View Full Version : Achron Updated

10-02-2011, 09:53 PM
Achron version

Released 2011/9/26

Summary: This release significantly improves pathfinding performance and improves a few balance and usability issues.

Achron changelog:

changed Octopod's weapon ranges: vs ground: 15->19, vs air: 18->17

increased Octoligo's anti-air weapon strength by a factor of 2.67

increased Octoligo's price by 16.7%

lowered cost of Reaph from 7LC to 2LC

changed chronobombs to ignore units during their rechronoport delay

changed Reaphs and Foundations to repair units of any species

added behavior: commanders will slow down when in front, until at least half of subordinates move ahead of them

changed behavior of grounded air units to auto-rise up when attacking an enemy

fixed bug: Octos would not attack foundation-based buildings unless manually moved closer

fixed bug: commjammed and frozen teleporters were not ignored when trying to teleport

fixed bug: damage multiplier between shin tercrher and sepiligo

fixed bug: Level Editor crash when switching between opening files of different types

fixed bug: 0-hp vecgir vehicles could jump into Depot to be repaired instead of blowing up

marines and SOPs now exit a tank and join in battle if the tank fires an attack

numerous campaign fixes and improvements

Resequence Engine changelog:

significant improvement in pathfinding efficiency

improvements to pathfinding heuristics

fixed bug where could sometimes see enemy units' objectives, etc.

increased number of achronal fields in Rescript to 4096

added unit->ClosestPosition to Rescript

improved random number source for rendering effects (eliminates patterns sometimes observable on large units' active camo)

improved double-click unit selection logic (only counts as double-click if on same unit, and less stringint criteria on selecting units outside of hierarchy)

changed cursor clipping code to attempt to reduce situations where cursor can move outside of window

mouseover now shows unit highlight

added ignore_collision_with_unit to Rescript

added WindowOpacity and WindowColoredByPlayer to skin language

removed dependency on ALUT for Windows and Linux platforms

improved edge of fog of war rendering for slopes

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