View Full Version : Magicka Update Released

02-11-2011, 07:05 PM
Updates to Magicka have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted.


Added language specific fonts.
Fixed faulty collision skin on the houses in Chapter 3 (Boss fight).
Added fail safe to XInput controllers for users crashing with the "Is your PlayerIndex correct?"-log report.
Fixed crash when a network client is changing scene and receives a delayed damage or boss message.
Fixed crash when an AI has a barrier targetted and uses an incompatible ability.
Added fail safe for threaded content loading on startup, this should resolve the issues related to: "GraphicsDevice component not found".
Fixed mouse cursor jittering when locking onto a target.Fixed bug in ingame options sound menu, the game will now properly save any changes made.
Support for language specific fonts added.
Known Issues

Network uplink bandwidth, while improved, can be demanding.
Steam attempts to install XNA framework every time game is launched or rare occasion.
Characters can in rare cases fall through the level collision mesh.The game may appear to be stuttering even though framerate is good.

More... (http://store.steampowered.com/news/4995/)