View Full Version : First-Ever Photo Of Alien Planet Finally Confirmed (PICTURE)

07-05-2010, 07:58 PM
It's been confirm now.



Anyway this is awesome news for me because i follow up a lot on science exploration etc.

Check it out and if you have the time; read it.


07-09-2010, 09:31 PM
That's pretty cool. A lot of that article went over my head, but it is cool. Today, discovery of a planet. Tomorrow - VISITORS!!

07-11-2010, 03:50 PM
That's pretty cool. A lot of that article went over my head, but it is cool. Today, discovery of a planet. Tomorrow - VISITORS!!

I'm pretty sure having "visitors" wouldn't go well. They would be incredibly more advanced than we are. That's going to sit well with about 1% of the Earth's population. The rest are gonna go ballistic on an epic scale. And that's just assuming the "visitors" are friendly.

07-12-2010, 02:44 AM
I'm pretty sure having "visitors" wouldn't go well. They would be incredibly more advanced than we are. That's going to sit well with about 1% of the Earth's population. The rest are gonna go ballistic on an epic scale. And that's just assuming the "visitors" are friendly.

why does everyone assume other races are more advanced then we are? isnt it just as likely that they're less advanced then we are?

07-12-2010, 06:05 AM

07-12-2010, 06:51 PM
I talked to an Alien the other night at Taco Bell, it (they are hermaphrodites in case you didn't know) told me that their planet is too crowded and they need Earth by the year 2030 and since we are screwing Earth up at such a fast rate that they are not going to invade via force, they will just wait until we kill each other and then move right in since pollution is what they need to survive.

BTW They are not fans of Obama either.

Die Hard
07-13-2010, 11:57 AM
why does everyone assume other races are more advanced then we are? isnt it just as likely that they're less advanced then we are?Because in order to simply get here (Earth) they will have to be more advanced than us.

07-15-2010, 12:13 AM
It's most likely the case that 90% or so are less evolved than us, given how easy it is for life to become extinct, as can be seen in our own planet's fossil records. The remaining small percentage is for those lucky ones that survived any calamities that may have been, be they self-created or natural processes in the universe. In any case, we would have known by now if any off-planet races had hostile intentions or not so I don't think there's any need for worry.

First of all, I cut out the last part of your post because it had nothing to do with this thread.

Second of all, let's do some math, shall we? (Source) (http://www.universetoday.com/guide-to-space/galaxies/how-many-galaxies-in-the-universe/)

There are between 100-500 billion galaxies in the universe. I'll choose a conservative number and say 100 billion. Our galaxy is certainly not the biggest, but I'll use that as a reference and again take the conservative star count - 200 billion stars in our galaxy. That's 20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in the universe. I dunno what to call that except 20 craptillion stars.

Some stars are dying, some are forming, so let's say that only 0.01% could support life if they had planets orbiting them. Now we're down to 2,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars that can support life. I dunno what to call that either, but whatever.

Just for kicks, let's say only 0.01% of stars that are left that could support life even have planets to support life on. I think most stars end up with planets as a natural part of their formation, but let's say they don't. That only leaves 200,000,000,000,000 that both have planets in their solar system and are the right type of star to support life as we know it. 200 quadrillion stars. I knew that one!

Now, let's say life formation is very rare. Let's say there's a million-in-one chance that a life-friendly star, with planets, would ever produce a planet in it's solar system where life evolved. That takes us all the way down to 200,000,000 planets on which life has evolved. 200 million planets with life forms of some sort.

Lets say 0.01% of planets with life forms have life forms that have evolved into sentient beings and have survived the ordeal. That's 20,000 planets with intelligent life forms. Some societies much older than ours, and some much younger.

And finally, let's say 0.01% of those planets have a highly evolved civilization that has developed the means to transverse time and space and visit other planets that also harbor intelligent life forms. Based on our own history here on Earth, technology has evolved in great part because of the military applications. That leaves two planets that can invade us.

Unless these two alien civilizations destroy each other in an attempt to rule the universe ...

We're screwed.

07-15-2010, 12:23 AM
Oh, um, I think my point was that the chances of there NOT being other intelligent life in the universe is infinitesimal. Ignore the impending invasion part. Everything is fine. Really.

07-15-2010, 02:29 AM
First of all, I cut out the last part of your post because it had nothing to do with this thread.

