View Full Version : Digital Camera

02-27-2003, 03:26 AM
Just ordered this camera because I dropped my other one and busted it. :bawling: Anyone have it or know anything about it? I have always liked and owned Olympus digital cameras. Olympus C-4000 (http://www.newegg.com/app/Showimage.asp?image=30-111-105-01.JPG/30-111-105-03.JPG/30-111-105-04.JPG/30-111-105-05.jpg/30-111-105-02.JPG)

OUTLAWS The Machine
02-27-2003, 03:28 AM
I have an Olympus but not that model. Olympus makes some pretty good cameras IMO. I'm sure it will be a good one. :thumbs:

OUTLAWS The Machine
02-27-2003, 03:28 AM
Did the 3 reviews sound positive. I see from the pic that the reviewers gave it 5 stars.

02-27-2003, 03:34 AM
Yes, they all gave it a great review. I will have the new camera in my hands sometime tomorrow and will post some pics of my new system and case. :D I just get nervous sometimes when Newegg posts that blue warning that you can't return the item. I guess they have to do that for certain items though.

02-27-2003, 03:55 AM
This is what we have. It rocks! :wootrock:


02-27-2003, 07:24 AM
it sure does :wootrock: :wootrock: :wootrock:

02-27-2003, 08:02 PM
Got the camera and it kicks butt! :)