View Full Version : Space Pirates and Zombies Update Released

10-03-2011, 06:51 PM
Updates to Space Pirates and Zombies have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

- Added Damage Viewer (Turn on in options)
- Added Added Hotkey (Y) for auto turrets
- Added Drone research levelups will increase drone damage
- Added Invading marines can now steal data, blueprints, blackboxes and release specialists, based on hacking skill in crew research tree..

- Changed Cannon boosters: lowered reload speed increase, added projectile speed, range, damage buffs.
- Changed Missile booster: lowered reload rate boost, added damage boost.
- Changed Beam booster, added damage and range boost
- Changed Grav missiles regen much faster
- Changed Increased torpedo speed, damage
- Changed Increased all missile damage
- Changed Increased hunter SRM ion damage
- Changed Increased SRM damage
- Changed Damage increase for micro missiles
- Changed Mothership shields stronger
- Changed Ion cannon converted to Energy damage type
- Changed Disruptor cannon and Pulse cannon damage reduced
- Changed Cloak damage lowered to 33% boost.
- Changed Allow turrets to fire on autofire if cloak disrupted (and probably player has fired recently)
- Changed Changes move to position AI to make it less orbity
- Changed Increased specialist storage by 1 per mothership level
- Changed Specialist drop rate increased
- Changed Specialist bonuses decreased (was destabilizing late game)
- Changed Late game zombie level increased
- Changed One sidequest drops a Godlike specialist (so can always get the achievement reliably)
- Changed Insane achievement should unlock expert too.
- Changed High capacity reactor, faster recharge, more expensive
- Changed Give fusion beam a good damage boost,
- Changed Overload/Focal emitter slight damage boost
- Changed Escort ships do not run from explosions, was too annoying.
- Changed Minefields will not track non hostiles, even if attacked. But the relation will lower if they are destroyed.
- Changed Minedroppers longer reload time.
- Changed Made civ torpedoes faster/more damaging
- Changed Disruptor cannon slightly slower reload, Pulse cannon still old faster speed.
- Changed Increased scanner ranges
- Changed Lowered mine damage a bit
- Changed Scanner mines can hunt non cloaked vessels too
- Changed More data for killing ships
- Changed Systems with more tech blueprints, tend to have higher level starbases
- Changed Increased sec4 base upgrade requirements
- Changed Zombie critters better infectors, but fewer
- Changed More hitchhiker critters on zombie ships
- Changed Zombie crittes move faster
- Changed Each zombie kill on a ship has a 50% chance of producing a new zombie onboard.
- Changed Increased invasion combat rate
- Changed Mines less health, less damage, higher speed
- Changed Armor slightly more resistant to projectiles
- Changed Hull more resistant to projectiles and lasers, weaker against missiles
- Changed Rebalanced reactors so smaller weapons register better.
- Changed Casting Stones mission less difficult
- Changed A system you just left cannot be invaded. This allows for better strategic decision making and pushing an invasion back instead of it leapfrogging over you.
- Changed Zombie invasions can be reinforced from neighboring stars.
- Changed Made fewer ally reinforcement ships, but made them tend to be larger.
- Changed Readjusted all difficulty levels.
- Changed Difficulty affects: Zombie critter combat prowess
- Changed Difficulty affects: Respec cost
- Changed Difficulty affects: Station upgrade Rez/Goon Cost
- Changed Difficulty affects: Blueprint cost
- Changed Difficulty affects: Relation improve cost
- Changed Difficulty affects: Bribe cost
- Changed Difficulty affects: Zombie intercept turns
- Changed Difficulty affects: Zombie intercept fleet size
- Changed Difficulty affects: Zombie invasion chance
- Changed Difficulty affects: Zombie invasion strength

- Fixed Damage system optimized. Should help Zombie slowdown for some people.
- Fixed AI not allowed to shoot stuff in tractor beams
- Fixed Various typos
- Fixed Reversed Taskmaster and Foreman specialist skills..
- Fixed Hooked up Mediator specialist skill
- Fixed Speed Loader Specialist Skill
- Fixed "WINNIE MCDONAGH" Specialist
- Fixed Broken gender based specialist bonuses
- Fixed Eye Popper achievement can occur on FE
- Fixed Beams stuck in fire state forever.
- Fixed AI blowing up player ships should not cause relations change.
- Fixed When a ship is venting, sometimes the last vented crew member dies and the ship explodes.
- Fixed AI is obsessed with mine layers, people abusing them as decoys.
- Fixed A scanner hitting a mine layer will get the mine layer to chase you..
- Fixed "Oh its you" missions sets civs to enemy upon start
- Fixed Optimized cloaking code
- Fixed Mine targeting optimized
- Fixed Escape pods can be picked up sooner after launch, especially large ones
- Fixed Phantom blueprint drop fixed
- Fixed Moved weak spot on Jamison's Hammerhead Armor to the rear.

More... (http://store.steampowered.com/news/6422/)