View Full Version : Another Woot-Off

06-24-2010, 11:15 AM
It's come around again, another Woot-Off.

Will anything good come up? Possibly not, but maybe so!

On a random note, I was moving my desk a couple of days ago and I found out my nice 24" LCD Monitor that I got a few Woot-Offs ago will in fact survive a fall off the back of my desk. Man you should have heard me cussing when that thing fell off!



06-24-2010, 08:51 PM
*sob*. I had it. I had it in my cart. Everything was golden, and just when I was about to click "Buy it", I realized my Billing Address was old. By the time I updated it...they were gone. I should have just winged it w/ the wrong one and hoped for the best :*(

06-24-2010, 11:25 PM
how long does it take the buckets of crap to sell out?

06-24-2010, 11:36 PM
Scored the @-@ shirt.

06-25-2010, 12:36 AM
how long does it take the buckets of crap to sell out?

Less than a minute. The biggest hurdle to getting one is actually having your browser requests be lucky enough to be one of the ones to get through. Far more people all try to buy them within the first few seconds of them going up. Then it's about a minute for all the transactions to process.

06-25-2010, 12:37 AM
Getting my Bucket List out and crossing off #32 :)

Woo Hoo! Congrats!! Here's hoping it's good crap!

06-25-2010, 12:37 AM
*sob*. I had it. I had it in my cart. Everything was golden, and just when I was about to click "Buy it", I realized my Billing Address was old. By the time I updated it...they were gone. I should have just winged it w/ the wrong one and hoped for the best :*(

lol. I've had something similar happen - though in my case it was having the wrong CVC code in. Today's happened to hit while I was driving home from work so I didn't even get to give it a go!

06-25-2010, 01:06 PM
For those that don't know for next time, that mywoot.net is incredible. Just make sure your audio is on, and load mywoot.net and leave it sitting there - it refreshes regularly and alerts you when the auction changes. Regular items have a rooster noise, but sirens go off when the BoC loads.

07-04-2010, 07:37 AM
well, it would have sucked worse if it was december.... :)

07-04-2010, 03:49 PM
Thats a super bag of crap.

07-07-2010, 10:18 PM
Acouple of days ago they a a shirt deal going. $6.66 each. Shirt bag o crap. I was in for 3 with 5 bucks shipping. I got the following:


07-08-2010, 10:55 PM
It was random. No idea what I was gonna get. I'm pretty happy with them.

07-12-2010, 08:53 PM
Ok, so I get it...it's a box of crap...I'm not supposed to complain. But really? Two duplicate items?

Oh well, the excitement of getting the deal and the screaming monkey were worth it, I may even use the accessory holder for a small camera I use on backpackers.....and the other items? I have a white elephant gift exchange every year - I think I'm set :)

Pictured items from the Box o Crap:

(2) High School Musical Alarm Clocks
(1) Screaming Monkey
(1) Pirates of the Caribbean accessory holder
(2) 2010 Desktop Calendars both = Justin & Dave's "Would you Rather?"

July 3/4 Would you Rather: Would you rather be a Super Villain called, "The Pharmacist" or "The God of Upholstery"?

That's great! Heh. Yeah, the bags of crap usually are crap! I've also gotten the alarm clocks. The screaming monkey is always great for goofing around with. The calendars, meh. Use 'em at work or something.

Still, congrats on getting one. 9 times out of 10 the excitement to get one and then waiting on it is worth far more than the crap you get!

07-12-2010, 08:53 PM
Acouple of days ago they a a shirt deal going. $6.66 each. Shirt bag o crap. I was in for 3 with 5 bucks shipping. I got the following:


Nice set of shirts. I especially like the turtle with the minigun on it's back. lol