View Full Version : Read this interview w/ Nader if you still don't realize you're getting it up the a...

01-07-2011, 07:34 AM

01-07-2011, 08:38 AM
don't worry about it, chaos will find you there just as soon

01-07-2011, 10:25 PM

01-07-2011, 11:56 PM
I have been voting 3rd party for years, the sheeple just don't get it

01-08-2011, 06:38 AM
Nader is nobody. He actually made no points in with this. The Green party represents nothing that will make America great again. A bunch of leftist liberals that are more concerned about everyone but those in their own country. I don't get it. All this guy did in this interview is mention how much the Democrats have failed and how the media is corrupt. Not sure where he gets the Republicans are in control of the media. The only network to even ask questions is Fox. It's punks like this that tak about someone and never mentions facts. Like he mentions Glenn Beck but fails to cover what's wrong with him just like the rest of the media left. It's all BS and the only fault that can be blames is on the American public. Make note how he mentions how we are killing people in Aphganistan as if we are the bad guys. Anyone who listens to this moron or finds him relevant is also part of the problem. More jibberish with no plan. Typical politician regardless what party he stands for. Anyone can sit and cry about things but unless you have a plan, you are useless in the same society. You all thought Obama was your saviour and look where that got ya. Now it's the green party knows it all? Please..... Just know that the Government is not your friend. Until anyone does anything about it, you are part of the problem as well. I guess it all comes down to what we all stand for. Chaos will happen all over soon as it is happening now. Better get use to is and prpare for the worst. No party will save ya.

01-08-2011, 06:42 AM
Also Nitro, what are you going to do in Europe? LOL, that is an amazing statement considering what is going on over there. The crunch will hit hard world wide. This is the agenda. Learn to shoot a gun and one day you may thank me. Survival will be key in this world. Evil is spread all around. At least you let everyone know you are already running. You should actually discuss whats going on with Europeans before thinking it's so great. You are aware America has been bailing out their banks too right? Now why in the world would that be?

01-08-2011, 12:33 PM
We need to cut this conspiracy theory crap. No one really knows what's best for anyone. I don't think people are intentionally trying to screw each other over. The media just sensationalizes everything.

01-08-2011, 10:50 PM
We need to cut this conspiracy theory crap. No one really knows what's best for anyone. I don't think people are intentionally trying to screw each other over. The media just sensationalizes everything.

What's the difference between conspiracy theorys or facts that are ignored? As far as any conspiracy, they are usually realted to information to questions and facts that are ignored. Such as the 9/11 theorys that I believed were laughed at but believed that there was some sort of truth to the facts of the complete reason for it. It's almost like religion where it seems each religion has some truth to it and almost agree on pretty much the same stuff but then it gets mixed up. Bottom line, it comes down to the simple basics of things like facts to questions.

01-09-2011, 02:21 AM
Yup, I agree with you completely.

01-10-2011, 06:25 AM

01-10-2011, 12:30 PM
Ralph Nader has done a great deal in the past, especially during the late 60’s and early 70’s. Here are a few he has done below.

Nader's Raiders (Federal Trade Commission)
Vanishing Air (National Air Pollution Control Administration)
The Chemical Feast (Food and Drug Administration)
The Interstate Commerce Omission (Interstate Commerce Commission)
Old Age (nursing homes)
The Water Lords (water pollution)
Who Runs Congress? (Congress)
Whistle Blowing (punishment of whistle blowers)
The Big Boys (corporate executives)
Collision Course (Federal Aviation Administration)
No Contest (corporate lawyers)
Destroy the Forest (Destruction of ecosystems worldwide)
Operation: Nuclear (Making of a nuclear missile)

His time is over during the early 80’s most of his associates left with there own careers and since then he pretty much has not had much influence. During the Jimmy Carter administration he would hope that it would make changes but President Carter changed his ways which left Ralph Nader in the dark and since then besides his associates that were really good when working with Mr. Nader has fallen and no longer his words are being heard.

I believe Ralph Nader is a true man of his words and does care for the people and for america. There is a document in Net-flex, before you open your mouth about him that he is not a Bull shit talker or has done nothing for this country, you order read about him and if your lazy, then watch the document about him and what he has done and went through especially against GM during 60’s, were GM had to admit and apologies to Ralph Nader and with that a new law was passed thanks to Ralph Nader against bully companies like GM.

I give him credit for still trying only because he does care but the truth is he needs a good supporter and not just from the people but more which he will not get because of the fear of ruing there careers.

Hear is a bit about him if you like to read, and many books about him that everyone should read but I believe that isn’t going to happen because most people only go by what the media saids when most should consider to do there homework about him before you open your mouth.


Books - there are a few, pick one and consider reading it.

Ralph Nader is from the old school and yet his ideas are still presently logical and real. Many of the youth who were born in the 70‘s or 80’s, would have to look into his history about him because you will not get the real truth about Ralph Nader from news or etc.

01-10-2011, 12:48 PM
Conspiracy has become a disease, as if the internet when it first came out it got really big to use and the conspiracy, especially the 9/11 shot up so fast like if the internet was born when it first came out. Anyone can post and have a web site without carefully looking into the evidence and proof. However I still believe that it should be opened and look through again and finally end this conspiracy. I would not expect that to happen and it will continue to go on for years to come, just like what happen to Pearl Harbor, in Dec 7, 1941. The government is capably of lying and cheating and that we know from the past history and it is now happening again, in fact it has been happening since the first day of America when it was born.

01-10-2011, 11:35 PM
Bottom line, is if you're blind to just one party, and your mind is closed, you're part of the problem, not the solution!

01-11-2011, 03:17 AM
Bottom line, is if you're blind to just one party, and your mind is closed, you're part of the problem, not the solution!

Absolutely. . . :thumbs: