View Full Version : Just some thoughts...

08-03-2011, 08:29 PM
Just some thoughts. I welcome any constructive criticism.

1) Term limits. No member of Congress will serve for more than 8 years. There is a presidential term limit for a reason. Congressmen should be limited for the same reason. No more career politicians. Fresh blood and fresh ideas are good.

2) No more paid lobbyists. Lobbying is legal, but the right to do so is being abused beyond comprehension. Here is a 2009 list of the money spent on lobbying:

Pharmaceuticals/Health Products - $199,323,702
Insurance - $122,065,251
Oil & Gas - $120,669,855
Electric Utilities - $108,163,536
Business Associations - $92,696,817
Computers/Internet - $88,847,937
Misc Manufacturing & Distributing - $84,363,782
TV/Movies/Music - $77,861,927
Hospitals/Nursing Homes - $77,465,842
Education - $73,913,389

Source: http://dc.about.com/od/jobs/a/Lobbying.htm

3) Here's the one that gonna getcha - No more private or corporate donations to political candidates. All donations get put into a pool and that pool is distributed equally to candidates on the local, state, and federal levels. Someone making $50K a year has the same funds to campaign with as someone making $500M dollars a year.

4) No personal financing of your own political campaigns. It goes with #3. Your income should not influence your chances of being elected.

5) News corporations will be restricted from endorsing any political candidate in any sort of media. If they want to report actual news, that's fine. If they want to support a political candidate or a political view, then they need to make that clear and have their pundits on an entirely separate channel/outlet.

6) Complete transparency (other than anything that actually protects US security - as in militarily). There should not be a single law passed, or any negotiations of said law, that the American people are not aware of, and cannot see who is discussing it, and who is saying what. This is what C-Span is for. Backroom negotiations can kiss my ass.

7) There will no longer be any news correspondents embedded in any military action the USA is a part of. Why we give any enemy a comprehensive summary of what we did and how we did it is completely beyond me. It's paramount to treason. It allows them to plan for the next attack. Not good.

8) The Patriot Act, and the TSA will be abolished. Both are a direct violation of our constitutional rights. We will not cower. We will not be afraid. And we will not allow a foreign enemy to change the way we live. We will not give up our rights as US citizens.

There's a lot more things I could list that seem to me to be common sense, but I'll wait and see if there is any point in listing more here.

08-03-2011, 10:10 PM
I'd go for it. They would never pass though. Incumbents have a stacked deck. No way they are going to disrupt it. Many of the things you list have been supported by the minority party - until they get in power. Then it is same shit different day.

08-03-2011, 11:20 PM
I wouldn't be opposed to the American people taking a stronger approach to letting our representatives know how to represent us. I'm not talking assassination...that would be rather counter-productive and lead to chaos. The phone calls, emails, and letters are being ignored. However, if our representatives woke up every day to people camping in front of their houses, that would be rather enlightening.

I'm going to add one more thing to my list.

9) Legalize drugs. All current illegal drugs. The war on drugs has failed, and our prisons are filled with drug users and drug dealers. It's an enormous financial burden to our country, the prisons are overfilled, and people are literally being given life sentences on the "three strikes" laws for being caught with pot. If even 1/4 of this money was spent on rehab centers and education, I think we would be a lot better off. And a lot less people would die, not from the drugs, but from violence associated with drug cartels, mobs, gangs, etc.

There are approximately 26 states that have a "three-strikes" law. In some states (California being the worse believe it or not) the 3-strike law extends to anything, and have nothing to do with any sort of justice...

Santos Reyes in California committed a burglary as a juvenile with no jury trial (strike one); the second strike was a robbery which didn't involve injury to anybody; after ten years had passed without incident, Reyes was convicted of cheating on a driver's test and, as a result of the three strikes law, he was sentenced to 26 years to life.

Source (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_strikes_law)

Common sense. What has happened to it?

Death Engineer
08-05-2011, 03:46 PM
I was pretty much with you until #9. ;) I'm on board with the idea of #5, but I don't think this is enforceable as it is subjective. When are they actually endorsing a candidate and who is going to make that determination? Add in something about education reform and I may just vote for your platform.

