View Full Version : About the whole "vaccines cause autism" thing...

06-17-2011, 05:09 AM
I just felt like saying this somewhere. As you all probably know, there's been alot of clamor over vaccines causing autism because of the mercury that's used as a preservative in the vaccines used to inoculate children. Even if all vaccines contain mercury (a highly toxic metal), the alternative is to risk your child to literally losing his or her senses like sight and hearing. No matter how you cut it, I feel the people who are on the anti-vaccine bandwagon do not realize that they are choosing the worse of the two "evils" if you will, yet they think the contrary. We do not need all the childhood diseases of generations past coming back because of the ignorance of those who contrarily think they're smarter than the rest.

06-19-2011, 05:59 PM
Worse yet when new parents refuse to have their children vaccinated, then the kids gotta play catch-up with the shots before they can get into the public school system..

06-19-2011, 07:38 PM

Since 2001, with the exception of some influenza (flu) vaccines, thimerosal is not used as a preservative in routinely recommended childhood vaccines.

This is not even an issue anymore.

And by the way, as a kid I played with Mercury all of the time. So much fun to open up mercury batteries and collect the mercury. Back in the day, you could take pennies (which used to actually be made of copper) and turn them bright silver by rubbing mercury on them. I'd spend the day with a glob of mercury in my pocket.

This shit is just another example of fear mongering by the government. Granted, mercury is not healthy for you, but if you eat fish, chances are you consume more mercury than is in any vaccine.

I rode my bike without a helmet, swung on swings and climbed monkey bars in playgrounds with asphalt underneath. I had a BB gun and never lost an eye or had any of my friends lose an eye. I woke up at 7am, went outside and climbed trees, set of fireworks, and all kinds of "dangerous" things. I'd come home for lunch and then go back out, come home for dinner, and then go back out till way after dark. And I didn't die. No one I know died from it.

Our government seriously needs to back off. The only protection I, or my children, need from the government is from enemy attack from an outside military. They have no right to tell us how to live within our own US borders. **** the TSA. **** the Patriot Act. The US government is treading on me, and I am not amused.

06-19-2011, 11:40 PM
Not to mention that this campaign was heavily promoted by A GODDAMN actress (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jenny_McCarthy), and not a SCIENTIST.

Death Engineer
06-20-2011, 07:44 PM
This is one of those rare times that I completely agree with Nitro AND EXEcution. Someone write down this date!

06-21-2011, 01:13 PM

This is not even an issue anymore.

And by the way, as a kid I played with Mercury all of the time. So much fun to open up mercury batteries and collect the mercury. Back in the day, you could take pennies (which used to actually be made of copper) and turn them bright silver by rubbing mercury on them. I'd spend the day with a glob of mercury in my pocket.

This shit is just another example of fear mongering by the government. Granted, mercury is not healthy for you, but if you eat fish, chances are you consume more mercury than is in any vaccine.

I rode my bike without a helmet, swung on swings and climbed monkey bars in playgrounds with asphalt underneath. I had a BB gun and never lost an eye or had any of my friends lose an eye. I woke up at 7am, went outside and climbed trees, set of fireworks, and all kinds of "dangerous" things. I'd come home for lunch and then go back out, come home for dinner, and then go back out till way after dark. And I didn't die. No one I know died from it.

Our government seriously needs to back off. The only protection I, or my children, need from the government is from enemy attack from an outside military. They have no right to tell us how to live within our own US borders. **** the TSA. **** the Patriot Act. The US government is treading on me, and I am not amused.

Some get 90 smoking 2 packs of sigarets a day, some can play with mercury for years without having concequences of it. Though if you take 100.000 people the power of the large numbers apply. So I still suggest you don't promote mercury or smoking to ur kids :P
In my opinion it's all about risks, if you ask me the risks (chance x concequences) of non vaccination are far bigger than with vaccination. But the opposite side of the story is: what if it's your kid paying the bill for vaccination.

I don't know the ins and outs completely of the anti-vaccine story but I have a difficulty to determine ur statement. Ur pro vaccination but anti forced vaccination?

The question is how far can you go with taking freedom away for the "greater good" and for the kids who can't decide to get vaccinated. Dangerous question with even more dangerous answer if not taken good care of.

06-22-2011, 10:16 AM
I suggest no one listen to anyone in this Government. They are your enemy and cannot be trusted. Any organization that is government run is corrupt and useless to Americans. There is not one part of this Government that is run correctly. Do you think I trust any of them? They are in the midst of controlling the population and we will never know what they are putting in that injection. Remember those flu shots that were wrong?

Regardless of all that, what difference does it make if they keep allowing without penalty for people to come into this country illegally? If I was an enemy of this country I swear I can list so many ways to take it down. Our Gov is doing quite a good job though on its own.

06-22-2011, 10:30 AM
I suggest no one listen to anyone in this Government. They are your enemy and cannot be trusted. Any organization that is government run is corrupt and useless to Americans. There is not one part of this Government that is run correctly. Do you think I trust any of them? They are in the midst of controlling the population and we will never know what they are putting in that injection. Remember those flu shots that were wrong?

Regardless of all that, what difference does it make if they keep allowing without penalty for people to come into this country illegally? If I was an enemy of this country I swear I can list so many ways to take it down. Our Gov is doing quite a good job though on its own.

Nation-/Globalwide obligated vaccination combined with nanotechnology and Metal Gear Solid 4 ain't that far away :) (sorry still on a gaming forum)

06-24-2011, 12:11 PM
This is one of those rare times that I completely agree with Nitro AND EXEcution. Someone write down this date!

Thanks DE!

Here's a flattering pic of the vaccine expert for you.


Yes, you are better off getting a vaccination even if you happen to get sick (NOT with autism obviously). Also, if I understand correctly, some vaccinations also help prevent the spread of disease. So if you have a child who does not have his or her vaccinations in check, they may be putting other kids at risk.