View Full Version : Ron Paul

He Is Legend
03-15-2012, 03:38 PM
Is our only hope, if anyone of yall are voting against him. I feel so sorry for you.

What are yall's views on everything that is currently happening with our presidential candidates ?

03-16-2012, 04:32 AM
Which everything do you mean? And I think Ron Paul is too far down...

He Is Legend
03-16-2012, 02:31 PM
He is now mostly due to the mass media not wanting to promote someone who wants to change the very way the government works. It's a sad, sad world.

Everything as in everything? The views that the opposing candidates have and what yall's thoughts and opinions are on them. Also, how do you think everything would turn out if Gingrich,Romney or Santorum won?

03-16-2012, 06:11 PM
He is great for protecting the Constitution and knowing best as no other candidate does but he is unrealistic with too many things that prevents me from even considering him. The second he said so what if Iran has a Nuke I crossed him out as an idiot.

03-17-2012, 04:14 PM
Santorum and most of the other republican candidates scare the crap out of me. I'd like to keep Obama around, as long as he grows a spine.

Concerned Canadian here. (obviously I don't know that much about U.S. politics.)

03-17-2012, 07:31 PM
Santorum and most of the other republican candidates scare the crap out of me. I'd like to keep Obama around, as long as he grows a spine.

Concerned Canadian here. (obviously I don't know that much about U.S. politics.)

US politicians don't know that much about what they are actually supposed to be doing either. So don't feel bad.

03-17-2012, 11:18 PM
Raven, why would you even comment? You're not even American so what do you really know what Obama is doing to my country? I wish you people who make comments would at least make a point to what you are referring to. Things like someone scares the hell out of you means nothing when you don't give an explanation. It's almost an ignorant and baseless comment.

03-18-2012, 05:22 AM
Raven, why would you even comment? You're not even American so what do you really know what Obama is doing to my country? I wish you people who make comments would at least make a point to what you are referring to. Things like someone scares the hell out of you means nothing when you don't give an explanation. It's almost an ignorant and baseless comment.

Because what the US does impacts on neighboring countries? And the entire world for now - while we still have some credibility left. Ignorant and baseless. That pretty much sums up the entire GOP offering.

Don't be so quick to discount views from someone on the outside looking in BIGG. The US is ****ed up right now. It's no secret and in fact it's so obvious, that other countries are looking at us and shaking their heads in disbelief. As are a lot of Americans. Obama gets a free second term because the GOP are a bunch of extremest right wing religious idiots. $10 says Obama will win just because he's the least crazy candidate.

$10. Put up or shut up. And tell me, when has the Democratic party EVER not felt the need to even seriously participate in campaigning? Obama has no democratic rivals, and his campaigning is more like just strolling around and having a good time. And letting the GOP assure his victory.

$10 says Obama wins buy default. I will cover all bets.

03-20-2012, 04:27 AM

03-20-2012, 05:40 AM
So tell us what is your platform? What do you see as the most pressing issues for today that need to be resolved?

03-20-2012, 06:28 PM
So tell us what is your platform? What do you see as the most pressing issues for today that need to be resolved?

My platform is based on egalitarian meritocracy where the gov't is a public servant and not a tyrant. The most pressing issues are the economy and environment. The economy is based on something that is illusory and so it will continue to be prone to the same kind of events that befell it in the past (recessions, depressions, etc.) and it is not in harmony with the environment which is the only habitable one we have and continuing to pillage the resources in such an unsustainable way and sucking the teat of archaic and primitive energy sources is expediting our own extinction after which the economy will not matter one bit since we'll all be dead from our own doing since we did not plan for the long-term but instead were focused on short term infinite economic growth (a delusional thought-pattern that should be chastised, not praised).

03-22-2012, 02:01 PM
Sirc, you want to bet and make comments with no evidence. You and Raven talk about the GOP how they are bad or they scare you yet never comment about reasons. You're all just full of shit. Any moron can make comments. Just like me, you all go against what I say but at least I give reasons. Not once do any of you do that on this forum yet you preach as if any of you have something to say. Nothing ever mentioned for the reason you are afraid to be wrong. Don't make foolish bets. I would not take such a bet because I fear the corruption is so bad that he has a chance to win. Does that mean anything though regarding facts? People like you always talk bullshit but not once can any of you mention anything good about the person you support. Bashing the opponent with nothing does not make your chosen one right.