Second of all, let's do some math, shall we? (Source) (http://www.universetoday.com/guide-to-space/galaxies/how-many-galaxies-in-the-universe/)

There are between 100-500 billion galaxies in the universe. I'll choose a conservative number and say 100 billion. Our galaxy is certainly not the biggest, but I'll use that as a reference and again take the conservative star count - 200 billion stars in our galaxy. That's 20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in the universe. I dunno what to call that except 20 craptillion stars.

Some stars are dying, some are forming, so let's say that only 0.01% could support life if they had planets orbiting them. Now we're down to 2,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars that can support life. I dunno what to call that either, but whatever.

Just for kicks, let's say only 0.01% of stars that are left that could support life even have planets to support life on. I think most stars end up with planets as a natural part of their formation, but let's say they don't. That only leaves 200,000,000,000,000 that both have planets in their solar system and are the right type of star to support life as we know it. 200 quadrillion stars. I knew that one!

Now, let's say life formation is very rare. Let's say there's a million-in-one chance that a life-friendly star, with planets, would ever produce a planet in it's solar system where life evolved. That takes us all the way down to 200,000,000 planets on which life has evolved. 200 million planets with life forms of some sort.

Lets say 0.01% of planets with life forms have life forms that have evolved into sentient beings and have survived the ordeal. That's 20,000 planets with intelligent life forms. Some societies much older than ours, and some much younger.

And finally, let's say 0.01% of those planets have a highly evolved civilization that has developed the means to transverse time and space and visit other planets that also harbor intelligent life forms. Based on our own history here on Earth, technology has evolved in great part because of the military applications. That leaves two planets that can invade us.

Unless these two alien civilizations destroy each other in an attempt to rule the universe ...

We're screwed.

Sirc, that post was absolutely epic! AND hilarious!

07-15-2010, 12:17 PM
why does everyone assume other races are more advanced then we are? isnt it just as likely that they're less advanced then we are?
what makes you think we're advanced, we're destroying our only planet.....

07-15-2010, 05:41 PM

07-15-2010, 06:35 PM
nitro, the 2 planet thing is something sirc probably added, the rest has been repeated multiple times from various astronomers.

the fundamental flaw I see is that there is some distinction between life and non-life, and how life developed from non-life.

my viewpoint is that everything that exists is alive, however there are differing states of awareness and ability to interact.

for me the question is not does other life exist, so much as how can we be so oblivious to it.

Life is not so much about the development of an "intelligent" species but about the changes from one form of life to another.

In this regard trees, animals and insects can be viewed as losers vs humans. The life they represented has been absorbed by us, as we have either eaten, burned or otherwise destroyed those other forms.

so life always "is", just this world is an example of what it "is".

the same would apply if we were taken over by aliens and used as food cattle. Life would still be the case, except instead of humans being dominant it would now be the aliens.

that would suck for us, but no more so than being born a cow or a chicken.

07-15-2010, 08:46 PM
I think Sirc's point with his numbers was more to illustrate an example of how crazy rare finding life somewhere else would be.

07-15-2010, 09:27 PM
Sirc's post was great, just goes to show how if you dress up a theory with numbers and logic, it almost sounds true. I'm going to give you some theory without numbers.

This thought came to me many years ago when Jack Danials was a good friend of mine.

Many thousands of years ago a large spaceship from an planet called far far away was doing a survey of our solar system. As with all large ships garbage tends to pile up. As they were passing by the sun they discharged their garbage knowing it would burn up and therefor not turn into space litter. Unfortunately some of the garbage got stuck in the hatch and was not noticed until a little alarm went off showing the partially open hatch through which air was leaking. By this time the ship was already past Venus and almost to earth. Not knowing there was still garbage attached to the hatch the crew opened the hatch door and re closed it, this time getting a complete closure. In doing this the small amount of garbage was released into the atmosphere of Earth. Somehow a small piece of the garbage miraculously survived the intense heat of entry and landed in a small pond. From that small piece of garbage came that single cell critter that we call humans today.

