View Full Version : Randomness thread

03-09-2012, 10:51 PM
Clearly, these forums need a kick in the pants. So I'm gonna start a random thought thread. Please join in.

1. I'm on a well (not city water), so I've never had my yard treated. Everyone else on my street does. Seems kinda pointless since I'm drinking their poison, so I've decided to have my front yard treated this year. Also, I'm tired of having the crappiest looking yard. Also, I'm surprised the word "crappiest" passed the spell checker.

2. I'm both saddened and amused by the Republican candidates. Obama is going to win again and he doesn't even have to campaign. Not that I'm happy with Obama, just saying.

3. I'm about maxed out with gear I can get from WoW. First time I've been able to do this before another expansion came out.

4. I see Sexy Jess stopped in. Anyone remember when she posted a pic of herself in her bra, and several people made that their icons? I think she was 17 at the time, and I'm reporting you all to the FBI.

5. I wish I made as much money as BIGG does.

6. I live near an air force base. Back in the days of the cold war it was oddly comforting that if there was a nuclear war I'd be vaporized before I even knew what was happening.

7. I go grocery shopping when I'm hungry. That's not a good idea.

8. I don't clip my toenails as often as I should. It's hell on socks.

9. We had no real winter. It snowed once and was gone the next day. My gas bill is loving it!

10. Flannel sheets are the best. Warm in winter and not clingy in summer. Seriously, if you haven't tried them I encourage you to do so.

So that's my list. Now you have to list 10 random thoughts of your own or a meteor will strike the Earth and wipe out every living thing (except the weird things that live at the bottom of the ocean and thrive on super-heated water and nutrients from fissures - do you really want the next cycle of evolution coming from that? Forget about ice cream ever being re-invented).

03-10-2012, 03:29 AM
1. My well pump is 265 feet below ground and it got struck by lightning...how the F does that happen ???

2. I feel really bad the kids in high school and college these days. Doesn't seem there's a lot of opportunity out there..

3. Gonna be a helluva year for mosquitoes and black flies..

4. The pastor at my church said we're supposed to help others..What are the others supposed to do ?

5. I'm buying a cow the way my kids drink milk..Gallon a day, gone.easy..

6. I'll be 49 this year. Ol' Mr.R's on our forum is our champion for colonoscopys, time for all of us old farts to be porn stars for a day and have a few items inserted up the wazoo...

7. Thought I'd like to buy a new bike this spring, but my 88 Harley just keeps chuffin along so I'll treat it well for another 24 years..Maybe the 2036 Harley's will fly !! ahaa

8. I'm two people short of a threesome..

9. Argued with my dentist today about a cracked tooth I've got. Insurance will pay for a crown and a root canal if I need it, but they won't pay a dime toward an extraction..it's way in the back, just pull the damn thing out and be done with it but our coverage insists on paying to rebuild the damn thing. Don't see the logic there

10. Looks like my kids have damn near the whole senior class outside right now, and they've got a helluva good bonfire going. Supposed I oughta get out there before it gets outta control and starts a forest fire..

that's about it....Got a cold Ballentine Ale in hand already, I'm sure just as I walk out back the local PD will roll up...

03-12-2012, 02:06 AM
Clearly, these forums need a kick in the pants. So I'm gonna start a random thought thread. Please join in.

1. I'm on a well (not city water), so I've never had my yard treated. Everyone else on my street does. Seems kinda pointless since I'm drinking their poison, so I've decided to have my front yard treated this year. Also, I'm tired of having the crappiest looking yard. Also, I'm surprised the word "crappiest" passed the spell checker.Just buy and drink bottled water. This way at least you are poison free.

2. I'm both saddened and amused by the Republican candidates. Obama is going to win again and he doesn't even have to campaign. Not that I'm happy with Obama, just saying.
The Republicans know that Obama is likely to win as well that's why they are not putting their best candidates up against him. Plus their policies screwed up the economy.

3. I'm about maxed out with gear I can get from WoW. First time I've been able to do this before another expansion came out.
Are you planning on playing Diablo 3 when it comes out? WoW seems too boring and slow for my taste. Diablo is fast paced and you don't need to pay a monthly fee.

