View Full Version : We need to deport these idiots

07-07-2010, 08:17 PM
We need to deport idiots like these. It's scary that they are having sex with other idiots that can't even answer basic questions about this country's past and look like they don't care .... this is how we have ended up with the idiots we currently have in charge of this country. Hell one of them even teaches at a college. :/


07-08-2010, 12:23 AM

We can't even deport illegals.

07-08-2010, 03:28 AM

Die Hard
07-08-2010, 11:41 PM
My experience is different. ive been stateside a hundred times and even lived there for a while.

I found its not unusual for people to have even a passport, plenty of folks i have met have not even been out of their state let alone the country. Now in europe that is very unusual but you have to understand that life in America has been and in many respects still is a lot easier than the rest of the world. A lot of you guys are mad about recent changes to your system but the rest of the world including Europe have had to endure the pain you are feeling now for an eternity. I guess its just something we have known all our lives.

At the end of the day, as long as people are respectful and know right from wrong, i'm fine with the human race.

To address the point; why, when things come so easily to you would you even bother to learn a basic history? People are people and therefore we, will always be different about our views of life, our perception of relative values, family, etc, etc.

My personal belief is that if people are respectful and hold similar values to me then it doesn't matter if they know the date of something that happened a hundred years ago. And yes for me it is important and i choose to hang around with people with a similar mind set.

We are what we are and we all have freedom.

07-09-2010, 07:37 PM
The Youth today has no recollection of important history events because now with computer games and the junk that is on TV and at the movies show a different prospective of what history is really about. For example: Hollywood will exaggerate the true story of an important events and many people actually really believe this bull-shit.

My sister has a P.H.D. in Psychology and a masters degree in Sociology, and she doesn't know shit about our most important history. She has told me that at times, she is embarrassed by it, and she should be too. Now when she stops by to Brooklyn, the first thing she does is calls me for dinner or to a Broadway play and we would talk about history a lot and of course other fun stuff.

Many times I have corrected business man and women about history when I would be at a restaurant bar and listen to the most inappropriate history lesson from people who make a great deal of money and yet have no knowledge of history but only get there facts wrong. The only good thing that most people seem to know is sports. LOL

Many years back most could not afford a Television set but settle for radio talk show or to read a book.

Our educational system sucks big times because many even professors have no knowledge of history or have forgot the important events of this nations history.