View Full Version : Zoom Q3HD Video Recorder

11-21-2010, 04:53 PM
-= Update To Original Review/post =-

Check out Post #9 below for a direct comparison between a 1st Gen Flip UltraHD and my Zoom Q3HD at a concert.

I'm just not convinced that the Zoom is that much better than what's currently out there. There is no question the audio is better, but the video is far worse than most cameras and the audio improvement isn't enough to make up for it, in my opinion.
Either I received a defective product or Zoom simply dropped the ball with video processing on this unit. I should see if I can get a regular Zoom Q3 and compare that with the HD version...
For a product specifically designed and advertised as being for concert use, the Zoom just falls too far short for my taste. Which is a shame since that's exactly what I bought it for - to document local music and get quality performance recordings into the hands of local musicians.

-= End of Update =-

So I got myself a brand new just released toy. Here's my review!

Note - Skip to the bottom for pros, cons and video samples if you don't want to read all the details!

Zoom Q3HD

So after waiting for a few months I finally picked up one of the new Zoomn Q3HD video recorders immediately upon Release. I purchased this one from George's Music Online since it was the only place I could find one in stock as most stores hadn't received them yet.

I purchased this specifically to record live music since, as most of you have noticed already, I do a lot of live music photography and have wanted to start adding video as well but haven't had anything that was really good at it.

Previously, I've owned and used a Flip UltraHD along with a handful of other small recorders but the UltraHD is what I'm considering as my comparison.

First Impression After Receiving

Looks really cool and imposing with the dual mics mounted on top! Nice large screen. Fits in my hand really well (Though I have larger hands. Might be an issue for someone with a very small hand). Screen looks really good. Control layout is easy to navigate and pretty intuitive. Boot up time is about 1 second from power on to recording. Nice!
Note that it only comes with a 2GB SD card, so an exta card is definately warranted. The included 2GB card will hold about 20 minutes of 1080 video. If you aren't very familiar with SD cards, make sure to look up information on them. You want at a minimum a Class 6 card but I'd suggest going with a Class 10. Higher class cards can write faster and you need that extra speed when recording HD video.
Also the unit does come with some standard cheap alkaline batteries. Useful for those of us who want to geek out and play with it immediately upon opening but I wouldn't depend on them for any real use. Note that the Q3HD does have an option under the "Settings" menu to switch between Alkaline and NiMH batteries. I'm honestly not entirely sure what the setting does, but know that it's there!
The dual audio meters also look really cool and are genuinely useful on a camera like this.
I love the built in USB cord though it really needs to be a little longer. I do like how they put a little magnet in the slot it fits back in to which means it will never hang out. Nice touch!

Ease Of Use

I love the menu system on this. They really nailed that. Looks a lot like a smartphone home screen with 9 large buttons layed out in a home screen style. They are all pretty self-explanatory and the labels and various menus are all easy to read. Navigation is with the 4-way control ring around the center record/enter button. Again, pretty typical style these days but it's typical because it's easy and it works!
I do love how they split up some things to seperate buttons which I find a better system than having multiple submenus. The only[/n] item which has submenus is the Settings screen. Video Format (1080/30, 720/60, 720/30 etc) is one icon while the light settings (Concert, low light, etc) are another. I like not having all those under something like one general 'Video Settings' menu item.
The ability to divide and trim videos directly from the playback screen is [b]VERY cool and a nice touch. It works very well and super fast, only taking a few seconds.

The Accessory Pack
The accessory pack, which at the time I bought it was $39.99 extra and consists of a mini HDMI cable, a miniplug to composite video cable, AC Adapter, Mini Tripod, carry case and a windscreen for mics on the top of the unit. All in all, I was fairly disappointed in this. The minitripod is pretty cheap and while useful, you can almost assuredly find one better pretty cheaply. The windscreen is a standard 2-dollar windscreen as far as I can tell. The carry case is really nice, but difficult to use in practice for me. It zips all around like a piece of luggage. So while on your belt you risk having the unit fall open when you are unzipping it and the Q3HD falling out. I much much prefer a flip-top type case. Basically, unless you need several of these things I think a better value would be to buy the items you need seperately and that way you can match your preferences exactly.

