View Full Version : Touch My Junk And I'll Have You Arrested

11-17-2010, 11:23 PM
So what do you all think of this guy and this incident?

It's been all anyone is talking about, but in case someone hasn't heard of it:


A man who refused a body scan and pat-down search at a San Diego airport has become an Internet sensation in the debate weighing fliers' security versus their privacy.
John Tyner posted a cell phone audio recording of his half-hour encounter Saturday at Lindbergh Field.
Tyner tells the worker, "If you touch my junk, I'm gonna have you arrested."

So what do you think? Are the stricter safer measures neccessary? Acceptable? Not cool or what?

For myself, I think it's just something we have to accept. Travelling around freely is a right. Flying, specifically, is not.
Additionally, I think there are people who unfortunately want to kill and/or harm as many others as possible and it's something we have to deal with.

I'm curious what others think though.


11-18-2010, 05:02 AM
eh, to be honest the next terrorist attack is not going to be something they have already done, it is going to be something different.
there is a saying about how you can trade away some of your freedom for some extra security.
only thing is that we are trading away our freedom for nothing.
a terrorist could easily enter an airport and blow himself up in the lines where people are waiting to get scanned.
there is nothing in place to prevent that.
better yet would be a packed dance floor or an arena.
or something on the thousands of miles of train track.
all we have here is just more big brother government that serves no purpose but instead tries to pretend it is necessary so it can get more funding.
What the hell is the purpose of molesting a 3 year old to see if she has a bomb?
why do body scans on pilots? If a pilot wants to kill people we are well and truly ****ed.
this shit started with nail clippers and bottles of shampoo.
lots of us spoke out about it then, but not apparently loudly enough.
end result is that there is no way your government can protect you from everything and everybody.
but consider the statistics. you are more likely to die when you sit inside a car than you are by terrorism
that was the case even in 2001, so all this terrorism nonsense has accomplished nothing but wasted a bunch of money

11-18-2010, 05:35 AM
I'll pay you to touch my junk :p

But seriously now, how many terrorists have we caught boarding a domestic commercial flight in the past 9 years? Zero is the answer. I know it just takes one time to be right but we are giving up too much of our freedom in the process.

11-18-2010, 06:36 AM
I wrote a semi-long reply but its best that I deleted it.

Good Day.

11-18-2010, 12:00 PM
eh, to be honest the next terrorist attack is not going to be something they have already done, it is going to be something different.
end result is that there is no way your government can protect you from everything and everybody.
but consider the statistics. you are more likely to die when you sit inside a car than you are by terrorism
that was the case even in 2001, so all this terrorism nonsense has accomplished nothing but wasted a bunch of money

I completely agree with that. But I also have to think that if we don't continue to do what we can to protect things like airplanes, isn't it likely that a terrorist would come back to what's worked in the past? IE - coming back to try an airplane again? And I do agree with the comment about the pilot. Just not sure what the best way to handle that is. In my mind, I start to think about things like 'Ok, so pilots can bypass the screening. First thing I'ma do if I'm a terrorist? Dress up like a pilot...."

11-18-2010, 12:02 PM
I'll pay you to touch my junk :p

But seriously now, how many terrorists have we caught boarding a domestic commercial flight in the past 9 years? Zero is the answer. I know it just takes one time to be right but we are giving up too much of our freedom in the process.

You know, I've thought a lot about this exact thing and you know what I realized?

1) I wonder how much stuff got caught that we never hear about for various reasons, if any.
2) I wonder if it's exactly BECAUSE of these things that it hasn't happend more than it has. We missed the shoe guy and underwear guy but maybe now that things have adapted we might not. But how many others maybe realized something wouldn't work so they tried something else?

Yeah, again same as last comment... I know there's no way to completely stop everything. But does that mean we stop trying? I really don't know. I just know I'm glad I'm not the person responsible for deciding.....

11-18-2010, 10:58 PM
there is a saying about how you can trade away some of your freedom for some extra security.

There is another saying that says "Those Who Forget History Are Doomed to Repeat It". While I hate that things have come to this, I know that If I'm boarding a plane and everyone has been searched, I know that I would feel safer. These bastards can hit us so many ways (as Jim has pointed out) that there is no way to protect yourself 100% of the time, I have and will continue to enjoy my time here and if my time comes, then so be it.

