View Full Version : Monday Night Combat Beta Updated

01-11-2011, 06:49 PM
• Fixed a crash occurring when clicking on player buttons in the Blitz lobby
• Create Class:

fixed classes not saving
fixed page not updating with new class info
fixed incorrect endorsements displayed if you didn’t make any endorsement changesfixed selection reverting to Assault if you only chose new endorsements
• Skill/Turret purchase: fixed display issue in 1280 x 1024
• fixed Moneyball Crash end of Blitz and Crossfire
• fixed first player join server freeze
• fixed game password functionality
• Fixed missing HUD wheny dying during a taunt
• fixed performance issues on listen and dedicated servers
• fixed crash on selecting player in Blitz Pre-Game Lobby

• added cool-down on Jump Jets for Gunner and Tank
• Updated dedicated server command line

New Features
• decoupled Dedicated Server from Steam client
• added Team Selection to Pre-Game Lobby
• Auto-balance in Pre-Game Lobby based on Level

http://storefront.steampowered.com/v/gfx/apps/63200/capsule_231x87.jpg (http://store.steampowered.com/app/63200/)

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