First use

So I went out and bought a pack of high power rechargeable NiMH AA batteries to use with this. Spent the day charging them up and went off very excited to record the first show with my fancy new Q3HD!
The artist was a local singer/songwriter named GeriX and the release party for her new EP "The Kid". It was at The Local 662, a local venue which I'd been to before and new they had a great sound rig that they loved to push really loud. I thought it would be an interesting test, a normally quieter act run through a punching sound system. Lighting was pretty standard local venue flavor - multiple colored overhead lights behind and to the sides of the performers along with a few fill lights below and in front.
Again, using this was a breeze. Just turned it on, pressed the little red button and it's recording. The screen was pretty easy to see. It's large enough and definately bright enough to see everything.
I started out on 1080p, auto sound leveling and auto lighting. According to the audio meters it was easily adjusting as the song progressed louder and quieter. I never saw any clipping which impressed me a lot as I was right between the stacks and maybe 20 feet away. It was loud enough that it was very difficult to hear people right next to me.
I recorded both handheld and with a mini-tripod (Not the one that comes with the accessory pack).
I recorded several songs. A very loud full band opening act, a few solo songs and a few songs with GeriX and a bass player. I used a mix of 1080/30 and 720/60. I also used a mix of having the lighting mode set to both auto and to "concert lighting".
Playback on the Q3Hd itself was easy though it's a bit hard to really tell how the video is coming out on such a small screen.
Again, it was wonderfully easy to use and to change settings on the fly in a venue. Everyone around was asking about it since it is so strikingly different and eyecatching with the little level meters bouncing around and the mics on top.

I was blown away by the audio quality. Really excellent. I would have liked to have heard the mid-range frequencies be a bit more prominent but I will hold off until the next gig to say for sure. It's possible it was the venue. Zoom has a record for quality audio recorders and they maintain it here.
However, I was very disappointed by the video quality. Everything looks like it was shot through a layer of plastic. The lighting should not have been that challenging. Especially for a camera at this price range. Any of the performers that stepped out of direct light disappeared. It had a very difficult time dealing with low light. This was both in auto and in concert lighting mode. I admit I forgot to try low-light mode but I would think auto should have essentially done the same. To me, auto should be covering the whole range of settings.

I have another gig to shoot next weekend and I'll also be able to setup the Flip UltraHD and the Zoom Q3Hd side-by-side and do a direct comparison. I'll reserve my final judgement for that. For now, I'm disappointed enough in the Zoom that I may be returning it if next weekend doesn't improve dramatically in the video department.

Ease of Use
Menu Navigation
Excellent Auto Adjustment Audio
Very Good Audio
Built-In USB Cord
Ability to trim and split videos directly from the unit.
Adjustable Audio Format and quality is very cool
Good battery life. I never even dropped 1 bar (out of 3) for battery life after about 30 mins of use

So far, poor video quality in concert setting
1080 video is only at 30fps which will not play back natively on a 60hz LCD monitor (Most monitors)
Carry Case - Extra Cost Accessory but one most might think about getting
USB cord is too short

Final Thoughts
This is a good little handheld video recorder and could be great if the video quality was there. I'll update this again after next weekend or earlier if I get a chance to record another show.

One thing I wish they had included is storing all the camera settings with the video. You can see video rate and audio rates but not things like the lighting setting and audio level settings. It's not a huge deal but it really helps when you are trying to learn how to get the most of the product.
The file sizes are pretty small. Smaller than I would have thought for being 1080 and having such high quality audio.

