View Full Version : Adnroid Tablets

01-15-2011, 06:34 PM
Anyone have any feelings about Android Tablets?

I have a friend I'm trying to help out who is looking for a tablet on a budget. I'd like to find one under $200.00.

Thoughts? Feelings? Sniffles?

01-15-2011, 07:04 PM
there are a few out. not sure which I read about, but one of the models reviewers called cheap and plasticky, also complaints about being locked in to their marketplace. anyway summer might be a better time. they are not going to be able to find a "cheap ipad"

01-18-2011, 02:44 PM
I have looked into these tablets all through December. I bought a few of them. I bought some under 200 bucks and them tried the 379.00 viewsonic gtab. All were garbage and returned. Like Jim said that some of them do not have the usual market place for apps which kind of kills the whole product. I thought that the viewsonic unit would be good but it was nothing but a headache and although it had the tegra 2 it had the worst screen that hardly worked with your touch. The good thing of any of these andorid units is that you have the ability to change the os yourself but a problem with that is the hardware on these products are garbage. This is why the ipad is so good. No one can just make a crappy ipad but apple. As much as I dislike apple, they do it right because their rules on hardware can not be broken and no one can make a piece of crap to make their product look bad.

If your friend is looking for one, I could only suggest one model that actually kicks ass and has all the features. It's more than 200 but if your friend really wants one that cheap he is better off not getting anything because it's just throwing your money away. The model I picked up cost me 299.00 plus tax. I bought it at bestbuy and it has all the features. What I like about it the most is that it's an unlocked mobile solution which means you can use your phone carrier module inside it if you have 3g service. I have tested just about all of them on the market and this one is by far the best and the lowest priced compared to what is out there.

Huawei - Ideos 7" Tablet S7


Honestly you will be very happy with this unit. Besides, have I ever given crappy hardware advice? :-).

In about a month or two, there will be tons of these units on the market. Better hardware and an upgraded version of the os. This is why I say dont waste your money on anything less. If you can't upgrade it, it's worth nothing. If you want, I can do a video of the one I have and show you just how fluid it runs and how fast. It actually suprised me how quick it downloaded video etc. For this price, it's unbeatable. Average time is between 4-6 hours use depending what you are doing. It charges pretty quickly as well and you can even put a spare battery in if need be. After testing these units out, I started to get a bad taste in my mouth until I found this one. If your cell has a sim card and 3g service, simply put it into this device and you have a new phone with all the bells and whistles in the middle of no where.

01-18-2011, 02:47 PM

on this video it shows an older os but there is an update for it which means it can be updated to latest. Mine is running 2.1.

01-19-2011, 02:14 AM
Cool. Thanks Biggs.

I actually like the Android OS better than the IOS currently. Mostly because I think this year Android is going to surpass IOS in what it can do, especially once Honeycomb comes out for tablets.

And you're right BIGG, the lack of access to the Android Market seems so far beyond stupid on some of these tablets. I mean, that's 50% or more of the draw to either IOS or Android! What the hell are they thinking??

I'll check out the Huwai. I've definately been seeing their name more and more over the past 6-12 months!

01-22-2011, 12:59 AM
4 to 6 hours it Battery but when you run a movie it is about almost 50% less. For the money it maybe worth it but with my ipad I have gone over 12 hours with it and with movies about 7 plus hours. Android and other products will only get better and cheaper plus it can use flash movies, which will be good for the people but as for quality design and hardware at this time, I rather spend the extra money using ipad and there are products that can use flash movie for the ipad now. I been very happy with it and can do a great deal of work and school work. I use it a lot to read now and to do my homework paper assignments. I can also do a lot of things with it. While I am doing my school work, I have been using it at the same time for work when I have conference meetings etc. While I am at a conference meeting, I am also doing my homework assignment and more.

I have not been fully keeping up to date on the new products that will be coming out, only because I been so busy lately, but when I decide to really focus when the time arrives, I will know what is best. For now I am happy with ipad and will eventually begin to focus my attention on the new products coming out this year, once I have the time to do so.

I have always trusted Bigg's opinions on hardware products because he saves me the time in doing so but I do look into it when I have the time before I decide to purchase a product.

I enjoy reading his post a great deal and would like to see him post more on hardware etc products.

01-22-2011, 03:08 AM
There is no doubt the Ipad is an awesome design and works as it should be. My problem with it is their price along with the complete ability. You really don't have any control of it. It's like comparing my old Iphone with my Evo. While the Iphone worked fine and smooth, it slowed down after they released a newer Iphone. Their updates crippled the device and functions. I find it silly that apple does not support many of the video formats available today. Of course it's all about the dollar but I don't think anyone should lose functionality of such a device when it can be easily implimented. Take flash for an example. Love it or hate, it's widely used yet Apple does not like it so they took it out. I honestly feel all Apple products are a cliche. It's like a Starbucks coffee. Sure I enjoy Starbucks but paying 5 bucks for a latte is criminal.

01-22-2011, 03:11 AM
Ok so this quick reply sucks on this website. I will never use it again because I am tired of losing half of what I type up. I know it's my fault because its probably for small messages but in my opinion it still sucks and I am F'ing pissed I just wasted my time again. So I won't bother to retype what I did because I swear I want to F'ing smash my screen.

01-22-2011, 06:25 AM
Ok, a little porn and glass of wine, I am calmed down now ;-). I will touch base with the rest of my original post that got deleted.

