View Full Version : E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy Update Released

08-17-2011, 12:44 AM

Loading crashes between maps
General stability
Exploit linked to the Deus Ex Machina
Characteristic exploit
Fixed Alt-Tab messing-up the UI
Permanent Death when a hack fails
Saves losses and character resets
Dialogues in multiplayer games
Brouzouf resets
ATMs not giving money when hacked
Enemies not reacting to hacked traitors
Enemies not reacting when a friend dies close to them
Return to first PSI power when a player dies
Required agility for the Scrabouillor
Required agility for the Sentry
Bio Regen 5 not resetting Head Traumas
Hacking list reset when a NPC dies
Crashes linked to a certain number of hacked slaves
"EYE_GHOST" being defined both in EYE_English and Gameui_english
Achievements linked to the legendary classes
Medkit achievement
Triangular Gates and some spells giving Fatal Wounds despite the researches
Increase of implants beyond the limit
Missing Streumonic Complementarity research description
Missing Cyber briefcase models for researches
Campaign results displaying esoteric and nasty things
VIP exploit
Researches not always launching
Lighting in cc_temple*, cc_new_eden, cc_tuto and cc_monolith
cc_new_eden secondary quests not being saved
cc_forgotten secondary quests not being saved
Incorrect Deus Ex spawnpoint in cm_sheep
Broken ladder in cc_sheep
Infinite XP exploit on New Eden (Mentor)
Locken not having a weapon when hostile on cc_new_eden
Locken's departure and death not being saved on cc_new_eden
Possible money exploit on cc_tuto2
Possible XP exploit on cc_new_eden
Being able to respawn in front of the Immortal King on cc_noctis without having completed the required quest
Fall in the temple not always killing the player
Players being Jian/Culter on cm_sheep
Missing texture on cc_new_eden
Missing texture on cc_forgotten
Missing texture on cm_dreams
Fixed being able to get stuck in the armory on cc_noctis
Tobi not killing himself on cc_forgotten
Invisible water brush on cc_ancient
Superfluous armory logo on cc_noctis
Being able to get stuck in stairs after a resurrection on cc_purge
Being able to get stuck in stairs after a resurrection on cc_forgotten
Mauve Mentor objective not being attached to the actual NPC on cm_purge
Perigrum Forma being able to spawn in front of the player in the maintenance tunnels of cc_monolith
Spawning view distances next to the player on Noctis Labyrinthus and Electric Sheep
Achievement "Revelation" not being awarded when a player finds Akmal, the ancient
Retrieval objective on cm_noctis not being clear
Possible answer to Akmal not being active on cc_ancient
Supreme Manduco being able to always kill on cc_new_eden
Door of the Supreme Manduco closing behind the player
Physic boxes of the streetlamps
Invisible switch on cc_falling
Typos in some texts
Not being able to shoot through some fences with some weaponsReal end of the game too hard to get

Optimized memory
Resurector invincibility is longer and more visible
Max player option in the server creation
Camera movement option when running
Blur effect option when running
Delay for using weapons after a dialogue
Increased the numbers of given missions in Coop Missions depending on the number of players
Escape allows closing certain menus
Weapons can be bound to keys
Decreased the sight cones and maximum sight distance of all NPCs
Increased the Deus Ex Machinas' resistance
Decreased the number of XP and Brouzouf earned when killing a Deus Ex Machina
Deus Ex Machina's main weapon deals more damage
Decreased the player's Heavy Armor protection
Decreased the Sulfatum's accuracy
Decreased the fall damage
Throwing grenades cancels the Cloaking Field
Limited the maximum amount of Brouzoufs
Limited the maximum amount of XP and Brouzoufs given in one time
Decreased the exploit of Fatal Wounds optimization
Some cheating techniques aren't possible anymore
Temporary and backup save system
Some little balance tweaks
Made the exit in cc_tuto2 more obvious
Decreased the difficulty of the protection mission on cm_noctis
Added an Ally icon on the Heavy Culter squad on cm_noctis
Turrets in cc_monolith should be easier to spotAdded some more player spawn points in the levels

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