View Full Version : Delve Deeper Update Released

06-24-2011, 10:22 PM
New Features:

Auto-tile drop mode: Sheer, unadulterated awesomeness, the new default option on the tile placement phase of a turn makes play much more elegant.
Valid placement highlights: When you select a tile for placement, or enter auto-tile placement, all hexes with valid tile placements are now highlighted in green, invalid placements in red.The Royal Gallery now displays separate sections for add-on relic files.


Fixed an issue that caused a crash when clicking "Deep" when it was grayed out.
Fixed an issue that made the "Deep" button unclickable when using manual depth selection.
The last player no longer occasionally mines twice at the end of their turn.
Achievement fixes for Rune Mastery, Slime’s Sappin’, and Fae Friend.
Fixed menu navigation bugs with the gamepad.
Fixed a crash on the main menu caused by multiple entrances and exits from the new game screen.
Fairy (Pink) Dragons now drop loot.
Kingly level messages added for our first DLC!
Fixed a bug that caused AI dwarves to occasionally walk through occupied hexes.Resolved a button mashing related crash.

More... (http://store.steampowered.com/news/5730/)