View Full Version : Puzzle Dimension Updated

06-06-2011, 08:57 PM
- Added languages: Japanese, Korean and Simplified Chinese.
- Optimized Flash UI renderer and player.
- Major optimizations in the DX9 and OpenGL renderers.
- Improved threading and CPU usage in particle system.
- Alot (!) of performance, threading and memory optimizations through out the entire engine.
- Streaming music from memory instead of IO to reduce playback glitches during loading on low-end machines.
- Optimized loading time both between levels and between in-game/front-end transitions.
- Now using DirectInput8 for keyboard input instead of Win32 API functions.
- Minor graphical improvements on various particle effects, meshes etc.
- Able to adjust gamma in "video options".
- Fade sound when application becomes inactive.
- Faster to shutdown when closing game during loading.
- Some tweaks to "highest" shadow setting to reduce SSAO noise.
- Loading initial resources during startup is now threaded.
- Improved use of registers in shader generation which improve performance on bad OpenGL drivers.
- Improved shadows in front end.
- Randomization bug in particle effect fixed; particle effects are no longer created equally.

http://storefront.steampowered.com/v/gfx/apps/57200/capsule_231x87.jpg (http://store.steampowered.com/app/57200/)

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