View Full Version : Ship Sim Extremes Update Released

01-06-2011, 04:55 PM
---- ReleaseNotes Update v1.3 ----

[ General ]
* New Feature: Mission Editor is now available from the main menu. Manual available from the Windows Start menu.
* New Feature: Antialiasing functionality is now accessible from options -> graphics -> quality settings menu
* New Feature: Shortcut in Windows Start menu to access game photo folder
* New Feature: Added navigation lights on bouys
* New Feature: Cinematic in-game camera added. Select from camera GUI. LMB click to set camera location, LMB click again to set camera height.
* Performance Improvement: Allow the game to allocate more memory, upto 3GB, on 64-bit systems
* Performance Improvement: Duplicate mission behaviour; just the duplicate mission will be omitted and the user will get notified in the main menu
* Performance Improvement: Allow more parts of the game to run in a separate thread, optimizing performance
* Visual Improvements: Lightened up the night, Brighter ambient colours, More prominent reflections, Buoy navlights
* Fixed an issue where a duplicate file could interfere with several menu's in-game
* Fixed an issue where mission savegames could corrupt ship controls
* Various smaller bugfixes

[ Mission editor ]
* Mission Editor added
* Updated Feature: added multiselecttool
* Updated Feature: double-click anywhere in the environment to center the camera's focus point there.

[ Chart ]
* Added depth display ranges
* More realistic buoy positioning

[ Missions ]
* New Feature: Added bollards to freeroaming in all environments
* Improved freeroam traffic pathfinding
* Fixed an issue where autopilot would incorrectly warn about other ships
* Fixed and added better descriptions for several mission objectives

[ Ships ]
* New Feature: Added anchor chains and dropping anchors
* New Feature: multiple helmsman cameras on appropriate ships, cycle through them with the GUI or the shortcut key (2)
* New Feature: helmsman camera panning, use default camera panning actions to pan the camera left or right
* New Feature: Added functionality for SS08-style controlling, using dual throttles by moving the center of the levers
* New Feature: Added working Bridge-wing controls
* New Feature: Moving indicators on ship bridges (rpms, rudder angles)
* New Feature: Moving radar on bridge monitors
* New Feature: Rowboat deployables on Red Eagle
* New Feature: Navigation light state 'fishing'
* New Feature: Option to switch a Ferry's general direction
* Improved tighter mooring ropes (tighter)
* Improved performance of ship update
* Improved smoke particles on most ships
* Improved ship dynamics
* Improved navigation lights
* Improved mouse-response for controls
* Improved ship bridge layouts
* Improved ship bridge control types
* Fixed and added several missing hull ship names
* Fixed an issue where controls on several ships could interfere with eachother (mouse/keyboard)
* Fixed an issue and made walkthrough run mode functional again
* Fixed an issue with collision of the Red Eagle
* Fixed an issue where the GUI indicator would display negative (port) values while they should be positive (starboard)

[ Multiplayer ]
* Improved network ship dynamics
* Improved stability
* Fixed an issue where the ocean state was not syncronized among peers
* Fixed an issue where the in-game time was reset upon rejoining a session

---- ReleaseNotes Update 1.2.2 ----

[ General ]
* Added buoys to environments
* Added VHF radio chatter
* Added functional camera reset (orbit, walkthrough, helmsman).
* Added orbit camera panning with middle-mouse button
* Added functionality when in walkthrough mode, secondary ship controls are available
* Added free-roam traffic (optional)
* Added Billy Green as ship in free roaming
* Improved walkthrough up-stairs speed
* Improved ocean performance
* Added option to turn off damage in freeroaming
* Fixed an issue when enabling logfiles they would cause user to end up in a virtual store folder
* Fixed an issue where joystick deadzones would reset the control

[ Missions ]
* Fixed various smaller issues
* Added tutorial mission

[ Ships ]
* Added lifeboats on Orient Star
* Added lifeboats on Pride of Rotterdam
* Added smoke from exhausts
* Added barge connection points
* Improved several bridges (layouts/controls)
* Improved damage and collisions (less sensitive)
* Improved watercannon power for smaller ships
* Fixed Jumbo Javelin walkthrough on bridge
* Fixed azipod controllers can turn 360 degrees
* Fixed a visual artifact where bow splashes were being cut off
* Fixed an issue where deployable navigation lights are kept on when boarding the parent ship
* Fixed an issue where deployables might not start in the correct position
* Added option to show/hide bridge controls in helmsman and walkthrough cam (default key is 'c')
* Improved Bugsier 2 controls and able to rotate 360 degrees
* Improved ship dynamics
* Improved navigation light configurations
* Improved initial ship positions on start of mission
* Fixed RedJet4 walkthrough start position
* Fixed an issue with the near clipping plane on small ships

[ GUI ]
* Added current time and elapsed time on GUI
* Added wind indicator on conning display
* Fixed DTW in nautical miles
* Improved loading screens
* Improved showing/hiding of GUI (default key is 'tab')

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