A couple of photos I took with my DSLR for an example of what it looked like:
http://www.livesuncoast.com/GeriX.jpg http://www.livesuncoast.com/Margot%20West.jpg

And some sample videos I uploaded:





11-23-2010, 12:36 PM
Bingo, I use the FlipHD and noticed that the biggest problem with these devices is the lighting control. This even goes for more professional hd cams where if you don't have good lighting the video is pretty bad. What is the initial format being used to encode this hd? I find the video quality of the flip to be pretty good and easy to work with but I find the video to my evo phone to be good as well but lousy to work with. Thanks for the review and next time do it in the hardware section or I will have to fire you :-).

p.s. send me a link to this via FB. I will send you one of a gadget my uncle was looking at andc told me about that does 360 degree capture. Sony makes it.

11-23-2010, 12:39 PM
Hey I just googled it myself so link not needed. I am going to research it more.

11-24-2010, 08:25 AM
I'm very interested in one of these myself, so very much looking forward to your follow up comments on video quality. Poor video was the same knock made on the original Q3, so you would think they would have addressed that in the Q3HD version. Low light is a problem for these small chip video cams, though. Hopefully the 'low light' setting will help.

I just watched your videos and they are definitely "soft" -- colors look good, though. You might try shooting some video outside which should be sharp and clear just to be sure you don't have some sort of focus problem. But it looks like maybe the low light is the issue. Shooting good video in low light is always hard.

Thanks for the good review and info!

11-28-2010, 10:55 PM

I definately think either I received a defective unit or they simply don't have the video processing down where it should be yet for this. I'm going to have to return it to the site I bought it from. I may try another Q3HD from a local vendor to try and clarify if it's just my particular unit or simply weak processor design by Zoom.

I'm going to post some comparison videos but I won't have time for a few days at the earliest. Went Saturday night to a show at a local venue. They have a multi-million dollar lighting system run by professionals. One of my friends brought a Flip UltraHD and we sat side by side and recorded several songs. Her video quality is *vastly* superior to the Zoom. It nearly makes the Zoom unwatchable once you see hers. The sound is much better on the Zoom but it doesn't remotely make up for the lack of clarity in the video quality. It's almost like the Zoom just can't handle the variations in light and is unable to focus.

I specifically tried 3 songs in a row with different light settings (On the Zoom it's called 'Scene'): Auto, Concert and Night.

Here are 2 pictures to compare. The first is my Zoom. The 2nd is the Flip UltraHD. This is the same moment in the same song. The cameras were about 2 feet apart and the same distance from the stage. Especially notice things like faces (Look at the difference between the two on the singer to the far left of the image for example). The Zoom simply doesn't cut it.



11-29-2010, 12:09 AM
Here are three samples demonstrating the different light settings available on the Zoom. These were all shot at 720/60fps.

The Zoom calls the settings, "Scene" on the menu. The choices are Auto, Concert Lighting and Night. These are shown here in that same order.

First is "Auto":

Next is "Concert Lighting":

Last is "Night":

11-29-2010, 11:47 AM
Hello !
I was reading your thread concerning Zoom Q3HD and watching the videos, and i wanted to ask you couple of questions if you don't mind.
I'm THAT close buying one, i found available ones online and i added them to my Cart. i've been looking at the Zoom q3 for a whole year, and now about the Zoom Q3HD for a while (3 months maybe).

However you pointing out the video quality and weak it was and that the flip (i know i would never get a flip) had superior video quality made me stop this : purchase now clicking.

i just need your personal advice, just drop me a word, tell me to go for it, or not! Is the quality killing the audio, or is it "ok" knowing that i'm a musician.
thank you, your input is greatly appreciated!

11-29-2010, 12:26 PM
Hello !
I was reading your thread concerning Zoom Q3HD and watching the videos, and i wanted to ask you couple of questions if you don't mind.
I'm THAT close buying one, i found available ones online and i added them to my Cart. i've been looking at the Zoom q3 for a whole year, and now about the Zoom Q3HD for a while (3 months maybe).