11-19-2010, 01:15 AM
But Sho, how safe do you feel when you get into a car? Despite terrorism you are much likelier to die inside of a car. Terrorism is just manipulation based on panic and fear. The actual numbers are so small as to be meaningless. I am willing to bet you have read stories about people in your area that have died due to drunk drivers or teen drivers. Terrorists? None, zero. It is not because we are being protected. It is because there are just not a lot of terrorists.

11-19-2010, 01:46 AM
There is another saying that says "Those Who Forget History Are Doomed to Repeat It". While I hate that things have come to this, I know that If I'm boarding a plane and everyone has been searched, I know that I would feel safer. These bastards can hit us so many ways (as Jim has pointed out) that there is no way to protect yourself 100% of the time, I have and will continue to enjoy my time here and if my time comes, then so be it.

I'm honestly surprised that you would have that attitude about losing freedoms. Our reaction - fear - is exactly what any terrorist group's goal is. The best approach is to cut their balls off by NOT changing how we live. More security is fine. Losing our rights is not fine.

The TSA is completely out of control. And you know what the TSA has to say about the growing concern about their methods? They say "Tough shit, we're unregulated and we can do whatever we want".

Sounds like the friggin SS to me. It's not going to last though. And I'm hoping they will be brought to justice for the blatant 4th Amendment violations and sexual crimes that are occurring.

The TSA has become an obscene extension of terrorism, and not the defense they were supposed to be.

11-19-2010, 02:08 AM
But Sho, how safe do you feel when you get into a car? Despite terrorism you are much likelier to die inside of a car. Terrorism is just manipulation based on panic and fear. The actual numbers are so small as to be meaningless. I am willing to bet you have read stories about people in your area that have died due to drunk drivers or teen drivers. Terrorists? None, zero. It is not because we are being protected. It is because there are just not a lot of terrorists.

While I see your point - I would ask then what is the alternative? Do nothing about it? There are people who want to do things like bomb planes. It happens. Shoe bomber, underwear bomber, toner bombs, the various "dry run" items found. It IS happening. Doesn't SOMETHING have to be done to help protect against it?

11-19-2010, 02:16 AM
While I see your point - I would ask then what is the alternative? Do nothing about it? There are people who want to do things like bomb planes. It happens. Shoe bomber, underwear bomber, toner bombs, the various "dry run" items found. It IS happening. Doesn't SOMETHING have to be done to help protect against it?

Yep, something needs to be done. How about stop ****ing with the Middle East, become energy independent, and show the UN what happens when the US DOESN'T try to police the whole world. We need to put the Bush era behind us. And we'd save a lot of money in the process.

11-19-2010, 06:21 AM
I'm honestly surprised that you would have that attitude about losing freedoms. Our reaction - fear - is exactly what any terrorist group's goal is. The best approach is to cut their balls off by NOT changing how we live. More security is fine. Losing our rights is not fine.

The TSA is completely out of control. And you know what the TSA has to say about the growing concern about their methods? They say "Tough shit, we're unregulated and we can do whatever we want".

Sounds like the friggin SS to me. It's not going to last though. And I'm hoping they will be brought to justice for the blatant 4th Amendment violations and sexual crimes that are occurring.

The TSA has become an obscene extension of terrorism, and not the defense they were supposed to be.

Sirc, I will give you two thumbs up with this. Very well said. Now of course I also have to add to it. You pretty much hit the nail on the coffin when you said their reaction is "Tough SHit" Basically that's all these agencies (Government) have been saying to us Americans. They are unregulated and do whatthey want against the true laws of this country. Now, tell me how our military is fighting for us????? The war is here. This is the agenda. While I believe we have enemies across the world, our biggest enemy is the Government. Anyone pay attention to the Federal Governemnt these days? The biggest part of corruption in the world. This all was pushed 9/11. The day everyone was doing something else in our Government other than their job. This is not a conspiracy being pushed. If anyone is paying attention to things that are going on in this country, it makes sense. No I do not think Bush and Cheney blew up the trade center. This agenda is way past them and can only be done by bigger powers. Why else does the Federal Gov not stop illegals from entering the country? Again, how is our military fighting for us when all of our rights are being stripped and our constitution is being disregarded? What's every politicians, civil servants and military's duties?????? Prepare yourselves because this is only the start of what is to come. Next part of the agenda is food shortages and higher prices for food.

