View Full Version : Any Droid Users

07-24-2010, 02:34 AM
Does anyone use Droid on here? Your thoughts?

07-24-2010, 04:47 AM
I have a Motorola droid, one of the first ones that came out, with the sliding keyboard and love it. Only thing I wish it was a little fast processor, but I got it 3 days after it came out. By the time I can upgrade my phone, they will have a lot better ones out. I have it tethered to my netbook and as long as I have 3G, I have internet on my netbook.

07-25-2010, 01:49 AM
I got the HTC T-Mobile My Touch with the 3.5mm jack on it.
Can you suggest any apps.
I am screwing around with it and comparing it with the I Phone. So far I phone has it beat.

07-25-2010, 03:03 AM
well for me I have boughten weatherbug elite, since i have a bike now, and use to to determine if I ride to work or not. You can use tapatalk to check the forums here at GM, and if you pay for it, you can reply using that app. I have boughten robo tower defense, or something of that sort which is a good time killer.

I am not sure how good T Mobile is, but for me, Verizon has served me well, and it's just a matter of time before there are more apps for Android OS compared to the Iphones. I have the itouch ipod and love it. I then got my android "droid" phone, and well it took some time to get used to it, but I like my droid better for everything else BUT playing mp3s.

What do you like and not like about Android and iphone?

07-25-2010, 03:29 PM
The keyboards on the Droid is a joke compamered to the way the Iphone is. Iphone keyboard is so much quicker and smoother.
The Swype option is nick but kind of clunky.

The droid take a bit to load up as the iphone is in under 30 seconds.

Iphone has Itunes a simple interface to search for apps.
On the droid you have to dig around the internet to find something.

When Apple release an update it is instant.
Droid leaves it to each carrier to decide when to release it to the masses.

I am currently running droid 1.6 and T-Mobile has not released 2.2 yet.
I am going to stick with the droid. T-Mobile has been good to me over the years. I will never go to At&t the well just suck ass.

My plan rocks. I got two phones for free, unlimiter data,text and 600 shared minutes (i never go over 400) all for $100.00 a month.

07-25-2010, 09:39 PM
I know Verizon hasn't released 2.2 yet either. I like my slider keyboard and hope the time I get a new phone, they still have one.

I can't stand itunes, at least not on my computer. I like the way the market works on my droid, but I know you can find stuff on the net as well.

From what I heard from other people, AT&Ts coverage sucks, unless you are in a major city and never leave (virtually nonexistent in the mid west!)

07-29-2010, 10:08 PM
My carrier (US Cellular) has the HTC Desire coming out late summer. 1ghz processor with 512 Rom and 576 Ram, and a mini sd slot for up to 32gb mem.
Anyone have this phone? It looks promising but I'm not gonnna dive in until I have a warm fuzzy feeling.