View Full Version : Dreams

09-08-2010, 02:28 AM
I had this dream that I was flying through the ocean, above it almost if touching the surface of the ocean and the colors and the scene was almost exactly the way it is. This happens to me every 2 to 3 times a year and at times I forget to write it down or create it in my own image of what I saw in my dream. This time I was able to remember some of it and got up in the middle of the night and began working on it using one of my 3D apps on my Mac system.

Last year was about a tree filled with beautiful lights and a place that was empty but only the tree filled with beautiful colors and was able to create it but this time it was different and I decide to create and add a link of the 3D art work I did late last night. I am not going to leave it long on this host site, so if you like check it out and tell me what you think of this dream and what it may mean to you all in your own words.

I decide to call it New Age - Consciousness Raising

Link: http://www.consciousness.zxq.net/

I made a large scale of it for my desk top and may consider adding more to it once I can remember more of my dream. It’s funny because at one time I could always remember all my dreams but lately it’s been difficult to remember them. I always feel that it’s a message but not sure of what it means but it’s always been pleasant and peaceful when I get them dreams of unusual beautiful scenes. Maybe it’s because I watch a lot of science channel and mostly about exploration of the universe and about the earth but I also write poems and philosophical words of the consciousness mind and awareness.

The top glass ball, what I remember is that I look through it and saw a smaller size of the picture of my dream and the symbol at the center with a glow that reminds me of wings. That is all I remember for now. If you all can interpret in your own words what it might mean to you, would be helpful.

Thank you everyone and hope to hear your feed back of what this dream might mean.


09-08-2010, 03:08 AM
that's some pretty good art if you created all of it. for remembering dreams, it is a skill. get a little digital recorder and make a habit of saying everything you remember first thing on waking up. you will get much better.

as for what it means, you might have to answer that. everything we see in a dream is part of ourselves despite what form it takes. an ocean, well, life came from the ocean. tree with beautiful lights, I think that is probably about the way our lives interconnect with others, and so on.

anyway thanks for sharing.

09-08-2010, 11:37 AM

I was thinking the same thing that the ocean represents life, in which we all came from and the wings or like the arms of a Jellyfish, which is more like if you notice they are in different directions and at the center means one. So, I figure it represents male and female, but as one. The ball on top has the reflection of the same scene but only this time it’s where you can see it all and that to me represents consciousness awareness of my surroundings. Now the monument that is holding up the symbol and the ball is to me still a mystery and have not yet figure out what it might mean to me in my own words yet. I could easily say that it is the foundation that holds the meaning of life or just that it holds all what it represents.

Thanks Jim for your input and if you have more please post it and if anyone has anything to say about what it might mean, please post it.

Btw Jim I created this with Vue, which is a 3D product that was used for the Pirates of the Caribbean movie and I used the Adobe Illustrator and Ps CS 5. This small project was not difficult to do and if you had the software you can do this yourself with practice.

Anyway post what you all may think of what it might mean.

Thank you all.

PS Jim thanks for the heads up on the digital recorder, that will help a lot and will have one by my side when I go to bed for now on and a pad.


09-08-2010, 02:18 PM
I like the water detail. Did you create that as well because it's done well. Ilike the way it fades out. The sphere kinda creeps me out abit but they always have. How are you liking the cs5 compared to cs4? Any big improvements?

By the way, as far as dreams go, I can never remember them when and if I can even have one. I know sometimes I am in a bad mood when I wake up because sometimes I know I did not like what was in the dream or it was a mental Fck but just can't remember what.

When are you getting on FB?

Die Hard
09-08-2010, 02:34 PM
Aciiiiiid :P

09-08-2010, 05:32 PM
To answer your question Bigs, I do remember posting it a while ago but anyway what I like most about the CS5 for example Ps is the editing tools, which can make your life a lot easier and here is a link of the demonstration of what I mean for Ps. Oh and to mention one other thing, the CS5 Illustrator is a great tool combo with Ps CS5. It’s a powerful app to use and I love it.


There is more because I have all the CS 5 products which is the Mater CS 5 and it has been a blessing to have and love using AfterEffects with it.

AfterEffects CS5 is one of my favorite products to use but if you go to Youtube and look up AfterEffects by many people I can do them all easy and it’s fun to do when I have the time. I plan to work on a project with my nephew that he needs to do for school for this month but I do not plan to create too much for him because he really needs to do it himself but I will help him use the product and show him a few tricks of my own.

Now as for the ocean I was able to create my own textures for the ocean.
This link will show you some of the textures but on the right top side helps me to use many of the gadgets controls like for example the colors and the transparency with diffusion, highlights, bumps and more in order to get that look of the ocean.

Not going into detail of the product because it will be a long page to write about but this will give you a small scale idea of what I mean. It can be time consuming to write about it and right now I need to finish my work.

Link of the Texture Control: http://consciousness.zxq.net/oceantexture_partA.png

When I create a particular look for example the ocean, I use Ps CS5 to create textures and then import them to Vue and begin making my ocean until I get the look I want. At times it can take awhile to get the look but I pretty much know what to use. In Vue they have textures made already to make like an ocean but I prefer to make my own. Once the textures have been imported, I then add a blank landscape and begin implementing the texture and then render it for testing until again I get the look I want. It can be time consuming if you decide to create one of your own but it’s worth it because I feel making my own material textures helps me get an idea of how it’s done and what I need for future references and I can save them to use another time. You can also make the ocean with Ps but it will be more like a 2D look instead of 3D but for this is not required and can be done in 2D as you can tell by looking at it.

Anyway as for your input, creepy look, well it’s a feed back but what I like to hear more from you is why it gives you the creeps? This will help me get an idea of everyones input, so by all means Biggs post away if you can by explaining why it creeps you out.

Thank Biggs for your input


09-09-2010, 01:16 AM
That is some seriously impressive artwork my man. Seriously. Well done. I like the stars poking through some of the breaks in the clouds.

09-09-2010, 02:52 AM