However you pointing out the video quality and weak it was and that the flip (i know i would never get a flip) had superior video quality made me stop this : purchase now clicking.

i just need your personal advice, just drop me a word, tell me to go for it, or not! Is the quality killing the audio, or is it "ok" knowing that i'm a musician.
thank you, your input is greatly appreciated!

Hey Joe (Where you going with that gun in your hand) -

To buy or not to buy... that is the question isn't it? I guess I'd answer it this way - if you have the money and audio is the absolute primary reason you want it - then yes. However, understand that (at least with the Zoom that I have) the video quality is going to be pretty terrible. For me, I'm still on the fence about it. The Flip UltraHD is a good camera in my opinion. Is the audio better enough on the Zoom Q3HD to overcome the decidedly worse video? That's my issue as well.

So that's why I say if you have the money to spare AND the audio is way more important than video than probably yes. My next post will be videos from Saturday night comparing the Flip and Zoom.

Also, on a random note - I'd say check with your local music store. They are starting to get them now and I'm a big fan of supporting your local music stores for products like this!


11-29-2010, 12:29 PM
Alright. So I got hold of my friends Flip UltraHD and grabbed a few of her videos. She was sitting next to me so this is a great comparison of the two cameras. To me, this is just totally unacceptable. The difference in quality is dramatic in my opinion. The Flip is so much better it's not even funny. Certainly not at 1/2 the price of the Zoom or more depending on sales. Note that this is a first gen Flip, without the image stabilization.

Note, she doesn't have nearly as steady a hand as I do. Ah well! :)

Zoom Q3HD, 720/60, Scene setting is on "Concert Lighting"

Flip UltraHD, 720, no other settings available

11-29-2010, 07:47 PM
Thanks again for your time and dedication you put into that review and all the reviews online. however i find it sad and a bit harsh that you bad reviewed the zoom q3hd on all major websites knowing that you personally had a bad experience and few reviews are out there. i saw other videos on youtube and they did not have the quality you did. samson videos and user videos.
however i always tend to read negative reviews in order to know whether to get the product or not, and i guess the zoom q3hd is a good choice to me. again thanks for the comparison and all the effort you've been through to help people decide

11-29-2010, 10:25 PM
Thanks again for your time and dedication you put into that review and all the reviews online. however i find it sad and a bit harsh that you bad reviewed the zoom q3hd on all major websites knowing that you personally had a bad experience and few reviews are out there. i saw other videos on youtube and they did not have the quality you did. samson videos and user videos.
however i always tend to read negative reviews in order to know whether to get the product or not, and i guess the zoom q3hd is a good choice to me. again thanks for the comparison and all the effort you've been through to help people decide

That's cool and I appreciate you taking the time to comment as well as the thanks. For what it's worth, I really do try and be objective about what I write/wrote. I really hate those reviews that tend to be 'This thing sucked and I'm returning it! rage rage!'. They are clearly just someone who is mad and doesn't even express why it 'sucked'. I also tried to make a point to keep saying 'I don't know if mine is a bad unit or if it's all Q3HDs'.

Also, I think I just hit Amazon (knowing that's where a lot of people will end up) and then Charlie's since that's where I bought it (Hence the fact that review is mostly just about Charlie's being easy to work with).

I honestly never thought the Photography forum would pop up on search results. Apparently that place gets a lot more traffic than I thought! :P

I'm not giving up on this. I'm going to try and find a way to try another Zoom alongside mine to see if it's any different.

By the way, were you able to find any concert-type setting videos other than the ones direct from SamsonTech? That's what I was really looking for for my own comparison. Most of the videos I found tended to be pretty close, well lit stuff rather than real "concert" type situations that are done by everyday folks like myself.