I don't expect people to listen to me. I do hope though that at least one of you takes the time to look at what is going on all around and make their own judgements. How wrong I wish I am!!!!! Sometimes people should look back and recall how America was founded. What those people who died for and why. Then simply compare those theory's to what they would be considered in todays time. I will give you a hint.... A terrorist.

11-19-2010, 06:35 AM
Yep, something needs to be done. How about stop ****ing with the Middle East, become energy independent, and show the UN what happens when the US DOESN'T try to police the whole world. We need to put the Bush era behind us. And we'd save a lot of money in the process.

If America did not police the world, do you know or understand what the world would be like? This was a pretty arrogant statement and false. Do you still honestly believe the middle east is trying to become energy independent? Are you aware of what the reality of what is going on? While it would be fine that they were just building nuclear factories for energy, do you think that's all they are doing? Are you aware that this same country is responsible for the chaos in the middle east? Are you not paying attention to our enemies who yes even consider you a zionist? Do you know how many of our troops died by Iranian bombs in Iraq? If your son is at war fighting there (God Forbid), would you believe he died for a juctice when it was this very enemy that may have done it? While you still and others harp on Bush and Cheney, the fact is they atleast called our enemies out "axis of evil".

While I agree we shouldn't police the world as it is being done today. We should though make an example of any nation that crosses the line. Of course you know Iran would have been nuked if I was calling the shots but that isn't happening. In fact nothing is happening. Soon Iran will have nukes and then what are you going to say? They should have them because we have them? When America wakes up and realizes that all muslims are against us not only in beliefs but mainly in their religion, they will know one of their biggest enemies. I won't accept any Muslim including Obama your President who is hurting our nation far more than buildings taking down on our land. Americans deserve what they get in the end. I am ashamed on the stupidity of this nation. Almost as pathetic as how Troy was brought down but same concept.

11-19-2010, 09:40 PM
If America did not police the world, do you know or understand what the world would be like? This was a pretty arrogant statement and false. Do you still honestly believe the middle east is trying to become energy independent? Are you aware of what the reality of what is going on? While it would be fine that they were just building nuclear factories for energy, do you think that's all they are doing? Are you aware that this same country is responsible for the chaos in the middle east? Are you not paying attention to our enemies who yes even consider you a zionist? Do you know how many of our troops died by Iranian bombs in Iraq? If your son is at war fighting there (God Forbid), would you believe he died for a juctice when it was this very enemy that may have done it? While you still and others harp on Bush and Cheney, the fact is they atleast called our enemies out "axis of evil".

While I agree we shouldn't police the world as it is being done today. We should though make an example of any nation that crosses the line. Of course you know Iran would have been nuked if I was calling the shots but that isn't happening. In fact nothing is happening. Soon Iran will have nukes and then what are you going to say? They should have them because we have them? When America wakes up and realizes that all muslims are against us not only in beliefs but mainly in their religion, they will know one of their biggest enemies. I won't accept any Muslim including Obama your President who is hurting our nation far more than buildings taking down on our land. Americans deserve what they get in the end. I am ashamed on the stupidity of this nation. Almost as pathetic as how Troy was brought down but same concept.

I am, in fact, aware of the reality of what is going on. You and I simply differ in how to deal with that reality.

The wars we have started have put such an enormous drain on our economy. Money we should be spending on energy independence, agricultural independence, financial independence, infrastructure, and defense research is being wasted on wars we cannot win. Think of the American jobs we could create if we would have spent even half of the war money we've spent, and are spending, on fixing our own problems. Instead, we are so in debt that China literally owns us now and is basically controlling world currency. Is that what you want?

You still seem to think that making a huge military frontal assault will solve anything. It won't, because it's simply not effective, and in the mean time we are losing power and world clout because countries like China, India, and Russia are just standing back watching us destroy ourselves.

Shogun mentioned something about us having a short memory. That is true in one sense. Every time we focus attention away from our own country and meddle in world affairs, we end up weaker. We cannot sustain this.

And I guarantee you that if we back off, then our enemies will start messing a lot more with China, India, Europe, and Russia (who all have their own Muslim extremist problems). They won't put up with it, they'd have to actually get off their asses and do something. While that's happening it'd be a great chance for us to get our act back together and emerge stronger.

