View Full Version : War Inc. Battlezone Updated

02-13-2012, 10:37 PM
new map added: The Citadel (Team Deathmatch)
all sniper rifles now use real bullet physics (subject to further tweaking)
updated in-game HUD

Bug fixes:
- fixed sound of AK-74, Vintorez, Uzi, MP5SD, PKM, AT4, some other minor tweaks to sounds
- fixed bug with footstep sounds when running on wooden planks
- fixed bug that player was able to jump on almost vertical surface
- do not draw particles until all textures are loaded
- fixed capture point logic (when one guy was able to stall flag capture versus 2+ enemies)
- fixed bug in damage calculations (was not giving enough damage)
- final fix for auto-roll to a new game sometimes was joining high level players to newbie games
- Fix for the camera slide upwards while quick zooming.
- Fix for sound fire event not stopping when game finished

More... (http://store.steampowered.com/news/7334/)