View Full Version : Dungeons Updates Released

03-02-2011, 10:13 PM
Updates to Dungeons have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Added new game mode "amusement" (the goal is to have heroes with full soul energy escape from your dungeon) and three maps: Fluffytown, Playground and Caverns
Monsters now walk around a little and threaten nearby goblin workers
Heroes now walk differently, depending on their mood
Teleport to dungeon heart: not available in own throne room anymore, portal now has a description and minimap icon
Attribute panel now displays defence/attack chance in percent against a typical hero of the current level
Ranged damage dealer (novice, mage, necromancer etc.) will fall back if a tank is attacked by their target
Pause mode allows for non-time dependend actions (building, hotkey configuration)
Heroes leaving the Dungeon now have a different icon on the minimap
Fireflies can now be toggled on and off in options
Post game will now continue to show the game in the background instead of a black screen.Display notification when (auto)save starts.

Reflection is now caculated *before* resistance.
Don't kill dead heroes again when they are trapped.
Stop looped cast effect when hero dies while casting townportal.
Snowdrop: priests don't heal Volbar anymore.
Fixed gui layout for uber-widescreen monitor settings.
Fixed "Find all lootbags" quest bug.
Fixed achievement "Immortal".Fixed rare game crashes.

Fixed bug where text localization of mods did not get read properly.
Mods are now loaded alphabetically.
Add easier modding capabilities for all brains.Loading of all XML and CSV resources supports overriding resource locations and stream from within mod zip files.

More... (http://store.steampowered.com/news/5079/)