4. I see Sexy Jess stopped in. Anyone remember when she posted a pic of herself in her bra, and several people made that their icons? I think she was 17 at the time, and I'm reporting you all to the FBI.
You saw it too, so you should report yourself as well. Also, did you know you can ask the FBI to send you a copy of the record they have on you?

5. I wish I made as much money as BIGG does.
How do you know how much he makes?

6. I live near an air force base. Back in the days of the cold war it was oddly comforting that if there was a nuclear war I'd be vaporized before I even knew what was happening.
Thanks for letting Iran know.

7. I go grocery shopping when I'm hungry. That's not a good idea.If you go when you're full you'll buy less food and have to make more trips costing you gas.

8. I don't clip my toenails as often as I should. It's hell on socks.
Solution: don't wear socks.

9. We had no real winter. It snowed once and was gone the next day. My gas bill is loving it!
This winter it happened to snow the most on the same day I had to move into my new apartment. Needless to say, I was pissed, but I hooked up with a girl the night before.

10. Flannel sheets are the best. Warm in winter and not clingy in summer. Seriously, if you haven't tried them I encourage you to do so.
Good idea, I'll have to buy a set.

So that's my list. Now you have to list 10 random thoughts of your own or a meteor will strike the Earth and wipe out every living thing (except the weird things that live at the bottom of the ocean and thrive on super-heated water and nutrients from fissures - do you really want the next cycle of evolution coming from that? Forget about ice cream ever being re-invented).Oh well...

03-12-2012, 08:58 PM
Alright, Sirc, I'll play your game!

1) Growing up, I had a massive collection of Batman figures. Like, a big old rubbermaid storage bin full of them. I used to chew the ears off every single one. I also used the ears (or the nubs left behind) to poke holes in the heat-proofing my mom put on the windows every year.

2) It's been close to 2 years since I meaningfully contributed to GameMecca. Perhaps your thread will indeed bring on the big boom of posting, Sirc!

3) I'm also just about maxed out in WoW, although my personal level of "maxed out" is LFR, not Normal/Heroics. I'm a huge fan of LFR. It fits my lifestyle way, way better. It could due to be a *bit* more challenging, though.

4) I'll be 29 this year. That puts me more than 1/2 to NightBreed's #6. :bawling:

5) It's a good year to be a Michigan State fan. March Madness is always my favorite time of year for sports, but it's about 50x more this year.

6) I'm moving in 4 days. I cannot wait. The people below us shouted "Shut the #*$@ Up" Saturday...because we vacuumed. At 2 in the afternoon. I cannot wait. I will not be violent. 4 more days. I cannot wait.

7) In the past 3 years (as of 3/18), I've grown to be able to watch endless amounts of Disney programming without blinking an eye. I find myself singing along to the theme song of shows like "A.N.T. Farm", "Good Luck Charlie", and "Austin & Ally". Thank God my daughter enjoys Phineas and Ferb. It keeps me sane.

8) I almost never use the name "BobtheCkroach" anymore. BobtheSpiffy is my WoW main's name, and it's the name I've adopted for most things at this point. But I can't bring myself to change my GM name. Just seems weird. Spiffy is my favorite word, and "Bob", well. I miss that little guy...

9) During my GM hiatus, I may or may not have had another daughter...

10) I don't think I could do Flannel sheets. I'm a "yeah, i guess I should use the sheet. It's pretty cold" kinda guy in the winter. In the summer, I"m a "kids, don't come in here or you'll regret it" kinda guy. Jersey is my favorite.


11) WTH. My avatar is a picture of David Hasselhoff? Sometimes I wish that I used to do drugs, just so I at least had an excuse for my younger self's decisions :)

He Is Legend
03-12-2012, 09:26 PM
Give it a try, drugs are fun

03-13-2012, 05:45 AM

03-14-2012, 01:25 AM
I don't think Exe got the point of the thread, but I enjoyed reading all of the replies! Imma wait for a bit to see if anyone else posts, then I'm going to take Exe's lead and start commenting on some of the replies, because I can't help it. No judgement, just discussion. :)

03-14-2012, 08:21 PM
1-I'm on an island I wish was it's own state. I own a piece of it but really kills me deep down that I don't own crap because of the taxes. If I don't pay them, they will take it. I don't trust the water in the springs below but I don't really trust bottled water either. Either way somehow I am sure one of them is killing ya. When I bought my house it was nice but I made it a lot nicer and more exciting because when I was a kid I hated being the poorest family and having the ugliest house on the block.

