View Full Version : Quake III point of impact / collision detection code

11-16-2010, 06:33 PM

I'm trying to add some effects to the Quake III code base. Firstly, though, I need to be able to detect what the point of impact is when I fire, say, my machine gun. It looks like SV_Trace() is a key function in the code but the trouble with it is that it gets called from many different places (bots, etc.).

Does anybody have any leads or tips on how I might trap the calls due to the firing of my gun? I'd be really grateful.

Pa H.

Death Engineer
11-17-2010, 02:54 PM
Sounds like an interesting project. I've thought about opening the can of Q3 source to look into it, but never have. I'm a software developer by day, but just don't have the time to dig into this stuff these days with 4 young kids in the home. I'll probably get around to it someday when Quake 9 is out. ;) Best of luck to you.