View Full Version : Just curious

05-25-2010, 06:49 AM
Reading the news, I am wondering what you Europeans feel about everything considering the Euro has been dropping and what seems all over from what I read things are a mess as bad as they are here in the states? Do any of you feel any impact and what is it that causing this mess? It always worries me when I see Gold continuing to rise. Something just don't seem right and the news is so F'd up no matter where you go.

05-25-2010, 11:32 AM
I dunno about that, but I like the mustang in your avatar pic!

05-25-2010, 03:06 PM
Better pics on my fb.

05-26-2010, 09:08 PM
Very short summarisation:


Anywayz, since letting Greece go broke means zero trust in the Euro (result: economy crisis) other countries gave them some huge loans including the IMF (not expecting the money back though). Now it wouldn't be such a big problem if it was only Greece. Spain, Portugal and (if I'm not wrong) Italy are also approaching the edge and so about 700 billion Euro have been saved as a safety-net holding the Euro (a bit) up.

Since quiting on the Euro is not an option I think they now gonna speed up some things to get a central European Government with true power to put sanctions on countries going above the 3% budget decifit what causes the problem in the first place.

I'm personally not happy with that since the European Parlement is looking more and more like a club of elites deciding what's "good" for you.

http://www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/850961/9d975680/nigel_farage_sloopt_eu_president_herman_van_rompuy .html I like this guy a lot :)