View Full Version : Clones Update Released

05-12-2011, 03:57 PM
Clones v1.30

New Features
- Transition Queue for morphs, clone will do next task after completing current one
- Morph On Click mode to emulate Lemmings-style input
- New clone AI available in editor
- New traps available in editor (DamageClone, KeyBind, ParticleSpawn)
- Nova will shatter a Spinning clone
- Player names and morphs now show during playbacks

- Game fonts now sharper at higher resolutions
- Updated Quantum Loop pregame voice bubble
- Wrap indicator on level select and minimap
- Lop Predict toggle state saved in player profile
- Low morph count indicator above clone
- Multiple clones under selected clone indicator
- Morph counts now display on scores menu
- Some popups can be closed with ESC now
- Morph count check is now on server
- Black holes tint to clone color briefly
- Directional force arrow for instant morph mode
- Auto game speed decrease if high lag players detected

Bug Fixes
- Particle respawns if trapped under water
- Crash when uploading a package in fullscreen
- Fixed volume adjust showing Quit Game prompt
- Future clone Lop Predict bug
- Star Clone in test mode in editor bug
- Wrong CloneMaster in HUD during Co-op play
- Singleplayer port is now OS assigned, but can be fixed

http://storefront.steampowered.com/v/gfx/apps/72400/capsule_231x87.jpg (http://store.steampowered.com/app/72400/)

More... (http://store.steampowered.com/news/5453/)