Now if any of you want to debate bring some ****ing facts. If you make a comment, give an explanation. It's ironic you mention our neighboring countries but I will hold back until any of you actually make a point rather than an ignorant statement. Truth is it's people like you that allows things to go wrong in our government. I personally don't care and accept people will do what ever regardless. If you want to discuss it though, make a point and back it up. I will do the same thing.

03-25-2012, 04:21 PM
Sirc, you want to bet and make comments with no evidence. You and Raven talk about the GOP how they are bad or they scare you yet never comment about reasons. You're all just full of shit. Any moron can make comments. Just like me, you all go against what I say but at least I give reasons. Not once do any of you do that on this forum yet you preach as if any of you have something to say. Nothing ever mentioned for the reason you are afraid to be wrong. Don't make foolish bets. I would not take such a bet because I fear the corruption is so bad that he has a chance to win. Does that mean anything though regarding facts? People like you always talk bullshit but not once can any of you mention anything good about the person you support. Bashing the opponent with nothing does not make your chosen one right.

Now if any of you want to debate bring some ****ing facts. If you make a comment, give an explanation. It's ironic you mention our neighboring countries but I will hold back until any of you actually make a point rather than an ignorant statement. Truth is it's people like you that allows things to go wrong in our government. I personally don't care and accept people will do what ever regardless. If you want to discuss it though, make a point and back it up. I will do the same thing.

Plain and simple. The front running GOP candidates are running on religious platforms. I do not want to be forced to live under Christian law. I do not want Christian fundamentalists running this country.

These guys aren't even trying to put forth plans to fix the economy, the corporate control of our Congress, or anything else that would actually help this country.

This is why these guys scare me. And the bet stands. Are you taking me up on it?

EDIT: I'm not supporting anyone. There are no worthy candidates for president. Just saying. And when it really comes down to it BIGG, no one here talks more bullshit than you do. You always ask for facts and then discount them when anyone gives you some, yet you never provide any facts yourself. And it's "people like me that allow things to go wrong in our government" ? Seriously? I have control of this? What are you doing to actually prevent things from going wrong in our government? Are you running for office? Or are you just bitching about things on a forum on the internet just like the rest of us?

03-25-2012, 05:50 PM
My platform is based on egalitarian meritocracy where the gov't is a public servant and not a tyrant. The most pressing issues are the economy and environment. The economy is based on something that is illusory and so it will continue to be prone to the same kind of events that befell it in the past (recessions, depressions, etc.) and it is not in harmony with the environment which is the only habitable one we have and continuing to pillage the resources in such an unsustainable way and sucking the teat of archaic and primitive energy sources is expediting our own extinction after which the economy will not matter one bit since we'll all be dead from our own doing since we did not plan for the long-term but instead were focused on short term infinite economic growth (a delusional thought-pattern that should be chastised, not praised).

I actually have to agree with this. And yes, I had to look up the words "egalitarian" and "meritocracy". I'm not ashamed to learn. :)

03-26-2012, 05:07 AM
Plain and simple. The front running GOP candidates are running on religious platforms. I do not want to be forced to live under Christian law. I do not want Christian fundamentalists running this country.

Like who? Which Candidate is preaching? Show me where you feel you will be living under Christian anything? What makes you believe this and please explain how this would be possible for any President to do such a thing.

These guys aren't even trying to put forth plans to fix the economy, the corporate control of our Congress, or anything else that would actually help this country.

This is why these guys scare me. And the bet stands. Are you taking me up on it?

