View Full Version : Counter-Strike: Source, Team Fortress 2 and Day of Defeat: Source Updates Released

08-17-2010, 07:18 PM
Updates to Counter-Strike: Source, Team Fortress 2 and Day of Defeat: Source have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2)

The mat_hdr_level, r_rootlod, and r_waterforceexpensive settings are now saved in the user’s config file.
Fixed clients being able to connect to servers with spoofed SteamIDs.
Fixed a bug where some video configurations could get reset by restarting the engine.
Fixed materials compiled into a map not being loaded correctly if they're in the root materials folder.
Fixed a case of uneven performance on multicore machines.
Fixed point contents not respecting detail brushes. This fixes a bullet penetration bug in some community maps.
Fixed clients being able to spam servers using the ai_set_move_height_epsilon, mission_show, and sv_querycache_stats commands.
Audio fixes:

Reduced overlap in the sound timing code.
Fixed a case where audio could skip.
Fixed voice communication getting corrupted while playing on a Mac.
sv_pure 2 now protects the game_sounds files in the scripts directory.

Counter-Strike Source

Fixed prediction errors that were causing greater weapon inaccuracy (bullet spread) on client than server.
Made the bomb the primary target of a +USE command. This fixes a problem with objects placed around the bombsite interrupting defuse attempts.
Fixed the ‘skating’ behavior that could occur when a bomb planting attempt was aborted. Also fixes the resulting out of sync hit boxes.
Fixed bug in which a player who crouched rapidly and repeatedly was seen as stationery by other players.
Fixed problem in which the sound of a reload that was occurring when a player was killed persisted into spectator mode, making it sound like a reload was taking place near the spectated player.
Gave chat interface priority over scoreboard to reduce conflict between the two.
Increased size of HUD icons.
Fixed bug with env_hudhint that caused problems when its value was greater than 255 characters.
Made the message of the day screen dismissible by hitting ENTER.
Fixed servers not being able to set sv_hudhint_sound.
Gun sounds now match up with the framerate dependent sound timing, and fixed the framerate dependent jittering bugs.

Fixed an issue that could cause loss of player stats if network connectivity was lost briefly, just after launching the game.
Fixed an issue that caused the favorite weapon to display incorrectly on the stats summary page when a player achieves the most kills with a knife or grenade.
Made newly-earned achievements and stats immediately update in the achievements and stats panels instead of showing stale data.
Improved the font on the achievement toast.

Community Requests:

Added cvar sv_enablebunnyhopping, defaulted to 0. ( A value of 1 autotags the server with "bunnyhop" )
De_dust and De_dust2 updated.

Fixed several exploits.
Fixed collisions on crenellation and domes.
Fixed minor visual glitches.
Adjusted HDR settings.
Removed dust clouds.

Added console variable cl_hudhint_sound.

Team Fortress 2
<ul style="padding-bottom: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;" >Added server ConVar "sv_max_usercmd_future_ticks" which prevents clients from running usercmds too far in the future.
Added missing Mac intro movie for cp_coldfront.
Fixed "Hit '%disguiseteam%' to Toggle Team" string and code so they're not hard coded to 'e' and '-'.
Fixed servers trying to validate backpack positions in inventories.
Fixed clients validating inventories other than their own.
Fixed item selection HUD elements showing un-acknowledged items, which resulted in items in invalid backpack positions.
Fixed players not always getting "recent damager" credit for player suicides.
Fixed the weapon selection menu not displaying properly when using hud_fastswitch and lastinv at the same time.
Updated Engineer startup music.
Updated localization files.
Updated Pl_ThunderMountain

Clipped off sticky outcrops for smoother movement
Clipped various exploit ledges
Increased environment ambient exterior light level
Stage 1

Fixed hole in respawn room brushes in RED spawn
Shifted respawn times to favor BLU by two seconds

Stage 3

Clipped rocks off by BLU's spawn exit that leads to building B (allowed Snipers to snipe the entire area)
Removed embedded displacement (building B interior roof)
Removed rogue clip brush from building A balcony

Updated Plr_Hightower

Fixed players building in the RED spawn room.
Fixed players building on the back window decks of the barns.
Fixed players getting on the satellite dish platform.
Fixed players building on the elevators.
Reduced the ammo packs in the barns down to small ammo packs.
Increased the hill speed modifier to 1.2 (up from .95)
Fixed explosion particle effects playing in the skybox.
Mine cart "window" collision fixed.Upped Scout-loop health to large.
Updated Pl_Upward

Fixed respawnroom entities not reaching the floor of split-level spawns
Fixed griefable fence facing BLU spawn near RED base
Added BLU high flanking route at RED base
Added health & ammo along BLU flanking route at RED base
Sealed BLU base left exit with block bullets brushes
Extended clip between C and BLU spawn to prevent sticky jump spawn camping
Fixed non-clipped non-solid railing in RED base
Fixed kill brush in middle spawn not extending to the ceiling
Put a block bullets brush on grate below middle spawnFixed some high micro-ledges accessible to sticky-jumpers
Community Request
Added "item_pickup" game event for ammo/health packs.

More... (http://store.steampowered.com/news/4210/)