As far as the Ipad goes, it's a good product. My problem is their price and the lack of standard video codecs that should work on any machine today. I am not happy that you pay 6--700 bucks for a device that is short lived. It does not have simple things like a camera for video chat. I do not feel buying such a device so you can spend more money on pathetic apps that are usually used once or twice is worth that much money. Typical people buy this for the reason of just owning one. That's some great marketing or maybe a weird cult. For anyone who bought one in the last few months will realize what I mean when they see the Ipad 2 coming out with things that should have been put in the first one. I would understand if the Ipad came out when the first iphone was released but that's not the case. It's these little things along with Steve Jobs cocky attitude that makes me hate Apple products. It's just a very sooth running gimmick that will make more money off of you as long as you own it.

Android.... What a product. While I still prefer Microsoft, I believe Google is doing the smart thing. I believe they are going in the right direction which I must say I mention the industry would be going a few years ago in one of my hardware posts. It's all appliances. Google/Andorid is going to eventually take over market share in areas that will hurt both MS and apple. They are keeping it simple along with have the ability to get recognition for it. Their os is free and you can pretty much do what you want with it like many linux distros. How this differs is now with the soon to be released Honeycomb version of Android, OEM's will need to have certified hardware in order to run it and sell it. This is where Microsoft's biggest mistake was and the very reason they allowed Apple to say their products are better. Typically they ran better and smoother because you didnt have everyone and anyone putting a system together with no rules. For an example, look at some of your old oem systems like Dell. Check the specs on the unit and then wonder why the thing ran like shit. Apple is the king at marketing. I respect them for putting out a unique and sexy looking products. I always asked why couldn't anyone else in the pc do the same? Why couldn't Dell or HP etc design a better looking package for the pc? It was simple greed.

Today I would suggest everyone to go with what works for you instead what looks better. The Jone's are losing their house so no need to try to keep up with them any more. Shopper knowledge is key and it's a good practice not to settle or be satisfied with garbage. Like I said I bought a few Android devices on the market today and found they were lacking except the one I mentioned for 300 bucks which does everything my EVo does except it has a bigger screen. I did want to mention you will get 4-6 hours watching video on the device. Honestly if you are watching that much video at any given time I would say you should probably just stay in bed and watch tv because who the hell has that much time in a day? Now the Ipad most likely has longer battery life. For the price of an Ipad, I would expect solar charging on the device. No serious... Now because I am usually on the go, I like the ability to be able to change the battery. We don't have to be a genious to know that no matter what these batteries will fail and stop charging eventually. Where does that leave your Ipad? It's these little things that may not seem so important today but in 2 years where will you be with your device? Of course in america we waste everything and just keep buying the latest and greatest but hmmmm, maybe many people won't have that ability in the near future with this economy (LOL, you see I had to mention the economy at least once).

Now notice I never mentioned the Samsung Android devices that are actually great products? That's because they are close to 500-600 bucks or cheaper if you buy it with a contract with your phone company. While these devices run smoothy as well, I just feel it's too early to waste that much money when better products in the same price range will be out this qtr. If you get what I mean, you will see and understand my logic for the 300 dollare device which does the same, has camera's on front and back along with has the ability to add your phone sim in for 3g and phone capability. Of course I would suggest everyone install the Skype app for all of these devices because video conference long distance is the way to do it.

Now for the younger folk. It is your time to run the world. In College? Almost ready to graduate HS and don't know what you want to do with yourself because lapping at your mothers titty seems so much easier? If I could offer you any advice on your future, I would suggest to get into programming. I would guarantee you have a better chance at becoming successful designing and writing your own app then making a rap video. Although the education system in America does not teach the youth to be hungry any more, I believe if you really get into it and enjoy it, you will be successful and make something of yourself. I strongly believe this is one of the last few areas of oppurtunity there is for you guys and as grouchy as I may seem to the younger peeps, I urge you to not be like the majority and live off your parents and make something of yourself. This is the perfect time to get into something that is just starting to take off and is changing the way the world operates. Trust me or remember these words when you are broke or making it big. The future is not as bright as it should be for you kids and I hate that.

01-22-2011, 06:57 AM
there are a few out. not sure which I read about, but one of the models reviewers called cheap and plasticky, also complaints about being locked in to their marketplace. anyway summer might be a better time. they are not going to be able to find a "cheap ipad"


01-22-2011, 01:13 PM
Okay, this is weird. That account just joined, has 2 replies both of which are copies of previous posts. But there are no links to anything in the posts or the profile. Looks like a spam bot but for what purpose?? Weird man. Weird.

01-22-2011, 01:15 PM
BTW - Bigg - I totally agree with you. Samsung has been crushing it lately with devices and Android devices in particular. They have really come out of nowhere in like the last 2 years in the mobile computing arena. The Galaxy is an amazing device, and a bold move as far as form-factor goes. Will be interesting to see if it gets adopted being such a weird size. It works but it is a weird size!

01-22-2011, 04:10 PM
Okay, this is weird. That account just joined, has 2 replies both of which are copies of previous posts. But there are no links to anything in the posts or the profile. Looks like a spam bot but for what purpose?? Weird man. Weird.

somebody is tuning a bot. next they will probably add a tag line with images or url

01-22-2011, 05:53 PM
BTW - Bigg - I totally agree with you. Samsung has been crushing it lately with devices and Android devices in particular. They have really come out of nowhere in like the last 2 years in the mobile computing arena. The Galaxy is an amazing device, and a bold move as far as form-factor goes. Will be interesting to see if it gets adopted being such a weird size. It works but it is a weird size!

If you look at the one from best buy I suggested, you will notice it's the same size as the galaxy. They are both exactly smooth and do the same thing. Try to find a 10% off coupon on the web if you are going to get it.