I am with Jim though. I am completely cynical about anyone running on this platform actually carrying it out. DC has a nasty track record for taking in well meaning folks and turning them into corrupt, greedy, selfish people.

08-06-2011, 10:11 AM
I also agree with all but #9

Frankly, the only way you'll get the other 8 is a revolution after the complete collapse of our economy

08-07-2011, 02:49 PM
I am completely cynical about anyone running on this platform actually carrying it out. DC has a nasty track record for taking in well meaning folks and turning them into corrupt, greedy, selfish people.

Yup..just isn't going to happen. The JFKs and Roosevelts have been replaced by multinational corporations. The process is so upside-down and powerful at this point even the most well-meaning and principled politician cannot succeed unless he compromises everything and serves the mouths that feed him. And, sorry to say...that isn't us...:(

08-07-2011, 08:27 PM
Meh, I should have split #9 into 2 - the drug thing was actually separate from the 3-strikes thing. In a lot of states the 3-strikes rule is mandatory, so the judge has no choice. Kinda makes you wonder what the point of being a judge is if he can only read the sentence and not have any input into actually judging. There are people in jail for life for non-violent and downright trivial offenses. That is not right.

I also have to wonder how the right wing here sees the next elections going after recent events. Influenced by the Tea Party, and clearly stating that they will refuse to negotiate on anything that is not on their agenda, (most of) the Republicans have alienated the general public. I know some of you live in your own little world, but what really matters is what the majority of voters have seen. And I'm guessing the majority of us have seen Republicans pursue their agenda at the expense of our national interest. They represent no one but themselves.

The next election period will be an interesting one. I just hope we can afford the gas to drive out and vote.

08-07-2011, 08:59 PM
LMAO and all this time we thought you lived in your own little world. I might be wrong but I think you are in for an awakening come 2012, surely you can't think that what the Left has done (or maybe I should say failed to do) while they were in power is working ... don't make me whip out my lists of Obama's failures again. lol

08-08-2011, 12:02 AM
Double dog dare!!............................................ .................................only cause I don't care :P

LMAO and all this time we thought you lived in your own little world. I might be wrong but I think you are in for an awakening come 2012, surely you can't think that what the Left has done (or maybe I should say failed to do) while they were in power is working ... don't make me whip out my lists of Obama's failures again. lol

08-08-2011, 02:11 AM
Sirc, WTF do you mean in recent events regarding the Tea Party? You said they alienate the GP also and influence who? Just so you aware, they are actually fighting for everything you mention in your op. Why are you bringiing the Tea Party up as if they are in any sort of responsible for what is going on. If youa re referring to the budget that was just passed, you should know that they didn't want it passed and after seeing the resultss, they were right.

As far as your OP, I agree. As for # 9 I will split it with you. Let them legalize what ever as long as I don't have to pay for people in prison, drug addiccts who are so addicted to drugs they cant work, and a welfare system that will most likely double.

How about we just stick to the laws of the Constituion. This Country is not doing so. The Government is your enemy and until any of you realize it you will remain blind.

Anyone who talks about the Tea Party in a bad way really has no clue what they are about. I guess this is the next tactic to take your minds off of how F'd up the Democratic party is. Stop being sheep people!!!!!

08-08-2011, 06:44 PM
The most recent Gallup polls back up the fact that the Barrack Obama to put it bluntly, SUCKS MAJOR ASS! Every category has dropped with the few exceptions, to name a few, the Black voters and a few of the Democrat categories and at 80ish percent approval ratings, I bet that the large majority of them can't tell you 2 good things that he has done for the country. In '08 the Independents were largely instrumental in getting Obama elected and now even they are seeing him for the fraud he is.

08-08-2011, 08:59 PM
lol, independents dumped him last year....

08-09-2011, 12:45 AM
Nice list Sirc but a few decades too late :) Think it's kinda the basic idea on what democracy is founded, but those with power won't give it up and will only try to get more of it.

The most recent Gallup polls back up the fact that the Barrack Obama to put it bluntly, SUCKS MAJOR ASS! Every category has dropped with the few exceptions, to name a few, the Black voters and a few of the Democrat categories and at 80ish percent approval ratings, I bet that the large majority of them can't tell you 2 good things that he has done for the country. In '08 the Independents were largely instrumental in getting Obama elected and now even they are seeing him for the fraud he is.

I think all this bashing helps him big time. People, especially in the USA, love underdogstories and the more he's down now the greater the victory will be when he's re-elected against all odds. People wanna
be part of that :)

Fact is also that there is still no true Republican candidate available.

08-09-2011, 01:38 AM

08-09-2011, 03:23 AM
I think all this bashing helps him big time. People, especially in the USA, love underdogstories and the more he's down now the greater the victory will be when he's re-elected against all odds. People wanna be part of that :)

You have got to be F'ing shitting me... REALLY??? I'm not sure what group that is that you speak of but they don't need to be able to vote if that is their way of determining who will lead this country. That is as dumb as the blacks that will vote for him just because he is black instead of voting for the best person for the job ... that happened in '08, we ended up with a President that is going through on the job training and we are seeing how that worked out. :/

After today, your "Underdog" is dead, his ass for failing to lead this country and put out a plan before 8/2 and I won't even rant about the 2 years the Left controlled both sides of the hill and the White House and did squat to balance the budget. Obama sat back and watched it happen instead of doing anything. That and Congress's failure to get to $4T in cuts as the S&P told them that was needed and now the Dow dropped 600 points today, you start hitting people in the back pocket as he/they have done and that underdog will soon find his ass dropped off on some dark country road.

This is all typical Washington bullshit where nothing gets done or it's halfass ... All three parties are busy pointing fingers at each other about who caused the downgrade instead of trying to figure out how to get the AAA rating back. The fact still remains that the idiots were forewarned by the S&P to get to $4T in cuts and didn't do it. :/

08-09-2011, 11:37 AM
You have got to be F'ing shitting me... REALLY??? I'm not sure what group that is that you speak of but they don't need to be able to vote if that is their way of determining who will lead this country. That is as dumb as the blacks that will vote for him just because he is black instead of voting for the best person for the job ... that happened in '08, we ended up with a President that is going through on the job training and we are seeing how that worked out. :/

After today, your "Underdog" is dead, his ass for failing to lead this country and put out a plan before 8/2 and I won't even rant about the 2 years the Left controlled both sides of the hill and the White House and did squat to balance the budget. Obama sat back and watched it happen instead of doing anything. That and Congress's failure to get to $4T in cuts as the S&P told them that was needed and now the Dow dropped 600 points today, you start hitting people in the back pocket as he/they have done and that underdog will soon find his ass dropped off on some dark country road.

This is all typical Washington bullshit where nothing gets done or it's halfass ... All three parties are busy pointing fingers at each other about who caused the downgrade instead of trying to figure out how to get the AAA rating back. The fact still remains that the idiots were forewarned by the S&P to get to $4T in cuts and didn't do it. :/

I'm not hoping for it or something like that, it's just my prediction that he still has a very good chance to win the elections next year. Of course the reasons you mentioned to vote for a man/woman are dumb. But in the USA and other countries (also the Netherlands) the majority ain't that smart yet are allowed to vote. People often don't understand/or think about consequences of choices and laws so they go for the candidate they think is the nicest and the most honest or with who they have something in common (being black f.e.).

It's the flaw of democracy. But it's naïve to solve (financial) problems created in decades in 3 years especially looking @ the senate with a majority of republicans if I'm not wrong, ready to shoot up good ideas to "half solutions".

I was most certain the agree of raising the debt ceiling would be in time. Even the Republicans don't want to run a broke country. But it had everything to do with the election and setting things up in such a way that next year the pointing fingers can rule the place.

Don't get me wrong democrates and republicans are to blame for this. But the "solution" for the deficit/debt problems is a monster. It's not about what's best for the country, but which party gets the most power.

So yeah, I agree with you except on the part it's only Obama to blame for it. Did he do well? I don't know, I can't see how he rules behind the scene which seems to be major job qualification atm.

08-10-2011, 02:32 AM
Wiper The Republicans run less than 1/3 of the country. Know what you're talking about before opening your mouth. The Republicans ran even less than that less than 8 months ago. Next you will be saying it's the Tea Party's fault. It's typical!!!!!

