View Full Version : BF3 - Returned

11-16-2011, 09:39 PM
Well I was shocked that I was able to return the PC game in a chat window as I was logged in. I preordered the game and played it for a little but it just sucked as far as the previous ones. The graphocs were fine and audio sounded good but something was definetly wrong with it. Bottom line I did not or was not having fun in the game. I will now go buy MW3 and hopefully that keeps me happy. This is the first time EA returned anything I ever bought and without a problem which made me feel like it was too good to be true. I thought I wasted 65 bucks but thank God I got it back with no problem.

If MW3 sucks on the pc I will give up on these games. I am looking forward to Star Wars MMO next month :-)

11-16-2011, 10:12 PM
Let me know how you like MW3. I am thinking about picking that up and expanding to a new game.

11-16-2011, 10:36 PM
Just purchased it via steam and its downloading. Will let you know.

11-17-2011, 01:40 AM
So far Graphics look good. Not as good as BF3 but ok. Played some Multi-player and it the maps were pretty small compared to BF3. I am ranked pretty low so have to get up there to compete better with some of those that have been playing the game for over a week. Games are a lot faster as well. It's different from BF but I still have BF2 which is one of my favorites. This came seems ok and hard to judge so fast considering I havent seen all the maps.

11-25-2011, 04:55 PM
I am so glad I returned the game and got a credit for it. I just bought it again for less than half the price. A few games on sale thanks to Black Fridays Sales.

12-16-2011, 04:48 AM
Let me know how you like MW3. I am thinking about picking that up and expanding to a new game.
MW3 is really a good game. The graphics are good and it takes you to new degree of modern war.

12-16-2011, 01:22 PM
I love BF3. I like it better than MW3. BF3 running 3 24" monitors with eyefinity 5760X1080P is awsome. MW3 dose not suport eyefinity bummer. Good to read you guy's hope all is well

He Is Legend
12-22-2011, 03:10 AM
Yeah I also like BF3 a lot better than MW3 just for the simple fact that you have to use teamwork to win the game. That's why they call BF3 a war simulator. With MW3, it's just the same as all the other Call of Duty's, you choose your gun, point and click. To me that just gets very boring over and over. With BF3 you have such a variety of ways to play the game. I still have MW3 and also BF3. I'm not going to say I don't love MW3..I just don't like it as much as BF3 :P
