View Full Version : new ways for skills

Free Styler
02-28-2003, 09:47 AM
So after playing a few games i've realized that the discontinued use of power ups is not enough to bring back skills in this game.Here are a few things that we could do to truly test or knowledge of the game with. 1.The use of a wheel mouse on sticky sand paper would bring a new level of play for the good players. Now we would all have to agree that the people not using this first method are unskilled players who have no skill. 2.i was thinking that each of us could buy a used key board and loosen the electrical wire of the key board.Doing this, it could actully give you some electrical shocks and remove control of the keyboard for a few seconds giving a new meaning to the game. 3.to finish it all up i would have to recommend switching to a small window on your computer screen whit poor resolutions. Now people playing this way would really have to be good players.And of course we would still need to respect the "no power ups" other wise your a rubbish player slogan. Cause after all i know that if i was playing with 5 good players in a game and one were to use the power ups and practicaly do a perfect game hehe well this player would have no skills.IT's that simple people. So hopefully we can get 2 of the 3 methods of play in implanmentation.I c'ant wait to see the results.Hey we can even bring some new slogans in the game for people not respecting these conditions.Oh boy is this going to be fun.lol

02-28-2003, 09:56 AM
So I assume you were playing under an alias and still got trashed talked? And why was that?

(Villains)****Death Sentence****
02-28-2003, 10:23 AM
I see more Trash-talking player......
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Free Styler
02-28-2003, 05:52 PM
For what ever reason it was sirc i personaly think that the people moaning all the time are a bunch of loosers.this game is now base on rules more then fun.i don't know who started all this but it's becoming ridiculous the number of players whit there standards of game play.To be quite honest i think it's just become a new exuse for loosing replacing lag for the target. This subject has been brought up to many times but over all one player can do has he wishes and having illusions about being superman cause your not using power ups is ridiculous.I play once in a while and all i get most of the times is crap talk.IT's now to the stage of letting people get a few frags so they don't leave.Overall a game wich is becoming ridiculous. About the alias same opinion as always it's not your choice to say to me what name to take. And a other thing if i feel my lag level is quite high in a game and i have the impression of being slow.For shure i'll use the power ups for a helper to my game play. Anyways one thing is for shure all you people moaning get the fun out of the game .

02-28-2003, 06:01 PM
Free Styler, I think I get your drift!!!!! I will use whatever pups or weapons I feel are necessary to COMPETE in the game! If it's my server, then I may not use the canon, I may not use the invisibility, I may not use the SD, but if someone comes in and starts moping up the floor with me, well, then I get a little pumped up. I like to keep the game competitive as much as possible. As a server, I TRY to take into account that others have to deal with the lag and compensate to a certain degree. Sometimes, other players may be getting some lag but they are so damn good, they still kick my ass. I love it. If lag is a big problem for me, I just tuck my tail between my legs and skurry on home!!!!!

These aren't rules for me, just something I try to do to keep the game interesting. Winning isn't everything! Frag ON!!!!! :thumbs:

03-02-2003, 07:40 AM
Enough with the trash talking.

It's not like anyone will start doing what your saying. It’s a game that’s meant to be fun and competitive. There are no damn real prizes. Only you know how good of a player you really are: based on the way your playing (skills), your ping rate (connection) and your receiving frames per second (latency rate). If you think yeah I gonna get all the dam power ups, SD, invincibility, etc. Well that’s totally up to u, unless it was agreed upon before game started. But at the end of a game only you know how well of a player you really are.
And if you think your game play is improving by getting power ups, think again???

03-02-2003, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by WEAPON_XxX@Mar 2 2003, 02:40 AM
Enough with the trash talking.

It's not like anyone will start doing what your saying. It’s a game that’s meant to be fun and competitive. There are no damn real prizes. Only you know how good of a player you really are: based on the way your playing (skills), your ping rate (connection) and your receiving frames per second (latency rate). If you think yeah I gonna get all the dam power ups, SD, invincibility, etc. Well that’s totally up to u, unless it was agreed upon before game started. But at the end of a game only you know how well of a player you really are.
And if you think your game play is improving by getting power ups, think again???
mine has by getting power ups at the right time :thumbs: