View Full Version : ARMA II: Operation Arrowhead Updated

04-10-2011, 09:25 PM
ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead version 1.57-1.59 Changelog


* Significantly improved convoy and driving AI behaviour
* Numerous combat AI enhancements and fixes
* Enhanced vegetation rendering
* Improved commanding interface
* Several MP security fixes
* Tweaked speed of transition animations
* Language fixes

Version 1.58-1.59 Changelog
* Fixed: Crash when CreateGearDialog was called from user dialog.
* Fixed: Hand movement (including reloading) of remote was not transferred accross network.
* Fixed: VOIP was not working.
* Fixed: Su-34 crashed after take off when player was a gunner (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/18371)
* Optimized: Improved FPS in some scenes when looking through scope into forest.
* Fixed: Crash after UI navigation Options > Audio Options > Auto adjust > Cancel
* Improved: Quick commanding menu now allows to order multiple units to engage or fire at the same time.
* Fixed: regularCheck no longer done for players not fully ingame to prevent timeouts during the mission loading.
* Changed: Manual vectoring control in autohover mode with analogue throttle using Flaps actions.
* Fixed: Helicopter did not take off when engine was off and enemies nearby.
* Improved: Faster Signature checks on server side.
* Improved: Only first AI unit in each formation reports its position on Report Status.

Version 1.57-1.58 Changelog
* Changed: First click on a target from quick commanding menu now issues Target instead of Attack, second click issues Engage.
* Improved: VerifySignatures entry in server.cfg can contain the required version of signatures.
* Improved: Stronger signature checking.
* New: Ctrl+F1..Ctrl+F5 assigns unit to team red/green/blue/yellow/white.
* Changed: Shift-F1..Shift-F5 select corresponding color team (red/green/blue/yellow/white)
* Fixed: Mv22 did not take off when spawned on the ground (http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1852614&postcount=103)
* Fixed: AI no longer sees through fog better than player. (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/12178)
* Fixed: weather changes done in the vehicle init line considered when checking AI visibility on the mission start.
* Improved: Init scripts time limit increased from 3 ms to 100 ms.
* Optimized: setViewDistance is no longer slow when used to reduce view distance.
* Changed: Yellow server no longer listed at the bottom of the server list.
* Fixed: Signatures GameSpy key truncated to at most 200 Bytes. Too long list has caused other GS keys were not available due to overflow.
* Improved: Convoys now passing crossroads a bit faster.
* Improved: Road obstacle avoidance improved.
* Improved: Alt-F4 exits the game only in UI screens (including pause and map)
* Fixed: AI unable to traverse some roads when in combat.
* Fixed: Loading of some world was very slow unless -exThreads=0 was used.
* Fixed: Bug in TCMalloc which might be causing Out of memory (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/16099)
* Fixed: AI subordinates moving in convoy now leaving roads less frequently.
* Changed: Bounding overwatch movement now respects formation order.
* Fixed: Formations broken when in danger (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/16862)
* Fixed: Game is no longer checking files on W: drive during startup.
* Improved: AI using cover at house corners more often.
* Fixed: Prevent server crash on many malformed incoming network messages.
* Improved: Vegetation rendering using AToC (require antialiasing enabled)
* New: Player can command AI to move into a specific cover.
* Improved: AI helicopter no longer attempting to land into a wind under 1.5 m/s.
* Fixed: Non-existing files attempted to be open for procedural textures (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/13864)
* Improved: AI now always moves without covering when given move command by a player (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/16504).
* Improved: AI now always moves without covering when boarding a vehicle.
* Fixed: Helicopter flying too low when approaching a landing spot.
* Improved: AI keeping formation a bit more strictly while in combat.
* Fixed: AI units not following player in combat. (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/16353)
* Fixed: Fire command was not working on non-enemy targets.
* Fixed: Av-8 sometimes performed long series of full rolls when disengaging from a target.
* Fixed: Improved airplane terrain avoidance when attacking. (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/16219)
* Fixed: Possible ServerCommand abuse by non-admin attackers.
* Fixed: lip-sync in EW campaign and in MP while client using VON.
* Fixed: AI units sometimes walking in circles (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/16081)
* Fix: Flooding of RPT file by "Cannot find Object" and similar messages after client disconnection.
* FIX: Engine crash with diag_log versus % r. 76245 - Replicated fix 73479 (fixed crash when no clutter shape)
* Fixed: More reliable VRAM detection on Vista/Win7 (using DXGI). (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/16163)
* Fixed: Units created by CreateUnit have had empty identity.
* Improved: AI helis able to fly a bit faster.
* Fixed: AI piloting a heli with a player as a gunner did not attempt to autorotate.
* Reduced lod switching in dense (forest, town) scenes.
* Fixed: Flood in RPT file caused by lines like "Object 2:200 (type Type_268) not found."
* Fixed: Fake server monitor line after client connects.

* Changed: speed of some animations and turning speeds.

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