View Full Version : There goes a 10 year friendship. My best friend just stabbed me in the back.

07-27-2010, 12:44 AM
So, basically my friend has been trying to find a job lately, he's been unemployed for a while and he feels like he's "drifting aimlessly". I'm unemployed right now as well, so he comes over here and hangs out a lot, we play video games, whatever. It's cool to have a friend to hang with when you're unemployed, makes you feel like less of a loser.

Anyway, yesterday while he's over, when we're watching TV he tells me that he finally found a job. I'm thinking "Great, what is it?" It turns out the d-bag is signing up for the Army, and he's leaving for boot camp in 2 weeks.

Now, he KNOWS that I'm a conscientious objector and that I don't approve of supporting the war OR the troops in any way shape or form. He knows all about my stances, but he STILL decides not only to join, but to flaunt it in my face, like he's laughing at me. It REALLY pissed me the **** off.

I automatically got out of my chair and told him to get out of my house. He asks if I'm kidding, and I walked him to the door and slammed it in his face. He tried calling my cell phone twice and I just turned it off. I'm so annoyed at him, he's left me three VM's since then telling me that I need to grow up and get over this, because at least he's going places in life. So now not only is he a *****, but he's also harassing me. I'm thinking about calling the recruiters and telling them about his drug history.

07-27-2010, 01:53 AM
So your opinion trumps his right to earn a living?

07-27-2010, 03:08 AM
If you ever talk to him again, tell him that I said "Thank you for what you are doing for our country".

07-27-2010, 03:10 AM
wow, that's a pretty good troll thread, where did you find it? google and bing can't find it.

07-27-2010, 03:20 AM
Cool story bro?

07-29-2010, 05:47 AM
This is one of the weirder ones you've come up with, to be sure. Not as funny as the mental boyfriend one though!

Still, points for original content. Points off for it not being funny.

07-29-2010, 10:02 PM
My favorite was the oil change story that he started with. This one?....eh...needs work.
Come on Eric, we expect better from you.

07-29-2010, 10:05 PM
My favorite was the oil change story that he started with.

Aahaah, yup...that was a good one !!!

07-29-2010, 11:40 PM
I can't find it now and I'm not sure who posted it but that ass crack sore thread was pretty out there .... pardon me, I need to go clear my cache and that image from my mind.

07-30-2010, 12:08 AM
So, basically my friend has been trying to find a job lately, he's been unemployed for a while and he feels like he's "drifting aimlessly". I'm unemployed right now as well, so he comes over here and hangs out a lot, we play video games, whatever. It's cool to have a friend to hang with when you're unemployed, makes you feel like less of a loser.

Anyway, yesterday while he's over, when we're watching TV he tells me that he finally found a job. I'm thinking "Great, what is it?" It turns out the d-bag is signing up for the Army, and he's leaving for boot camp in 2 weeks.

Now, he KNOWS that I'm a conscientious objector and that I don't approve of supporting the war OR the troops in any way shape or form. He knows all about my stances, but he STILL decides not only to join, but to flaunt it in my face, like he's laughing at me. It REALLY pissed me the **** off.

I automatically got out of my chair and told him to get out of my house. He asks if I'm kidding, and I walked him to the door and slammed it in his face. He tried calling my cell phone twice and I just turned it off. I'm so annoyed at him, he's left me three VM's since then telling me that I need to grow up and get over this, because at least he's going places in life. So now not only is he a *****, but he's also harassing me. I'm thinking about calling the recruiters and telling them about his drug history.

I understand that this was was a troll thread, and normally I get a kick out of EricC's ramblings, but not his one.

I'm an Airforce Dad and I'm damn proud of my son (Sifi) for having the balls to do what he's doing. Airman 1st Class (A1C) and moving up. You don't have to support the war(s), but to say you don't support our troops is rather inflammatory to me. I don't know if this was just part of your trolling, or if you really meant it, but, TADA!, you just lost my respect.

Not that you care...just saying.

07-31-2010, 12:14 AM
I understand that this was was a troll thread, and normally I get a kick out of EricC's ramblings, but not his one.

I'm an Airforce Dad and I'm damn proud of my son (Sifi) for having the balls to do what he's doing. Airman 1st Class (A1C) and moving up. You don't have to support the war(s), but to say you don't support our troops is rather inflammatory to me. I don't know if this was just part of your trolling, or if you really meant it, but, TADA!, you just lost my respect.

Not that you care...just saying.

Agreed. As a Sailor, you're welcome for the right to hate me simply for the uniform I proudly wear every day.

That being said, you're an awful troll.

07-31-2010, 12:35 AM
If you ever talk to him again, tell him that I said "Thank you for what you are doing for our country".

And that goes for all service personnel, Sirc you can pass that along to your son too.

He Is Legend
07-31-2010, 03:12 AM
lol, i think that was cody who made that thread. It wasnt a troll thread, it was legit. Dude has a cyst on his asscrack

qft ^