View Full Version : Killing Floor Update Released

12-14-2010, 09:02 PM
Updates to Killing Floor have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted.


All new level: Santa’s Evil Lair
Added a new difficulty called "Hell on Earth", which is more difficult than Suicidal was
All creatures in game replaced with Christmas themed monsters including the Gingerfast and the Nutpound
More than double the achievement count with over 130 total achievements
13 new Christmas achievements
Unlockable "Baddest Santa" playable character
New DLC Character Pack dubbed "London’s Finest"Red or blue Pyro from Team Fortress 2 playable character available to anyone that owns both Team Fortress 2 and Killing Floor


Made Suicidal easier to serve be an easier jump from Hard difficulty
Fixed Winchester firing from stopping fall damage from taking place
Fixed an issue where the teams end of round money could be reduced by sharing money with teammatesFixed melee attacks from the front doing double damage as if they were from the back

General Changes

Reduced damage on the Knife by 30% to make the machete more appealing to users wanting to melee early on
Removed randomness from Melee weapon strikes
Increased Grenade blast radius by 20%
Increased Grenade damage by 20%Removed stun effect of Melee attacks from classes that are not Beserker

Berserker Changes

Increased Berserker damage resistance by 20%
Removed the reduced damage for Chainsaw headshots
Increased Chainsaw damage by 16%
Gave Katana its auto fire, again.
Reduced Katana's fire rate by 10%Decrease Machete weight by 2

Sharpshooter Changes

Reduced Crossbow Arrow's headshot multiplier from 8x to 4x
Reduced Crossbow's initial ammo to 33% instead of 100%
Ammo Pickups give you 6 Crossbow Bolts instead of 8
Each Crossbow Bolt costs 3.3 pounds instead of 3 pounds
Gave Sharpshooters a discount of up to 33% on Bolts
Reduced Crossbow's weight by 1
Reduced the M14EBR's fire rate from 0.175 to 0.25
Lowered the M14EBR's base damage by 5%
Increased M14EBR's head shot multiplier by 12.5%
Removed all body shot modifiers from the SharpshooterRemoved reload and recoil bonuses for the 9mm, Dualies, and Dual Handcannons from the Sharpshooter

Demolition Changes

Increase the cost of pipebombs – Increased from 800 to 1500 w/o discounts
Changed pipebomb discount - Up to 74% at lvl 6
Fixed ammo refill on Pipebombs so its half of the price of the weapon
Reduced the weight of the LAW by 1
Improved Pipebomb pricing discrepancies
Increased direct damage on LAW rocket hits by 10%
Reduced LAW rocket's damage radius by 15%
Arming distance on LAW increased from 6 meters to 10 meters
Increased M32 Grenades to cost 10 each to match the M79 Grenade Launcher's
Added up to a 30% discount on LAW, LAW rockets, and Launcher Grenades.
Reduced LAW rocket amount to 10 for non DemolitionsIncreased LAW rocket amount to 20 for a level 6 Demolitions

Support Changes

Reduced Hunting Shotgun's initial ammo to 25% full instead of 100%Reduced Hunting Shotgun's ammo price by 20%


Reduced the Medic run speed bonus by 5% to bring it in line with the BerserkerMedic now receives double the amount of money per point of health (.6 from .4)

Firebug Changes

Reduced burn damage on the Mac 10Removed the dual weapon spawn bug for the level 6 Firebug

Commando Changes

Increased damage on SCAR by 15%

Zed Changes

The Fleshpound should now target players more intelligently
Fixed the Fleshpound's Rage being based off base weapon damage(without the Perk bonuses include)
Scrakes rage at 25% health gone instead of 50% health gone
Improved Scrakes rage abilityPatriarch's melee attack damages multiple targets in front of him

Changes for Suicidal and "Hell on Earth" ONLY

When grabbed by a clot, players can no longer jump to remove the hold
Limited Scrakes to only being stunned once
Increased Scrake and Fleshpound crossbow headshot resistance to 65%(from 50%)Doubled Fleshpound rage duration

Changes for "Hell on Earth" ONLY

Reduced 9mm headshot bonus to +40% from +140%Removed armor from level 6 Berserker's spawn loadout

Weapon Slot Changes

Moved Chainsaw to slot 4
Moved M32 to slot 4
Moved Mac10 to slot 3Moved Pipebombs down in their category

More... (http://store.steampowered.com/news/4783/)