08-10-2011, 02:37 AM
The most recent Gallup polls back up the fact that the Barrack Obama to put it bluntly, SUCKS MAJOR ASS! Every category has dropped with the few exceptions, to name a few, the Black voters and a few of the Democrat categories and at 80ish percent approval ratings, I bet that the large majority of them can't tell you 2 good things that he has done for the country. In '08 the Independents were largely instrumental in getting Obama elected and now even they are seeing him for the fraud he is.

I'm curious as to how you think Obama got elected in the first place. Because of the black vote? Because of the independents? Because a significant portion of the republican vote went democratic? I don't have the numbers or a source - looked but couldn't find anything worthy of posting.

I can say that there is a democratic president in the White House right now because republicans had failed us and we were looking for someone who could pull us out of this cycle of war, economic irresponsibility, and favoritism towards the elite. Obama never had a chance, even if he could have done something useful. Republicans turned on him like rabid dogs.

Republicans have openly said that they will not support or even negotiate with Obama. Republicans have said they would be willing to allow the USA to default on our debt rather than sit down and work things out. And although an agreement was finally reached, it was too late. And the middle class are paying once again for the pure politics that has replaced common sense and all reason. And we have lost our AAA rating BECAUSE republicans have stated that they were willing to let us default. Bad move. How can you trust people like that?

It is the republicans that have put us where we are. And it will backfire. It has already backfired. Does anyone remember the last superpower that shattered due to waging financially unsustainable wars? Does anyone remember who got us into those wars?

And tell me, who was the major player in taking away our constitutional rights? With the Patriot Act and the TSA, amongst other things? Was that a democrat that did that?

And who the hell took us off the gold standard for currency so our economy was based on nothing but how much money we can print? Oh, yeah, it was Nixon, a corrupt republican who was forced to resign.

I'm not saying the democrats are any more useful than the republicans at this point, I'm saying the entire government is corrupt. And I'm saying you seriously can't blame Obama for where we are today. He's a lame duck for sure, but it's mainly because the republicans won't treat with him in any way. Never has the government been so divided - and they all are to blame.

08-10-2011, 02:43 AM
Wiper The Republicans run less than 1/3 of the country. Know what you're talking about before opening your mouth. The Republicans ran even less than that less than 8 months ago. Next you will be saying it's the Tea Party's fault. It's typical!!!!!

Republicans control the House BIGG. And only lag behind in the Senate but what, 4? Don't give me this 1/3 crap. You know better. We aren't talking about states or counties here.

08-10-2011, 02:53 AM
The most recent Gallup polls back up the fact that the Barrack Obama to put it bluntly, SUCKS MAJOR ASS! Every category has dropped with the few exceptions, to name a few, the Black voters and a few of the Democrat categories and at 80ish percent approval ratings, I bet that the large majority of them can't tell you 2 good things that he has done for the country. In '08 the Independents were largely instrumental in getting Obama elected and now even they are seeing him for the fraud he is.

Still a helluva lot better than Bush's approval rating when he left office. And for his entire last year. MAJOR ASS SUCKING AT IT'S FINEST!

Bush mainly has members of his own party to thank for the fact that he is ending his presidency with an approval rating above 30%.


08-10-2011, 01:58 PM
I'm curious as to how you think Obama got elected in the first place. Because of the black vote? Because of the independents? Because a significant portion of the republican vote went democratic? I don't have the numbers or a source - looked but couldn't find anything worthy of posting.

I can say that there is a democratic president in the White House right now because republicans had failed us and we were looking for someone who could pull us out of this cycle of war, economic irresponsibility, and favoritism towards the elite. Obama never had a chance, even if he could have done something useful. Republicans turned on him like rabid dogs.

Republicans have openly said that they will not support or even negotiate with Obama. Republicans have said they would be willing to allow the USA to default on our debt rather than sit down and work things out. And although an agreement was finally reached, it was too late. And the middle class are paying once again for the pure politics that has replaced common sense and all reason. And we have lost our AAA rating BECAUSE republicans have stated that they were willing to let us default. Bad move. How can you trust people like that?

It is the republicans that have put us where we are. And it will backfire. It has already backfired. Does anyone remember the last superpower that shattered due to waging financially unsustainable wars? Does anyone remember who got us into those wars?

