View Full Version : Making History II Update Released

12-27-2010, 05:12 PM
Updates to Making History II have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Making History II 1.21 Release Notes

New Features

Change MPU growth system to take more factors into account

Now looks at Region Stability, Transportation Infrastructure, and Colony/Occupied Status in addition to population

Added mipmap support for textures and improved quality
Improved support for player mods

Created a folder for them to live in
Game updates will no longer delete mods
Launcher will look for mods in the mods folder and load them

Bug Fixes

Exclude occupied regions from national stability calculation
Remove restriction that transports need to be in port to load/unload air units
Fix bug that allowed air units to rebase from a carrier to a region without an airbase
MPUs are now returned to a nations stockpiles when units are disbanded
Fixed a number of UI errors with National Programs
Fixed bug where moving units would sometimes face the wrong direction
Fix bug that allowed units to upgrade when out of supply (such as ships at sea)
Fix sorting by turns remaining in research project list (was sorting by % complete)
Fixed bug that prevented units from repairing/resupplying/upgrading when they were on a carrier or transport
Fix bug that allowed region stability to go over 100
Fixed bug that prevented naval units from retreating
Fixed game stalling bug that occurred when a revolting region tried to join a human controlled nation
Fix bug that sometimes caused surface ship vs. submarine battles to end prematurely
Destroy air units at airbases that get dismantled
Change so that troops recruited in occupied territory retain their native nationality
Fix rare crash related to Interdiction
Fixed bug in reloading decision points from saved games
Allow nations to be liberated even if there is no city
Fix population calculation for nationalities
Fixed bug where units in regions when war is declared sometimes didn't capture the region
Fixed bug that allowed carrier air units to continue their missions even if the carrier moved out of range
Fixed bug that prevented stolen research points from being applied
Fixed bug that allowed one per region projects to be queued more than once
Filter out build options for region projects that are lower level than what already exists in the region
Fixed game stall when AI was using units in allied territory
Fixed bug that allowed invading units to fully resupply when in multi-turn combat
Fix bug that sometimes caused newly created nations to have white borders
Remove decision points when nation is destroyed (fixes save fail bug)
Fix bug that prevented historic capital data being used for newly created nations
Fixed bug that would sometimes cause nations to be at war with each other multiple times after alliance merges
Fixed bug that would sometimes cause AI units to get stuck in puppetsFixed bug that prevented other planes from escorting Air Transports on paratrooper drops


Revised tooltips on group unit icons on tab
Revised some icons & buttons
Some initial modifications to the Treaty Panels
Fixed icons for Government programs
Fix display of combat powers in city unit panel
Improved notifications for National Programs to improve feedback
Cleaned up National Programs panel
Add missing Missile icon
Format Employed MPUs number on Gov panel tooltip
Swap the Up and Down sorting textures in list panels
Round turns remaining for research projects up rather than truncating
Added Region Stability to Region panel
Update Military Status panel to work with new flag icons
Fix display of Labor Efficiency in city panel
Added tool tips to Region Food Demand
Added National food demand to the food infobar icon
Changed Region Food Demand number to include Factory & Research MPUs
Showing Food Production Surplus on RegionTabInfo Panel
Added tool tips to Region Revolt risk on RegionTabData
"Fund Political Opposition" no longer lets you choose the ruling ideology
Added Ideology Balance numbers to Liberation & Fund Opposition
Fix label on Region Stability in Region panel
Treaty panel cleanup
Updated sea region panel
Small clean-up to Territory transfer panel
Clean-up on Production Queue bubbles, added time remaining to active projects and % complete to paused projects
Corrected problem preventing tool tips on Group bubbles during Merge order
Updated Region Project Queue bubbles to be consistent with style & operation of the city version
Added National Population number to Diplomatic Panel
Fixed issue where text in some popups didn't fit
Add name of Air group to Patrol RC menu option
Increase the width of the map RC menu items
Cleaned up orders UI on unit selection panel
Added tooltips to orders on unit selection panel
Fix arrow not updating when a unit has a "Load" order and the fleet is repositioned
Added list of nations embargoing selected nation to nation UI panel
Change to display the modified output of resource producers
Fixed sorting for nationality icons on Region & city list panelsFixed clipping of 4 digit defense tool tip


Improve naval threat detection
Fixed bug in AI detecting where units were destroyed
Improved AI for trade interdiction
Improved AI for submarine detection
Improved invasion targeting
Improved sea unit refueling
Improved handling of enemy air unit situations
Improved Shore Bombardment behavior
Improved use of air units for defense
Improved build choices, especially arms and units
Fixed bug in computing market price of resources
Improved choice of aggression target nationsImproved alliance behavior


Added "The Brewing Storm" scenario

Played on a map of Europe and the Mediterranean
Starts 9/1/39

Added missing region claims for Ovamboland which prevented it's establishment
Remove the ability for BiPlane Fighters to upgrade to non-carrier fighters
Increase the arms and oil carrying capacity of units
Fix combat properties for BattleCruisers and Heavy Cruisers
Fix spelling of Main Battle Tank
Gave Japan the ability to make Early Tanks and Submarines in TGQ
When creating a new nation use the base nation display name if it is not in use
Fixed Pre-req error for National Laboratories
Added missing region claim for Azwadi Nationality
Tuned costs of city buildings
Tune costs of region projects
Increased initial arms stockpilesAdd starting research for dormant nations to all scenarios


Preserve the settings for Fogging and AI Difficulty across save and load
Added support for specifying a mods directory to installer
Added support for loading player mods
Added option to launch client and server in separate processes

Should reduce lag on most machines
Should eliminate "out of virtual memory" crashes

Added default flag icon for nation listImprove display of long nation names in nation list

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