View Full Version : Monday Night Combat Beta Updated

12-22-2010, 10:02 AM
Monday Night Combat Product Update 2

• Fixed scrollbars on all scrollable UIs.
• Fixed a display issue in the Playbook.
• Fixed game crash on non English languages
• Fixed sound for 7.1 audio devices
• Fixed not seeing Blitz servers in the server browser.

• Improved the chat and console font.
• Colorized team chat to match your team’s color.
• Increased the time to start a Blitz match in order to give more time for players to get on the server. Game can still by started earlier by toggling ready.
• Improved server lists and crashing associated with multiplayer.
• Reduced the overall number of bots in Crossfire.

Balance Changes
• Decreased the amount of damage a Firebase takes while it’s deploying.
• Decreased the recovery time of level 2 and 3 Airstrike.

Monday Night Combat Product Update 1

• Fixed sensitivity sliders so that the minimum value is no longer 0.
• Fixed the actions in the death scene to be rebindable.
• Fixed several crashes at the end of Blitz rounds.
• Fixed wrong Challenge Names showing up when browsing for a Blitz game.
• Fixed the Server Browser map filter and set the default to “All”.
• Fixed getting ‘cash on hand’ back after purchasing a custom class.
• Fixed a crash on dedicated servers.
• Fixed Chat and Team Chat

• Refactored the code that displays player counts in the Server Browser.
• Changed some UI text size for higher resolutions.
• Changed the Server Browser tabs to be more legible.
• Changed the Server Browser to default to ‘Internet’.

Balance Changes
• Increased the amount of bots spawn for some pros that purchase bots at a bot spawner.
• Reduced the amount of juice Lazer Blazer turrets give to deployed Tanks and taunting Pros.
• Increased clip size of Tank’s Rail Gun.

http://storefront.steampowered.com/v/gfx/apps/63200/capsule_231x87.jpg (http://store.steampowered.com/app/63200/)

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