And tell me, who was the major player in taking away our constitutional rights? With the Patriot Act and the TSA, amongst other things? Was that a democrat that did that?

And who the hell took us off the gold standard for currency so our economy was based on nothing but how much money we can print? Oh, yeah, it was Nixon, a corrupt republican who was forced to resign.

I'm not saying the democrats are any more useful than the republicans at this point, I'm saying the entire government is corrupt. And I'm saying you seriously can't blame Obama for where we are today. He's a lame duck for sure, but it's mainly because the republicans won't treat with him in any way. Never has the government been so divided - and they all are to blame.

couldn't of said it better! 100% agree!

08-10-2011, 10:34 PM
As far as your OP, I agree. As for # 9 I will split it with you. Let them legalize what ever as long as I don't have to pay for people in prison, drug addiccts who are so addicted to drugs they cant work, and a welfare system that will most likely double.

Let me expand upon #9. All drug sales would be government controlled and taxed. Just like tobacco and alcohol, and by the same regulatory authorities that are already in place. No difference really - all are addictive substances. And just think about how much revenue would be generated. Tobacco tax by state. Beer tax by state. It's a frickin goldmine. But wait...what about black market sales? Well, hmm, I really don't see anyone selling black market tabacco or booze on street corners. And making booze can easily be done in anyone's basement - it's not rocket science. It doesn't happen, in my opinion, because you know what you are getting from a licensed company that actually has quality control regulations and inspections.

But wouldn't people be more inclined to try currently illegal drugs if they were legal? Some will. Most won't. The shit is already freely available, it's just illegal. More than anything, trying something that is illegal makes it more adventurous and tempting, IMO.

So let's talk numbers. How much are we actually spending on our war on drugs? Projected for this year:

So, add that $30.7 billion that the states will spend, to the federal amount of $23.44 billion and you'll get $54.14 billion total, which means that the War on Drugs will cost American taxpayers...
$1,716.77 each and every second of 2011.

Source (http://actionamerica.org/drugs/wodclock.shtml).

How many people have been arrested for drug related charges just so far this year? OVER A MILLION PEOPLE.

Someone is arrested for violating a drug law every 19 seconds.

Source (http://www.drugsense.org/cms/wodclock).

Wow. How many people are in prison for drug violations?

Since December 31, 1995, the U.S. prison population has grown an average of 43,266 inmates per year. About 25 per cent are sentenced for drug law violations.

Source (http://www.drugsense.org/cms/wodclock).

How much does the US spend on housing prisoners each year? Well...

In 2006, $68,747,203,000 was spent on corrections.

Source (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incarceration_in_the_United_States).

As noted earlier, 25% of prisoners are sentenced for drug violations. So that's $17,186,800,750 on drug violations. Please note that this funding is not "war on drug" funding, it is only for correctional expenses. So add that to the $51.14 billion on catching the drug criminals in the first place, and you have over $68.3 billion. And some of this stuff isn't even that current. I doubt that's it's gotten any cheaper.

Subtract the $68.3 billion that we're currently paying on the war on drugs, and add the probable billions of dollars in income that we would receive from the tax revenue by making drugs legal. Not to mention a huge decline in prison populations. Not to mention the reduction in violence and death from drug cartels that won't be profitable anymore.

Win-win situation.

Now, welfare needs to be overhauled too. But that's a topic for another day.

08-11-2011, 01:51 AM
I see those "Miss me now?" pictures of Bush and think "No, not really". To answer your question, The Blacks and combined with the last few years of the Bush administrations pushed the Independent voters over and that got Obama elected, well those and that ACORN voter fraud thing. I bet your unknown ass could have run as anything other than a Republican and won. The people were ready for "Hope & Change" and they wanted out of the wars ... Obama moved his lips, let out the lies flow and we know now how that has worked out. Did you know America is spending $2M a freaking day in Libya? I thought he was going to get us out of the wars and said the Libya action would "Days, Not Weeks" (remember it is not a war, but it sounds like a war @$2M a day), those idiots that vote on the Nobel PEACE prize must feel real foolish for giving him an award for some shit he promised to do and lied about.

08-11-2011, 05:14 AM
LOL Nobel, that is some funny shit.
They must be looking like idiots right now....