2-Say what you want regarding the Republican candidates but even the worst is better than the current people running the country. I am saddened that people are so out of touch or don't care what is happening to their liberties and freedoms but they will regret not paying attention when they are all gone.

3-I just don't seem to have the will to be as competitive these days in games and find myself lacking to wanting to understand some of the games these days in their complexity. I thing this goes with a lot of things in my life but the question remains, what ever happened to simple fun?

4-I too saw Sexy Jess by and was saddened to hear about her boyfriend. Losing someone you love sucks. I still think I have a better shot at her than Sirc.:)

5-I don't wish for much. Not Money, Not love. I do however hope for the best from a higher power with the knowledge all things accomplished must be pursued.

6-I live close to the water and wonder if anything ever happens here should I just take someone else boat if I needed to evacuate.

7-I hate shopping. All kinds of shopping!!! I am insulted by ads and displays and hate lines of disgusting people with no class and lazy employees who don't have a clue where anything is if you need to find something. After the last time I went to the supermarket and me screaming at the manager in front of everyone to open up more registers because no one needs to wait longer to pay for their shit than they did to shop for it. Of course I had to rant and rave and the prick to tell him their big chain needs to hire more people because the prices are going not going lower and people are are out of wirk looking for Jobs. I know at any given time I will snap to express right from wrong and wish others would speak up as well. I think if more did these companies would never consider taking advantage of the consumer.

8-I am well groomed from the toe nails to my balls. Manscaped clean. I think you owe that to anyone you will be with as it should be expected.

9-I know we didn't have a lot of snow this year and it was really that cold considering but shit, I still had to fill the oil tank every month which sucked.

10-Flannel sheets in the winter and cotton in the summer. Flannel feels great on the skin when its cold and cotton when it's hot. I don't dare fall asleep naked ever again due to the fear of my daughter coming through the door or God forbid an emergency where I need to get to her room quickly.

03-15-2012, 03:58 AM
I don't think Exe got the point of the thread, but I enjoyed reading all of the replies! Imma wait for a bit to see if anyone else posts, then I'm going to take Exe's lead and start commenting on some of the replies, because I can't help it. No judgement, just discussion. :)

I got the premise but I would have a harder time coming up with my own list of random thoughts.

03-17-2012, 04:36 PM
I just spent 20 minutes writing out a lovely response to this thread, and when I clicked reply the forum had logged me out! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

how annoying. You will never know what I wrote.

No huge loss ;).

03-17-2012, 07:25 PM
I just spent 20 minutes writing out a lovely response to this thread, and when I clicked reply the forum had logged me out! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

how annoying. You will never know what I wrote.

No huge loss ;).

If you would have just logged back in your reply would have been saved. I know this from experience because yes, GM times out way too fast. I also copy what I've typed before I hit submit so I can paste it back - just in case.

03-18-2012, 01:30 PM
I just spent 20 minutes writing out a lovely response to this thread, and when I clicked reply the forum had logged me out! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

how annoying. You will never know what I wrote.

No huge loss ;).

Grimmy needs to set the PHP session timeout to an hour.

03-18-2012, 09:04 PM
you actually don't need to do anything. if you get the login page you can login - press back to the previous page - get a message about resubmitting form data - and voila, your post is made.

Death Engineer
03-21-2012, 03:56 PM
So I'm tempted to jump in here and comment on everyone else's randomness. But I'll follow the rules here (as I have always been a sort of rule follower, I guess ... [/ponders psychological meaning of this]

Ace. The weather is making me crazy. First it's cold. Then it's warm. Then it's stormy (which is really nice here where we're in a multi-year drought), then it's dry. Don't get me started on allergies!

b. I love March Madness. Anyone else watching all of these games? My team (University of Texas -- Go Longhorns) were eliminated in the first round after only playing the second half and my bracket is shot to heck (thanks alot Duke/Michigan/Missouri!! [/commence deep breathing calming exercise]

III. How in the world did Apple get 3M people to buy a new iPad this past weekend? And they are finally paying a dividend this year? What is Microsoft going to do to compete?

quad. Speaking of Microsoft, have you tried out Windows 8? That new start menu is HIDEOUS! I mean it is the definition of Angry Fruit Salad. Other than that, it seems OK. In other words, I like Win 7 really well. ;)

cinco. I don't have nearly enough random thoughts. Trying to come up with 10 is actually challenging. Ask me to write a few paragraphs about any one particular thing and that would seem easier to me. Again ... I guess I like directions. [/more psycho analyzing]

half dozen. My 4 kids will turn even numbers this year. I'll have an 8, 6, 4, and 2 yr old by late August. Kids are wonderful. And challenging. Best decision my parents ever had.

Lucky 7. How in the world am I supposed to get excited about politics? I mean, doesn't pretty much everyone assume politicians are corrupt? I don't think I can trust a single one of them to do what they say on either side of the aisle. Would cleaning house in Washington of House/Senate/White House help this? I just don't know. Seems like DC has turned into a amoral cesspool of greedy well-meaning career folks.

Infinity laid over. I'm not sure I like the idea of folks making millions (or billions) of dollars just by having the fastest access to market information and playing the gaps. Companies are now using FPGAs to find these gaps and execute trades in an amazing amount of time measured in microseconds now. Is this really where the excess cash in our society should go? This doesn't seem productive.

Nein. Why do more people not floss? It seems like everyone knows that it is a good thing to do and may save your teeth. And yet very few people do it on a regular basis. Admittedly not fun, but hey ... no one wants fake teeth. Well, OK ... some might want fake teeth if they didn't have real ones. Or real ones that worked. You know what I'm saying.

Hot TEN roof. I made it. A random 10th thought. If television screens continue to grow in size and resolution, our future is going to be really interesting. Primarily because I bet we will have an even harder time getting kids to play outdoors.

Elven 11 (strange sequel to fantastic four -- based in LOTR land). A bonus. Who else is looking forward to The Hunger Games? I bought tickets to see if on Fri. with my wife.

Death Engineer
03-21-2012, 04:01 PM
3. I'm about maxed out with gear I can get from WoW. First time I've been able to do this before another expansion came out.

I, too, have been playing the heck out of WoW lately. I can afford 1 3-hour raiding session in a week to clear 5-6 bosses in DS, but that's about it for that kind of length. My mage is ilvl 393 and I'm starting to lose the urge to keep raiding as the return per time invested is waning. I am with a great guild and enjoy the banter on vent. That's probably the only thing keeping me playing. Other than that, I am leveling a priest. Currently lvl 48. Look me up. I'm Abnee (or Abnor - Priest) on the Nordassil server - Alliance.

We should get all of the GM folks together and start new toons on the same server and play together. That could be fun.

Death Engineer
03-21-2012, 04:03 PM
10. Flannel sheets are the best. Warm in winter and not clingy in summer. Seriously, if you haven't tried them I encourage you to do so.

Too hot for my tastes. My wife loves her down comforter though. I burn up under all that.

Death Engineer
03-21-2012, 04:06 PM
5. I'm buying a cow the way my kids drink milk..Gallon a day, gone.easy..

Amen to this! We are up to where we have to buy 4 gallons of milk at a time more than once a week (~6 gal/wk). And the price has gone up. What have I gotten myself into with all these kids? :P

6. I'll be 49 this year. Ol' Mr.R's on our forum is our champion for colonoscopys, time for all of us old farts to be porn stars for a day and have a few items inserted up the wazoo...

Colon cancer runs in my family. I'm on the schedule to start these earlier than most at 45. /sigh There's something to look forward to as I get older. Fortunately that's still 13 years away. /grin /wink

Death Engineer
03-21-2012, 04:09 PM
7) In the past 3 years (as of 3/18), I've grown to be able to watch endless amounts of Disney programming without blinking an eye. I find myself singing along to the theme song of shows like "A.N.T. Farm", "Good Luck Charlie", and "Austin & Ally". Thank God my daughter enjoys Phineas and Ferb. It keeps me sane.

I love having an excuse to see all of the animated films. Watched Puss in Boots a few weekends ago (with the kids, of course) and there were some really funny scenes. [/covers mouth with hand and makes rising "Ooooooooooooo" sound]

Death Engineer
03-21-2012, 04:11 PM
6. Transhumanism would be a wonderful ...

8. Polyamory will probably become more and more popular ...

Are you trying to come out of the closet or something? ;)

03-21-2012, 04:12 PM
you actually don't need to do anything. if you get the login page you can login - press back to the previous page - get a message about resubmitting form data - and voila, your post is made.

I'm not very tech savvy :P.

Thanks for the tips. I usually copy longer responses. I just forgot this time.

03-21-2012, 10:40 PM
Are you trying to come out of the closet or something? ;)

I don't think you know what transhumanism and polyamory mean...

03-22-2012, 01:28 AM
1) A year since my pops died. I'm good, think my family is good. I had a couple of flashes that felt like my dad. Interesting experiences.
2) Daughter is off to UGA. Home is quiet. It has been an adjustment.
3) I barely play video games any more. I still buy them though for some reason
4) I think I had what I would now term as an alien encounter in the 80's. It was a classic dream where you are paralyzed on a table and cannot wake up out of no matter how hard you try. There was a voice droning to me during all this, saying how they would be taking action since we were destroying our earth. Recently I heard a "channel" describe and explain what these experiences were. I mention this because.... nitro is probably alien... :)
5) Working at the same job for years. I was actually laid off in 2008 and then un-laid off due to a lot of support from other people there.
6) In the process of getting a crown and some other dental work. I hate dental work, have neglected things, but just need to get past that.
7) may need to get another car. Mine has 190k miles. Picked it up in 2003 with 80k miles for $2800. No major work on anything (although the AC is dead). It eats oil but damn that car has been awesome.
8) My brother has gone into the knife making business. He has a complete shop. They make very high end knifes. Apparently there is a great demand to the point where they instantly go up in value after being sold. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003460102779
9) We have a toastmasters club at my work. it is good practice for giving speeches, generally useful in many ways
10) Had to have a couple of trees cut down in the woods behind our house. They were leaning on others, did not want to risk them knocking something into our house.

Death Engineer
03-22-2012, 06:00 PM
I don't think you know what transhumanism and polyamory mean...

This is the joke. I did have to look up the former. The latter was obvious from the latin roots poly (many) and amor (love). You didn't answer my question though... ;)

03-24-2012, 03:53 PM
1) I still check this place every now and then, and get a little excited when something new pops up
2) Birthday in less than two weeks (23)!
3) My brother wants me to play Tribes. I tried it for a while, but I'm still not sure yet...
4) I've played Serious Sam cooperatively with my dad for about 6 years. Currently slowly (but surely) beating coin-op on serious in BFE.
5) My phone is also 6 years old.
6) Should I do tennis today?
7) My dad bowled a perfect game a month ago. My best is 298 (four years ago). Revenge will be sweet.
8) I don't think I've really grown up yet.
9) Do you think cereal for lunch is a good idea? I'm thinking right now it's a good idea.
10) I work as a math tutor while I look for a job as an actuary. Graduated in May last year, and might finally be willing to accept I need to move.

03-25-2012, 04:27 PM
1) I still check this place every now and then, and get a little excited when something new pops up
2) Birthday in less than two weeks (23)!
3) My brother wants me to play Tribes. I tried it for a while, but I'm still not sure yet...
4) I've played Serious Sam cooperatively with my dad for about 6 years. Currently slowly (but surely) beating coin-op on serious in BFE.
5) My phone is also 6 years old.
6) Should I do tennis today?
7) My dad bowled a perfect game a month ago. My best is 298 (four years ago). Revenge will be sweet.
8) I don't think I've really grown up yet.
9) Do you think cereal for lunch is a good idea? I'm thinking right now it's a good idea.
10) I work as a math tutor while I look for a job as an actuary. Graduated in May last year, and might finally be willing to accept I need to move.

You mentioned your dad twice. It's excellent that you obviously have a close relationship with him. Family is everything.