07-15-2010, 11:34 PM
I can tell that some people are just itching to say the "G" word in this thread. And I suppose that's okay, since all of this is conjecture anyway. It would be a point of view that would be just as valid as any other. I liked Goober's version. :D

Jim, my definition of life is something that can procreate. A rock cannot procreate. However, the substances in that rock may combine with substances and effects within itself or the surrounding environment to evolve into something else, and that something else may further evolve. So, if I understand what you are saying, then yes, that rock could possibly literally evolve and can be considered part of the chain of life. Or maybe I missed the point entirely.

PJ, my point was that life evolving is probably "crazy rare", but the opportunities for life to evolve are literally astronomical. I cannot believe that our planet is the only planet in the universe with "intelligent" life. The odds are highly against it IMHO.

Nitro, I'm surprised at the narrow and short-sighted view you are taking on this. Just because we don't know doesn't mean it ain't so dude. You seem to be mostly inclined to point out the sad state that our planet is in. That's not the point. Make another thread if that's what you want to talk about.

Anyway, my original intention was to point out the vast unknown that is our universe. I ended up getting silly towards the end. I don't really believe that there are two planets with advanced civilizations battling over who invades Earth.

Bottom line - to believe that we are the only sentient beings in the entire universe, living on our little rock, orbiting our star in a galaxy with 200 billion stars, in a universe with 100 billion galaxies...is incredibly self-centric.

Some one once said something like: "Wouldn't it be amazing if there was other life in the universe? And wouldn't it be equally amazing if there wasn't?"

07-16-2010, 12:06 AM
I can tell that some people are just itching to say the "G" word in this thread. "

We've been down that road before and while it was an interesting discussion I figured this was more about scientific theory and not religion. However I will mention this conversation to my preacher this weekend. I'd like to hear his thoughts on extra terrestrial life.

Now a long time ago I was hanging with this chick Mary, I can't remember her last name.....I think it was sounded like rain or lane or something like that. I got to thinking about the size of the universe. Now I hear tell that it just goes on and on. Like if you could travel at 1 million light years a minute you could travel for a gazillion years and never find the outer edge. Now that just made my head hurt......still does. Y'all have any theories on if there is an edge?

Edit: See what you started Sas???

07-16-2010, 02:49 AM
PJ, my point was that life evolving is probably "crazy rare", but the opportunities for life to evolve are literally astronomical. I cannot believe that our planet is the only planet in the universe with "intelligent" life. The odds are highly against it IMHO.

I agree, it would be incredibly shortsighted and arrogant to just assume that WE are the ONLY intelligent life form in the entire universe that they say is soooooo large.

07-17-2010, 01:02 AM
Another theory. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaFZTAOb7IE)

They've come and gone.

07-17-2010, 02:11 PM
Science channel has been showing the Wormhole, which talks about interesting new development in therioes and more. For those who don't have the time to read check it out it will give you a kick start.

If you are really interested to know more, I can recommend you books that I have read, and I have read a lot about this and it will make you begin to think differently. I can tell you all that we are just beginning to learn and within 10 years from now, we will have learn so much compare to the last 50 years of science.

I watch alot of leactures from many universities and of course NASA, and it's been wonderful to hear not just new developments but new theories.

This is a great time for those of us that are still around to witness what is yet to come.

I am glad to see many post on this topic and to hear what others have to say.

07-18-2010, 10:20 AM
We've been down that road before and while it was an interesting discussion I figured this was more about scientific theory and not religion. However I will mention this conversation to my preacher this weekend. I'd like to hear his thoughts on extra terrestrial life.

Now a long time ago I was hanging with this chick Mary, I can't remember her last name.....I think it was sounded like rain or lane or something like that. I got to thinking about the size of the universe. Now I hear tell that it just goes on and on. Like if you could travel at 1 million light years a minute you could travel for a gazillion years and never find the outer edge. Now that just made my head hurt......still does. Y'all have any theories on if there is an edge?

Edit: See what you started Sas???

If there is an edge? What if there was an edge, what would be on the other side of the edge Goober? I think that would be my best answer to you.

There is no end or beginning but more like for example continues to start and end and it goes on and on.

There are many theories on this by the way but one of them is, continues from the beginning and to the end and it never stops.

-----Sometime I hate using my iPad to post, especially when the connection is running like shit.------Back on my system at home-------

Wanted to also say that life with intelligence may not be 500 or 5000 light years from earth, but keep this in mind time travel and parallel universe, which is another
twist to this topic but I may just leave it as it is for now. hehehehe

07-20-2010, 05:55 AM