View Full Version : Puzzle Quest 2 Update Released

09-06-2010, 04:48 PM
Updates to Puzzle Quest 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Hero selection - the first hero that appears in the hero select screen is now the hero you were last using in quest mode
Chasm spell text updated
Extra hero info in inventory - when you mouse over the portrait in the inventory, a tooltip appears to show you the stats you can't normally see
1600x900 & 1024x600 resolution support added
Steam button - selecting the Steam button on the main menu gives you the option to view achievements, stats, the official group, and the PQ2 steam forum (must have Steam Community In-Game enabled)
Treasure Grab! minigame loot drops have increased. Gives extra loot for matching 4/5 chests, extra loot on higher difficulty
Mod support added
Fix for the "Royal Door" quest door - the pathfinding sent the player to the wrong door, this is now fixed
Gem dragging ability - added the ability to drag gems to move them
Updated directx web installer - fixes issues on windows 7, the game wouldn't install correctly with the old directx installer
Fixed issues with hint arrow - the hint arrow would appear in some cases when it was turned off mid-battle
Balanced the Assassin spell 'Weaken' - gave it a two turn cooldown and increased the cost from 5 Yellow to 5 Yellow and 4 Green
'Completionist' achievement counter fix - the achievement was working, but the counter displayed on the user's achievements page wasn't updating
'You're doing it wrong' achievement fixed - it was counting the molten metal and hammer of the righteous weapons when it shouldn't have
'Hold the Line' spell fixed - it wasn't correctly giving immunity to Fear
Poisons of the same kind (but with varying rarity and/or race) were stacking - poisons stacking with two varieties of the same base type was never intended and was removed. eg. You can now stack Wyvern with Manticore, or Manticore with Arachna, but not Wyvern with Wyvern, or Manticore with Manticore.
Updated FMOD versionItem drop tables tweaked - players will see less Normal, Fine and Masterwork grade items as they get deeper into the game. They'll see more Legendary and Epic items instead

More... (http://store.steampowered.com/news/4305/)