View Full Version : Patrician IV Update Released

10-20-2010, 06:47 PM
Updates to Patrician IV have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:
Patrician IV 1.2


Harbours in an entire region are now besieged by the local sovereign
Two new events for the Elderman to react to: Harbour siege and bad food supply
New town hall mission: City seeks help after a desastrous event
Two new guild missions: Supply food, hunt down pirates in a region
New tavern missions: Hunt down pirate, provoke uprising, transport evacueesRevised some missions

Plagues now cause fatalities on advanced difficulty settings
Treasuries of AI-controlled cities increase more slowly (AI construction slowed down)
Buildings under construction by the player can now be canceled
Reduced volume of money jingle and added options.cfg setting
Underproduction of goods in a city is now displayed in the trade window of the market hall
Fire event revised and new event video added
Revised display of guild options
Revised construction and layout of streetsDecreased duration of sieges
Sea battles

Matched camera zoom levels with cannon ranges
Player-controlled vessels now stick to their last command until a new one is issued
Revised gunfire sound and line of fireWind speed and direction is now displayed by moving clouds

If a trade convoy is being attacked, a battle icon with tooltip is being displayed for two days on the sea map
In construction mode, buildings under construction are now indicated with a tooltip
The currently selected convoy is now marked in the convoy list
The convoy options window can now be accessed from the convoy list
Transferring goods between convoys is now possible by selecting a convoy and right-clicking on the target convoy
The convoy list now displays single, unorganized ships
Tooltips for the counting house administrator now display the production price of goods
Amount of goods for auto trade routes can now be adjusted in +/
10 percent steps
Revised keyboard shortcuts and added a new options dialogue in pause menu
Convoys can now be saved on number keys (1...0)Added new video events for rank promotion
Info displays

City info: Current amount of beggars and influx of beggars is now displayed
City info: If living space for individual types of citizens is filled by 90% or more, the amount of tenants is displayed
Negative values for city reputation is now displayed instead of 0%Effects of fountains, hospital and chapel are now displayed

Resolved issues with administrator and trade routes due to rounding errors
Revised city promotion
Fixed some rare crashes
Fixed AI building construction outside city walls
Fixed issues with sieging player convoys
Fixed issues with town discovery and city founding
Fixed issues with high desktop resolution (DPI) settings in WindowsImproved support for USB sound devices (e.g. Logitech G35)

More... (http://store.steampowered.com/news/4515/)