View Full Version : Dungeon Defenders Updated

11-12-2011, 03:48 AM
Dungeon Defenders Development Kit and CTF Pre-Alpha Pass Released
Two major Dungeon Defenders releases today have opened up the game up to the community! The first part of this was the release of the pre-Alpha pass for the new, 16-player Dungeon Defenders Capture The Flag mode. Here players can join teams of 8 and fight online with their existing characters. Players can check out this mode in its early state, and provide feedback to Trendy via the forums so they can continue to develop and refine the experience.

Additionally,the Dungeon Defenders Development Kit has been released. This is one of the most robust modding toolsets ever, allowing players to create their own mods and total conversions, as well as seamlessly matchmaking and transfering through Dungeon Defenders' built-in online matchmaking. This kit contains full access to all of Dungeon Defenders' source code and art assets, including source for the new "First Person Defenders" mod which allows players to experience the entire game as a FPS and the new, 16-player Capture The Flag Pre-Alpha, which will allow modders to get a head-start on creating exciting large-scale multiplayer modes for Dungeon Defenders!

More... (http://store.steampowered.com/news/6763/)