Either way, thanks again - I really do appreciate it too. I love geeking out over stuff like this and really getting into it. :thumbs:

Bingo / Matt

11-30-2010, 03:29 AM
I agree the video looks horrible. After studying it, it looks to me like possibly the Zoom is doing some type of noise reduction and that's causing a loss of detail. Whatever the case, if all units produce video like this, it's a deal killer for me. Better to buy an audio only unit and mate it with a decent camcorder.

Thanks for all the work posting these videos and your feedback. You may have saved me a lot of time and trouble. That said, it would be interesting if you could get a different unit and verify the results are the same. It's always possible you got a bad one...they might have rushed the initial production runs since they had so much buzz around this model.

Thanks again. Very disappointing, though. :(

11-30-2010, 04:36 AM
I agree the video looks horrible. After studying it, it looks to me like possibly the Zoom is doing some type of noise reduction and that's causing a loss of detail. Whatever the case, if all units produce video like this, it's a deal killer for me. Better to buy an audio only unit and mate it with a decent camcorder.

Thanks for all the work posting these videos and your feedback. You may have saved me a lot of time and trouble. That said, it would be interesting if you could get a different unit and verify the results are the same. It's always possible you got a bad one...they might have rushed the initial production runs since they had so much buzz around this model.

Thanks again. Very disappointing, though. :(

Yeah I am going to do everything I can to get my hands on another unit and try again. I've actually contacted the rep group that deals with these local to see if I can get a conversation with SamsonTech's local sales rep. Barring that, I may try picking up another unit from a local music store and hit up another concert. Sadly I've got to deal with a family emergency which is going to keep me out of town for a week or two so it will have to wait. Which pretty much means I have to just return this since soon I'll be hitting my 30-day return window.

So I'm going to do what I can. I will continue to keep this updated! Sooner or later we'll get a small simple unit with great video AND great audio. I'd love it if that unit would be the Q3HD :)

11-30-2010, 05:53 AM
Sorry to hear about your family emergency ... that's certainly far more important, so put this aside until you have more time. If I run across anything of interest, I'll be sure to post back here as well. Good luck and thanks again for all your good work on this.

12-21-2010, 07:25 PM
As I continue to pursue this, it seems like the Zoom Q3HD needs a lot of light, just like the Zoom Q3 -- so for concert and club recording, great sound, crummy video. I'm crossing the Zoom Q3HD off my list for now. It seems to be great for making videos in good light, though the video is not fantastic compared to others video cams, but the audio is awesome as with the Q3.

At this point, a combo solution still seems superior. Note, though, that many/most video cams struggle in low light, so hard to find anything better at this price. The best solutions seem to be 2-3 times as expensive or more. :(

12-26-2010, 01:30 AM
As I continue to pursue this, it seems like the Zoom Q3HD needs a lot of light, just like the Zoom Q3 -- so for concert and club recording, great sound, crummy video. I'm crossing the Zoom Q3HD off my list for now. It seems to be great for making videos in good light, though the video is not fantastic compared to others video cams, but the audio is awesome as with the Q3.

At this point, a combo solution still seems superior. Note, though, that many/most video cams struggle in low light, so hard to find anything better at this price. The best solutions seem to be 2-3 times as expensive or more. :(

Pretty much exactly the same conclusion I've come too :( . The one thing that has my attention piqued is the new generation of Flip cameras have the port on the bottom and sometime in January hopefully the external stereo mic is hitting the market. It's definately on my list to check out!

12-26-2010, 05:05 AM
Thanks, I'll keep an eye out for the Flip.

12-29-2010, 09:19 PM
Hey Bingo.
I'm writing this reply to tell you that i got the Zoom Q3HD.
I have to say i'm disappointed. i'm very sad, i feel the post purchase regret. Not only i'm not happy with the Video quality (it's OK for my need but i was expecting better) but my sensor has 8+ dead pixels and i'm stuck with those hot pixels in the middle of the movie, i live in Lebanon (middle east) and taking the camera back to the USA for a refund or a replacement is a big issue to me.
I'm just sharing. cause i'm pissed. Please advice in case you can.

