View Full Version : Holy Crap

11-23-2010, 07:46 PM
North Korea shelled a South Korean island. This can't be good.


11-23-2010, 08:23 PM
I thought you were aware of this already as I assumed it in my last post earlier when I said "I will suggest paying attention to the other axis of evil nations we aren't doing anything about. Look at what they are doing and to allof you thinking peace stays because we do nothing, you're all just crazy if you don't think this will not come and change your way of living one day and make things world wide insane and far worst than you think it is with America doing what it needs to do to prevent such nonsense."

Countries like this including Iran are going to push and push. Of course I blame China and Russia for supporting them but when should something be done? When does America step in? When it's too late and millions have been killed? This is exactly my point.

11-23-2010, 08:32 PM
I thought you were aware of this already as I assumed it in my last post earlier when I said "I will suggest paying attention to the other axis of evil nations we aren't doing anything about. Look at what they are doing and to allof you thinking peace stays because we do nothing, you're all just crazy if you don't think this will not come and change your way of living one day and make things world wide insane and far worst than you think it is with America doing what it needs to do to prevent such nonsense."

Countries like this including Iran are going to push and push. Of course I blame China and Russia for supporting them but when should something be done? When does America step in? When it's too late and millions have been killed? This is exactly my point.

Russia is in fact not supporting NK, and I'm guessing China is pretty much shitting their pants atm. Both of their economies are growing, and the last thing they want is a war with SK, Japan, and the US. If this happens, the world economy will fall like we've never seen before. Which is why we aren't stepping in.

This could potentially be the 3rd WW depending on what SK decides to do.

11-24-2010, 04:04 PM
Sirc, this although is an act of war, it is a test and show of what America is going to happen. This won't be the start of the war but part of it that is going to happen in the near future. As of today, Russia and China dropped the dollar. I told everyone this was going to happen 5 years ago. There is a bigger scheme to all of this which is going to cripple America if we don't wake up. Not sound like the gloomy guy but when you look at all the numbers acroos the nation, things are looking worst than people think. The next step is food shortages.

Anyway, our dollar is almost at 50% and this is not good. Weird when you see the stock market doing decent but truth be told that all stocks are over valued. Simply go to the bank near you and check the rates. You will notice your money is earning nothing. I am wondering if I should put a freeze on my 401k because after losing over 30,000 a few years ago, I wonder if this is going to be a bigger hit soon. I really don't know what it's like where many of you live. NY is broke but people are still working so it seems because so many are here but the unemployment rate is pretty high here. I dont trust the numbers. I know in Florida, it is really bad and California is broke like NY but even worst. I am not sure if people realize how long if it is possible to get out of this mess.

11-24-2010, 06:07 PM
My 401K is up over 10% since the beginning of the year, so I don't know what you're talking about................nor do I really care either.

11-24-2010, 06:08 PM
hrm, dollar is 50% of what? it has been holding fairly stable the past year, currently @ 1.33 per euro and 1.57 pound. Before the fall it was around 1.60/euro and 2/pound.
and yeah, banks continue to suck, but as for stopping your 401k, that is probably shortsighted. if the market recovers you will miss out.
On the other hand if our money becomes worthless it won't matter, so taking it out.... :)

11-28-2010, 01:51 AM
I thought you were aware of this already as I assumed it in my last post earlier when I said "I will suggest paying attention to the other axis of evil nations we aren't doing anything about. Look at what they are doing and to allof you thinking peace stays because we do nothing, you're all just crazy if you don't think this will not come and change your way of living one day and make things world wide insane and far worst than you think it is with America doing what it needs to do to prevent such nonsense."

Countries like this including Iran are going to push and push. Of course I blame China and Russia for supporting them but when should something be done? When does America step in? When it's too late and millions have been killed? This is exactly my point.
Why do we have to step in, sooner or later we have to put our own first.. This country is getting sooo pathetically foolish.