11-20-2010, 03:28 AM
It's all a facade to make people think they are safe, see security theater (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_theater). A terrorist could decide to set off explosives in line while waiting to get scanned.. Then what? Sure hijacking a plane may seem ideal because then you don't even have to bother with explosives since you have a giant missile at your disposal, but there are plenty of other ways to commit an act of terrorism. Shopping malls are a potential target, especially during the holiday season.

In the end Jim makes a valid point. People's lives aren't really the issue here. The abstract notion of "national security" is the entity that's at stake. An unsafe nation is a political issue first and a social issue second.

Maybe people will fly less, then the airlines will make even less profits, companies will go out of business, and flying will become more of a luxury. Then terrorists will no longer target airports and find something else. It's an endless cycle and in the end we are only sacrificing our own freedom, or if you like to keep things practical (like me), it's a waste of ****ing time.

11-20-2010, 11:38 AM

A Charlotte-area flight attendant and cancer survivor contacted WBTV after she says she was forced to show her prosthetic breast during a pat-down.
well, I guess she is going to be having a lot of fun going in to work every day....

11-21-2010, 02:05 AM
I got a better one for you. How would you like it if your kid got strip searched.


It's no longer an issue of security, it's some kind of sick joke.

11-21-2010, 09:10 PM
very sick, surprising at the level of arrogance, stupidity and incompetence being shown

A retired special education teacher on his way to a wedding in Orlando, Fla., said he was left humiliated, crying and covered with his own urine after an enhanced pat-down by TSA officers recently at Detroit Metropolitan Airport.

“I was absolutely humiliated, I couldn’t even speak,” said Thomas D. “Tom” Sawyer, 61, of Lansing, Mich.

Sawyer is a bladder cancer survivor who now wears a urostomy bag, which collects his urine from a stoma, or opening in his stomach. “I have to wear special clothes and in order to mount the bag I have to seal a wafer to my stomach and then attach the bag. If the seal is broken, urine can leak all over my body and clothes.”

11-22-2010, 12:53 AM
I got a better one for you. How would you like it if your kid got strip searched.


It's no longer an issue of security, it's some kind of sick joke.

The rest of the story ... notice who took the shirt off the kid

11-22-2010, 05:07 AM
Ron Paul agrees.... and is trying to stop this crap


11-22-2010, 07:23 AM
IMO the whole xray and pic thing is the way to go. You seen one, you seen them all. If you don't like it, don't fly, drive! There has to be something in place to secure air planes. As for pilots, you're just a citizen getting to your job, you should be subject to the same stipulations. People need to grow up if having an xray pic of them taking, showing their private parts, is like the end of the world. Heck, you probably showed them to some one, with the wrong intentions more or less, verses showing them to someone making sure you didn't have a weapon stuck somewhere where it shouldn't be, to board an air plane. Only stipulation, if I get my pic taken and it some how gets on the net, well you just bought my retirement and dream life! Since it was broadcasted without my consent, you own me everything. With today's world, security is a must (I meaning the pics n all).

In that case, I think if you go to the airport, just go naked and be done with it!! I know I'd fly more!! hahaha

11-22-2010, 07:42 AM
uh, why exactly do we need to "secure" planes? There is no terrorism problem. Regardless of 9/11 planes are the safest method to travel. Anyway today it is airports. tomorrow it will be buses. And schools. Then factories and office buildings. The personal scanners for people that might come to your house. When does the madness end?

11-23-2010, 12:10 AM
uh, why exactly do we need to "secure" planes? There is no terrorism problem. Regardless of 9/11 planes are the safest method to travel. Anyway today it is airports. tomorrow it will be buses. And schools. Then factories and office buildings. The personal scanners for people that might come to your house. When does the madness end?

Jim has been the voice of reason throughout this thread.

The TSA is simply an illusion of safety. The TSA has never caught a terrorist trying to board a plane in the US. Ever. Contraband, maybe. An actual terrorist? Never.

So why are they increasing security? Because they want you to feel afraid. They want to keep their jobs. And apparently they have free reign to disregard the 4th amendment and sexually assault you. Because you let them do it. And they can fine you for not letting them take your rights away. Because they are unregulated and not bound to the US constitution.

Incremental steps. Incremental steps towards having all of our freedoms and rights taken away. Jim is exactly right.

Wake up people. Life is a risk. Don't let anyone tell you which risks you can take and which you cannot. Be free and be happy.

11-23-2010, 11:19 AM
Sirc, the things we disagree with are not just the way we both would handle things. In your mind, you blame America for bothering or the cause for things all over the world. You blame America for the middle east. This is what I don't get. You think Iraq war was wrong and so do many others but do you people actually understand what it's all about? While I never agree staying in a country to rebuild it, I do think destroying it to the point it is no longer a threat makes more sense. While you don't agree with that, I will suggest paying attention to the other axis of evil nations we aren't doing anything about. Look at what they are doing and to allof you thinking peace stays because we do nothing, you're all just crazy if you don't think this will not come and change your way of living one day and make things world wide insane and far worst than you think it is with America doing what it needs to do to prevent such nonsense. With this Monkey as president, you all can be sure the world will not be safer. America is weaker now because of this muslim terrorist that you voted for. If any of you think things will be fine, lol Good Luck. Just watch and see. It's already happening right in front of us. This is what I mean when I hear people tell me the military is fighting for us or our freedom. Wrong!!!!!

11-23-2010, 12:31 PM
uh, why exactly do we need to "secure" planes? There is no terrorism problem. Regardless of 9/11 planes are the safest method to travel. Anyway today it is airports. tomorrow it will be buses. And schools. Then factories and office buildings. The personal scanners for people that might come to your house. When does the madness end?

Are you really saying you'd be fine with doing away with security screening at airports because there's no threat to a plane? Seriously?!

11-23-2010, 12:32 PM
The TSA is simply an illusion of safety. The TSA has never caught a terrorist trying to board a plane in the US. Ever. Contraband, maybe. An actual terrorist? Never.

And you honestly don't think that the very fact that there is security screening doesn't deter people from trying?

11-23-2010, 07:14 PM
And you honestly don't think that the very fact that there is security screening doesn't deter people from trying?

I've already said..security is fine. It was already working rather well considering they caught some people with knives and guns over the years. None of them terrorists, mainly just idiots.

I was okay with taking off my shoes, walking through the metal detector, and even having my carry-on searched (which is borderline, but whatever, if they want to see the socks and underwear I've packed then I'm okay with that).

But now I have to be x-rayed? And sexually groped and molested if I decide not to stand in an x-ray field?

There are limits to how many rights I'm willing to give up, Bingo. How long do you think it will be before the TSA will start doing full cavity searches? Does that sound silly? Think back 10 years ago. Wouldn't it sound silly if someone told you that you may have to have your genitals groped at the TSA's discretion?

No one is saying that we need to do away with security at airports. It simply needs to be contained to a sane and legal level.

11-23-2010, 07:33 PM
Sirc, the things we disagree with are not just the way we both would handle things. In your mind, you blame America for bothering or the cause for things all over the world. You blame America for the middle east. This is what I don't get. You think Iraq war was wrong and so do many others but do you people actually understand what it's all about? While I never agree staying in a country to rebuild it, I do think destroying it to the point it is no longer a threat makes more sense. While you don't agree with that, I will suggest paying attention to the other axis of evil nations we aren't doing anything about. Look at what they are doing and to allof you thinking peace stays because we do nothing, you're all just crazy if you don't think this will not come and change your way of living one day and make things world wide insane and far worst than you think it is with America doing what it needs to do to prevent such nonsense. With this Monkey as president, you all can be sure the world will not be safer. America is weaker now because of this muslim terrorist that you voted for. If any of you think things will be fine, lol Good Luck. Just watch and see. It's already happening right in front of us. This is what I mean when I hear people tell me the military is fighting for us or our freedom. Wrong!!!!!

I blame America for nothing. I love America. I blame the US government and politicians in general. Stop saying I voted for Obama. I, in fact, did not. And he is a natural-born American citizen, and he is not Muslim, and he is not a terrorist, and he is not a monkey (racial slur?). Saying things like that only reduces your credibility BIGG. How am I even supposed to take you seriously? I'm not going to get into this discussion with you. Been there, done that, pointless.

11-23-2010, 08:39 PM
I blame America for nothing. I love America. I blame the US government and politicians in general. Stop saying I voted for Obama. I, in fact, did not. And he is a natural-born American citizen, and he is not Muslim,and he is not a terrorist , and he is not a monkey (racial slur?). Saying things like that only reduces your credibility BIGG. How am I even supposed to take you seriously? I'm not going to get into this discussion with you. Been there, done that, pointless.

I blame the US government and politicians in general.--Agree on this.
And he is a natural-born American citizen--If you can prove this I will believe you along with many other people including a congressman.
and he is not Muslim--His father was. To believe he isn't makes no sense considering it would be like my parents being Jewish and now I am Catholic/Christian.
and he is not a terrorist ---He may not be strapping bombs to his chest but trust me he is doing more damage and pretty much setting up others to do a lot of damage when the time is right.
and he is not a monkey (racial slur?)---I won't comment on this but I am sure everyone knows I will call a spade a spade. Really don't think it's racial like blacks voting for him because he was black.
Saying things like that only reduces your credibility BIGG. How am I even supposed to take you seriously?--The truth is I don't want people to listen to me and just believe. I want them to hear me, look it up and pay attention and see I just don't log into the internet and talk out of my ass. For years I have been this way and say it like I do. I am not perfect but I am man enough to say I am wrong when I am wrong. I listen to what everyone says and I research it. You have no idea how much I follow world wide or how much I actually care for this country. One thing for sure is I do not just take what anyone says and then repeat. I go to different sources and see what's happening before I make a conclusion. I respect more than ever if anyone can change my mind. So for anyone, hate my views but show me where I am wrong in any sense. I might not like it but I will view it and analyze it and see if there is anything to change my mind. For the record, I wish everything was wrong with what I say. I wish life was so peachy as others see it and peace blew in the wind. I just feel I am more realistic withthe sense of not wanting to take a chance with something that can be a major problem in not only mine but our childrens, childrens future. Nothing more, nothing less. If there is a choice to have food on our plates, I am going to choose us over the enemy. Etc Etc.

11-23-2010, 09:09 PM
I blame the US government and politicians in general.--Agree on this.
And he is a natural-born American citizen--If you can prove this I will believe you along with many other people including a congressman.
and he is not Muslim--His father was. To believe he isn't makes no sense considering it would be like my parents being Jewish and now I am Catholic/Christian.
and he is not a terrorist ---He may not be strapping bombs to his chest but trust me he is doing more damage and pretty much setting up others to do a lot of damage when the time is right.
and he is not a monkey (racial slur?)---I won't comment on this but I am sure everyone knows I will call a spade a spade. Really don't think it's racial like blacks voting for him because he was black.
Saying things like that only reduces your credibility BIGG. How am I even supposed to take you seriously?--The truth is I don't want people to listen to me and just believe. I want them to hear me, look it up and pay attention and see I just don't log into the internet and talk out of my ass. For years I have been this way and say it like I do. I am not perfect but I am man enough to say I am wrong when I am wrong. I listen to what everyone says and I research it. You have no idea how much I follow world wide or how much I actually care for this country. One thing for sure is I do not just take what anyone says and then repeat. I go to different sources and see what's happening before I make a conclusion. I respect more than ever if anyone can change my mind. So for anyone, hate my views but show me where I am wrong in any sense. I might not like it but I will view it and analyze it and see if there is anything to change my mind. For the record, I wish everything was wrong with what I say. I wish life was so peachy as others see it and peace blew in the wind. I just feel I am more realistic withthe sense of not wanting to take a chance with something that can be a major problem in not only mine but our childrens, childrens future. Nothing more, nothing less. If there is a choice to have food on our plates, I am going to choose us over the enemy. Etc Etc.


The state of Hawaii has already produced a birth certificate and other documents showing he was born in America. You can believe this or not.

He is a baptized Christian. It has been documented. Not that I care, because that means nothing to me, but whatever. Believe it or don't.

Give me one specific significant example of how "he is doing more damage and pretty much setting up others to do a lot of damage when the time is right". Specific. Not because you have a feeling, not because you see him as a foreign Muslim black guy. Something specific and and provable.

Look, I'm not thrilled with him, but I think you're making him out to be something evil, and I don't agree with that.

11-23-2010, 11:39 PM
Are you really saying you'd be fine with doing away with security screening at airports because there's no threat to a plane? Seriously?!

shit happens. you take reasonable precautions and that is pretty much all you can do. the question is how are you going to live your life? what the TSA is doing is not reasonable.

11-24-2010, 03:40 AM
The state of Hawaii has already produced a birth certificate and other documents showing he was born in America. You can believe this or not.---Prove it, this is not true. Not sure who told you this but it is fact a major issue that keeps getting dismissed. You have Congressmen and Military also questioning it and asking for his proof. Even his story doesn't make sense. He is a plotted terrorist. Explain how such a guy gets all of these luxuries in life and goes to the best schools? Don't believe me, look it up. I would love to see where and how you can prove these records.

He is a baptized Christian. It has been documented. Not that I care, because that means nothing to me, but whatever. Believe it or don't.--I don't believe it. Sharia Law allows him to lie.

Give me one specific significant example of how "he is doing more damage and pretty much setting up others to do a lot of damage when the time is right". Specific. Not because you have a feeling, not because you see him as a foreign Muslim black guy. Something specific and and provable.-----Everything he has done has done nothing but hurt this country. Many of you complained about Bush taken your rights away but what do you think this monkey has done? Are you aware of his associates? Are you aware of the czars he put in place and look into their backgrounds? He has tripled the deficit in less than 2 years and put America in a depression. What do you think will happen in the next 2 years? There are a milllion things I can list but what's the difference if you don't see it withyour own eyes?

Look, I'm not thrilled with him, but I think you're making him out to be something evil, and I don't agree with that. ---He is a Muslim terrorist that violates every principle this country was founded on. Evil?? I have a few other choice words for him. ******EDIT****** All I can say is some people are lucky I have to raise my daughter.

11-24-2010, 03:44 AM
While I see your point - I would ask then what is the alternative? Do nothing about it? There are people who want to do things like bomb planes. It happens. Shoe bomber, underwear bomber, toner bombs, the various "dry run" items found. It IS happening. Doesn't SOMETHING have to be done to help protect against it?

I thinkit's all bullshit. They let any mexican come into this country illegally and do nothing about it. When they putt scanners on the borders than I will take them as serious. Until then this is nothing more than a plot to ruin this country. All of you people should really start stocking your ammo. It's only a matter of time. And if any of you need to get on a plane, do not bow down to any Governement official ever that demands you give up your constituional rights. You fight if you have to but do not give up your rights. Doing so, you allowed those that died for your freedoms to do so in vain.

11-24-2010, 04:17 AM
I'm done with this thread. There is no middle ground here, no reason, no sanity. The sheep scream in fear, the lions roar in anger. There can be no reasonable discussion over the din of it all.

11-24-2010, 10:22 PM
This all was pushed 9/11. The day everyone was doing something else in our Government other than their job. This is not a conspiracy being pushed. If anyone is paying attention to things that are going on in this country, it makes sense. No I do not think Bush and Cheney blew up the trade center. This agenda is way past them and can only be done by bigger powers.
The facts speak for themselves (http://911truthnews.com/the-facts-speak-for-themselves/)

As Americans continue to live in denial, they lose more liberty, freedom, and privacy and if they do not stop living in a dream with this latest theft of liberties and rights, then the totalitarian state will be unstoppable by any subsequent protests. This is the last one people. Either you realize the reality as it exists today, or expatriate while you are still legally able to. If this doesn't "wake up" Americans to the grim reality of this and push back against the TSA's virtual strip-searching, verbal assault, sexual assault, child molestation, and the treating of citizens as criminals forced to prove their innocence, then nothing will and therein lies the unimpeded downward spiral into a high-tech totalitarian nightmare that people absurdly believe would never happen in the "land of the free, home of the brave".

I'm done with this subject; America is nearly hopeless at this point to change its destiny.

11-29-2010, 05:34 AM
This thread is closed due to noncompliance of COMMON SENSE!! Next time you threaten someone, I don't care who it is, you will be banned, permanently!! You have been warned in the past, and this is your last warning! Grow up, put out or shut up!! I've about had it with these political threads and all the bashing that comes with it. Yea there are a lot of great ideas, but well that's all it is, ideas or someones comments. Please keep your comments civil and nonthreatening, or risk being removed from the site. This post is borderline of the rules of the site, #2 and #6 for those that are of concern. Respect the site and it's rules, for be treated as your reply. This is your last warning!