View Full Version : Hullo All!

Caged Anger
05-30-2010, 11:54 PM
Been a bit, thought I'd drop in (still blinking from the first sight of the forum...ouch)

Let's see, whats been doin....I graduated as of May 22nd from Fitchburg State College with a B.S. in Computer Information Studies and a minor in Leadership Studies (4 year plan). I am continuing on to get my Master's of Business Administration here at the same place while working part-time as a Help Desk Tech (it has the good chance of becoming a full time spot which would be great)

Still living on campus, still no car, and am ready for some summer sun :)
Like what you guys have done with the place, what else is going on?

05-31-2010, 07:40 PM
It sounds like things are up on top for you, that is great to hear.

Die Hard
05-31-2010, 11:23 PM
Hi Caged, sounds like you are doing well. Good to hear from you :wave: