View Full Version : World of Warcraft

Death Engineer
10-18-2011, 10:41 PM
How is there not a WoW forum on here?? Did we seriously lose critical mass before that game took off? Are other GameMeccians still playing WoW?

I recently gave it another shot and have a fire mage up to lvl 42. Definitely a time sink, but an enjoyable one.

10-18-2011, 11:12 PM
I've been playing WoW for 6 years. Just got my Flamebreaker title.

No one else seems to play it, so I pretty much gave up talking about it here.

Bethann, <Falcon Knights>, Sentinels server (RP, although there's not much RP going on)

10-19-2011, 02:39 PM
I recently started playing WoW and am having a blast with it. How we don't have a WoW forum on here anymore is a mystery to me, but maybe that many GameMeccans have stopped playing and moved on to other games, or other matters altogether.

10-19-2011, 09:44 PM
I think it's time to eval what people are doing and playing and maybe go according to that. While I do not play WOW, I understand that many people do and enjoy it. I just never tried it out because I never liked joining something that has been out for so long. I know it sounds weird but I like to try to keep even and go from there. I did buy Rift last year and liked that game along with the community but due to time, I just havent played it. Played Age of Conan which was great until I had to give that up due to my wife but when I went back to it, they changed it so much I just didn't enjoy it. Tried it again and they changed it again. I didn't feellike relearning everything all over again and now it's F2P. I recent logged on to see what was going on and was shocked how many people were actually playing it but the one issue that killed the game was back which was the changes and the worst community.

Now I just basically wait for BF3 to be released. Already preordered it because always enjoyed the game. Still waiting for Sam3 to arrive and will play that as well. I have been trying to make more time to game as I really use to enjoy it but that's become hard at times as well.

10-19-2011, 10:01 PM
We've never had a WoW forum here, cause no one ever asked for one (and I am not sure how many people actually played it). A lot of people played DAoC, which is an MMORPG and had a forum for that. I don't think a lot of those people went to WoW though, and therefore, why it was never made.

If you want one, I can make one or make a sub forum with a couple different forums. Let me know what you want, and I can set it up.

10-20-2011, 03:38 AM
Perhaps we should actually see how popular WoW is here first before making a new forum for it. Personally, I wouldn't object to such a forum, but should we have one if only a slim minority of the users here are playing? Also I swear I thought there was a WoW forum on here however many years ago, perhaps I was thinking of the DAoC forum.

Biggs, I have considered giving Rift a try, but I am in no particular hurry. I may pick it up soon, but I'm mainly waiting for the release of Sam 3: BFE.

10-20-2011, 03:47 AM
I looked back at the Internet Archives, and yes we did have a WoW forum here back around 2006. Though I don't think it lasted very long, looks like it was gone by December 06.