View Full Version : Very Important for all

12-17-2010, 10:39 PM
Go to Spokeo.com and take yourself off the list.

This place has everything about you, even about your job etc.

Anyone can go in and pay $3 to look you up and find out just about everything of you including where you work and how much you make etc.

Invasion of privacy thanks to our government who will not do anything about it.

You will need to add your email and have yourself remove, but be-aware to use another email when doing so.


12-19-2010, 07:50 PM

12-20-2010, 03:38 PM
If you are from the USA and for example if I pay the $3 about anyone, good chance of me getting a lot more information about you.

If I was a criminal and wanted to steal your house this only provides
and makes it easier for them to prepare and know when you are not in the house.

What really matters is the children that can go missing in a blink of an eye.

This site is heaven for all criminals.

Think beyond this as a criminal and believe me lots of possibilities.

I may some very important contacts with friends that I know about this issue and they will be looking into it.

Also when you now try to remove yourself from the list it will tell you that they been getting a lot of request
by many and to please be patience.

Word is out about this and I have may many good contacts about this site and letting many important people that I know about this site.

12-20-2010, 04:26 PM

BTW, it cost more than $3 to view. You buy a yearly membership at $2.95 a month for a total of $35.40 or one of their other plans

12-20-2010, 04:53 PM

I'm sure there are a bunch more, like it said on Snopes Spokeo page, knocking these out is like trying to play Wack-a-mole

Each of those sites has a privacy page link at the bottom to tell you how to get your information off there or blocked.

12-21-2010, 06:31 AM
Thanks Shogun.

There are a bunch more but like you said it would be Wake-a-mole.

Once again thanks Shogun.

12-21-2010, 07:40 AM
SAS, you are being paranoid. if I wanted to rob you i'd drive around your neighborhood, check you out, your neighbors. Websites would not have any value to me.

12-22-2010, 12:41 AM
Pfft. 4 or 5 years ago BIGG posted my full name, address, and phone number on these forums. He had my first name (with the odd spelling, which made things easier), and my general location, and I'm guessing someone told him my last name. That was all he needed. That was a good lesson to me to be as anonymous as you possibly can on the internet.

I don't do FB, or any social networking at all. I use a random yahoo account when I have to provide an email address. I won't tell anyone my real name anymore, nor will I give out my home email address. And none of that really matters.

My county has a website that lists all properties, who owns the property, how much they paid for it, when they bought it, a complete house description including a picture of the house.

Whether you like it or not, you're information is, has been, and always will be available. And guess what? It's always been that way. 50 years ago, if I had someone's name, I could easily get their address and telephone number. I could go to their house on trash day and pretty much sift through to find any information I wanted. It was called the telephone book.

Everything has changed, and nothing has changed.

EDIT: Anyone remember when your social security number was required for everything? It was on your driver's license, it was required to cash or write a check. You still have to give it for some things, even though it's totally illegal to require it for anything but things relating to social security benefits.

12-22-2010, 03:40 AM
EDIT: Anyone remember when your social security number was required for everything? It was on your driver's license, it was required to cash or write a check. You still have to give it for some things, even though it's totally illegal to require it for anything but things relating to social security benefits.

Back in the 70's your student id number in college WAS your SS number. Think how that would be today. I remember taking my dog to the vet a few years back and them asking for my SS number on the information sheet. I told them my dog wasn't going to use medicaid for treatment and that they wouldn't be needing my number. Sheesh!
As for the property information, that information was always available if you went to the county property assessors office and then to the register of deeds. Now like you say most of it is readily available on the internet for free in some counties. I'm not complaining about that part. Makes my job easier.

12-22-2010, 03:40 AM
Strange, but there were some incorrect things on there...

I guess I'm married now?

12-22-2010, 10:00 AM
My point is that it just makes it easier for people to find you.
Yes you can get information even as far back as 40 years ago to gather info from someone but today makes it even easier
within mins.

And Jim not being paranoid ok thank you for your analogies, if you should so happen to pass my neighborhood you would not want to meet me or try to steel from my house.

My information was not correct anyway about me so I was glad about that but I am sure there are some places that are accurate.
I can go into detail on that topic but I rather not anyway.

Sirc brought up an interesting topic, because what he said is how I feel. I do not trust anyone except maybe two friends that I have known for over 30 years and family especially my real email and more to anyone. I am not afraid myself because I can handle myself very well but it's my family that concerns me most.

I wish that we can do more about it but apparently we can't and have no other choice but to except it but if I have the chance to remove myself, I sure as hell will do so and that is my point.

12-22-2010, 01:41 PM
eh, SAS, I was not meaning anything personal. I am sure in real life you are a wonderful guy that i'd love to meet.
for personal privacy the bigger problem I see is that you go apply for a job. the guy then puts variations of your name/nickname
in facebook + your city to see what comes up. if he finds a photo that matches, bingo.
oops, it is photos of you boozing and calling your last boss a moron. lets discard that application.
Alternately you might have bill collectors that get a contact list from your face book page.
They start calling your friends about your debt.
That is the invasion of privacy that I see, and it is all due to making too much info available.

12-22-2010, 04:03 PM
eh, SAS, I was not meaning anything personal. I am sure in real life you are a wonderful guy that i'd love to meet.
for personal privacy the bigger problem I see is that you go apply for a job. the guy then puts variations of your name/nickname
in facebook + your city to see what comes up. if he finds a photo that matches, bingo.
oops, it is photos of you boozing and calling your last boss a moron. lets discard that application.
Alternately you might have bill collectors that get a contact list from your face book page.
They start calling your friends about your debt.
That is the invasion of privacy that I see, and it is all due to making too much info available.

I agree with you on that. . .

12-22-2010, 04:07 PM
Alternately you might have bill collectors that get a contact list from your face book page.
They start calling your friends about your debt.
That is the invasion of privacy that I see, and it is all due to making too much info available.

I was going to say that I remembered reading about that happening just a few months ago, went to Google for the article and ahhh ....

Now this is just wrong lol

12-23-2010, 11:28 PM