02-13-2011, 05:09 AM
Hey Bingo - still around - actually any of y'all can answer. I was just told about the q3hd as a possible relacement for a silly (old) logitech webcam I have been using for recording classical guitar practices. I'm just a hobby player so 30 fps is fine for me but the audio on the old webcam is TERRIBLE! and a pain to try and clean up (I think it's only 8-bit sound from the webcam and cleaning noise always sours the audio)

I was really interested when hearing that the q3hd audio was great. I mean, minimal video is probably fine for me but I want the audio clean. I'll only be using it in quiet settings (unless I decide to get all artsy-fartsy with some piece and go record it outside somewhere - actually not likely to happen LOL!) Mostly I use it for recording practice sessions only http://www.hav.com/junk/

Do any of y'all have any experience with it for classical guitar audio - or something similar - I mean - not amplified bands? I saw something about lack of mid tone range or something.

Anyway - any thoughts welcome.

OH - also - what is the format of the video? .mov?

Thanks - hav

11-13-2011, 07:57 AM
Zoom Q3-HD*: first impressions.

Why the Q3*?
Reviews showed disappointment in the video, but the initial bugs seem to have been corrected in the 2010 firmware, (v.1.15), and the unit seems reliable, and very practical.
I am a classical violinist and choirmaster, and so I need basic «*natural*» stereo. (XY 120 deg gives mono compatability but keeps the overall room acoustic).
I hesitated between the Q3-HD and a PlaySport in parallel with my Zoom H2*; what decided me was the 2-second startup, the one-press rec/stop button, and above all the removable sd card and the standard, instantly replaceable batteries*.

I am sorely tempted to stick some black loud-speaker mesh in the microphone compartment to protect the mics*; and rims of plastic round the lens housing and screen ( I sometimes have to put the thing down!)
I shall also keep an elastic band in my pocket for when the little tags on the battery cover break*!! (I'll be opening it rather often, I fear.)

Pleasantly surprised*?
The default settings are sensible*: 720/30 auto, AAC192 auto*; but I was pleased to find that my own settings remained valid even after removing the batteries.
The Auto sound setting can be changed to High or Low at the flick of the external switch.
The two Auto* sound settings are ingenious*: Up & Down (default) levels everything*; Down Only reacts to loud sounds, and then stays low to respect the expressive dynamics of the music – very important to the classical musician. Normally, I shall not be using Auto.

My settings*?
Stop the beeps*! Stop the speaker for playback*! (My neighbour might be recording the concert too.)
PCM 16-bit 48Kz (I'll compress the sound later, if necessary).
720 (wider angle) 60ips (fluidity).
Concert Lighting (considerably reduces glare from facing lamps or windows).

Alkalines give 1.5v, NiMh only 1.2v, so it is important to adjust the settings, or the unit may give up early.
The official figures, (2 hours video, 4 hours audio) probably only apply to the very highest capacity alkalines, at the very lowest quality settings. The very highest settings give file-sizes 3-4 times bigger for the same timing, and so they must use considerably more current...
I shall set up an external battery box, or keep a huge supply in my pocket. At least there is no 4-hour wait for an unpredictable USB charge.
Remember that NiMh rechargeables lose their charge when not in use : (

File size*?
Limited to under 4 GB (Fat32 limit on SD cards). This limits the recording time to betwwen 30 mins (highest settings) and 120 min (lowest settings). After 4GB, a new file is started, but I don't yet know how much is lost in between.

To avoid annoying neighbours, musicians, lecturers, union officials etc., I shall put a sticker on the little light under the lens, and a cloth flap over the screen (which will otherwise turn my face into a Halloween mask*!)
For hand holding, I will hold the tripod – tight shut – with a cloth, to avoid creaking and rubbing noises.

Well, that's all for now, time for a full trial*!

11-17-2011, 10:50 AM
I'd love to see a current head-to-head comparison with another camera if you have one.