will try to get it loaded tonight, as I put it high on my to do list. ;)

He Is Legend
05-24-2010, 11:56 PM
You should grab a handful of them so we could have choices on what looks the best


^that one is pretty sick

05-25-2010, 05:40 AM
Done, just added that one tonight. I know the logo is borked, but I am trying to get someone that's better with that stuff to work on it ;) I'm open to some different designs, make one and it might get used ;)

You should grab a handful of them so we could have choices on what looks the best


^that one is pretty sick

05-25-2010, 08:15 PM
forum skin: darkness 6.4 looks the best so far!!!

05-26-2010, 12:32 AM
Awesome work Grimmy :)

05-26-2010, 05:25 AM
Bump for another skin added, Dark Green is the name of it. Check it out and let me know what you think.

05-26-2010, 01:50 PM
Thanks for throwing up some options, Grimmy! I like the Darkness one :thumbs:

05-26-2010, 10:18 PM
I adore the upgrade! Thanks to whoever make it happen. I am loving the new default skin too.

05-27-2010, 05:07 AM
That one will not work with this version of the forums, that is for v3.8. I did find another one, but it's not just for steam, it's for like wii, xbox, ect. but it's a little more involved on installing. I have it on my todo list and will get to it when I get time.

hows about the steam addon ? http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=207129

06-02-2010, 06:50 AM
I've added some forum stats for your viewing. You can change them as you wish to suit your desires. Also added a mood mod, there's a ton of selection to pick from. You can change your mood in the nav bar. Enjoy!

06-04-2010, 06:06 AM
Wonderful job and thank you

06-05-2010, 09:49 AM
Darkness option is the best.

06-09-2010, 04:29 PM
I've installed support for tapatalk (www.tapatalk.com) which is an app for mobile devices that allow you to view new posts or old posts without all the graphic stuff having to load on your phone. I've been playing around with it the past few days and it's a quick way to see what's going on. I don't have the paid app, but in the paid version you can reply to posts and a few other things. Check out their website for more info. There is a free version that you can use as well to try out.