Actually they have said many things already that would help the economy. Have you even listened to any of them? Regardless, if you support any of them, do you or did you bother to even check it out? Do you think I just talk about Obama because I don't like him? I pay attention to him, I pay attention to everything he is doing and has done. Still you talk about who is running for President and make remarks about a plan to fix the economy yet not once do you mention your Obamas plan to fix the economy. You have never mentioned one thing that is going on or the things Obama has done that will cause problems for 5 generations. You were always quick to say how much of an idiot Bush was and how bad he was but are you even paying attention to Obama? He has done 10 times what Bush has done. This is my point about you people who for some reason just talk about things for what ever reason and never back up the information. I can list a hundred things yet none of you ever mention it. Don't take my word for it, but this is what I mean by brain washed. I can't even get a straight or valid answer to anything. If you sit back and think of how forward this plan was to make you all like this, you may just wake up. It's no longer Republican vs Democrats any more. These people in office aren't your usual Democrats. They are socialists that have a plan and it's going perfectly. Don't listen to me though. Research and pay attention to everything that is going on. Don't think it's impossible for this to happen because it is. I figure many of you just don't care or have given up. Well if that is the case, stop preaching false information. Doing so only causes more ignorance to others not paying attention and then the chain continues of wrong and false information being spread. You people just have no idea what you sound like to those that actually pay attention to what is going on. That is what is scary.

EDIT: I'm not supporting anyone. There are no worthy candidates for president. Just saying. And when it really comes down to it BIGG, no one here talks more bullshit than you do. You always ask for facts and then discount them when anyone gives you some, yet you never provide any facts yourself. And it's "people like me that allow things to go wrong in our government" ? Seriously? I have control of this? What are you doing to actually prevent things from going wrong in our government? Are you running for office? Or are you just bitching about things on a forum on the internet just like the rest of us?

Sirc, I have provided the facts many times. You and many others don't pay attention. I tell you not to listen to me. I say it all the time. Pretend I'm a troll full of shit because no matter what I say, I don't expect anyone to believe anyone just because they say it. That's my point. I could careless what any of you think or feel or believe in because you have the right to do that. As I have said many many times before, it's the blind statements that are what I question. Now you would have a valid point if I started a thread talking bullshit like Obama sucks and ended it there. If you go back and research my threads and posts, I am usually responded to such a statement. Just like Raven who simply made a statement with no reasoning. Just like you saying you are not supporting anyone but make sure you make a statement that is not true and how the GOP scares you yet if that scares you why the F aren't you scared of what is actually happening today? This isn't just about us or our children any more. It's about our Country that is on the brink of destruction from within. It's being brought down quicker than you think and it's been a plan in the making. The fact that you and others don't look into anything yourself other than google to get your information is why you think I am full of shit. That's fine but there is a truth. You have the option to follow it just like anyone else.

Just remember this. I never expect anyone to listen to me or take anything I said as facts. I do however expect if you are going to talk about something, you should know what you are talking about. I think if any of you actually did this with an open mind so you are not blinded, you would see why I feel the way I do. I'm not mad at anyone, but you all scare the shit out of me when you all just make statements with nothing else. As I see it, that's how those who do such a thing learned about it. That is scary.

03-26-2012, 07:16 AM
Like who? Which Candidate is preaching? Show me where you feel you will be living under Christian anything?

And that is where I stopped reading.

03-27-2012, 03:06 PM
Because you can't answer it Sirc. You can't answer it because it's false. You probably believe the GOP is telling women how to live their lives because many of us beleive it's not the tax payers responsibility to pay for peoples abortions or birth control. Liberals are a joke.

03-27-2012, 07:02 PM
Eh, why come here to create drama? Nothing will be changed based on some GM postings.
Lets all get along. For the republicans, they are appearing to be a big joke.
Gay weddings and abortions. I can't see what they have to do with any of the problems the country is facing.
They could have had the presidency. Instead....

03-28-2012, 02:36 AM
Because you can't answer it Sirc. You can't answer it because it's false. You probably believe the GOP is telling women how to live their lives because many of us beleive it's not the tax payers responsibility to pay for peoples abortions or birth control. Liberals are a joke.

I never mentioned anything about abortions or birth control. But please, continue to tell me what I probably believe. I'm intrigued.

I will tell you this though - the war on drugs needs to stop. You don't want to pay for abortions and birth control? I don't want to pay for maintaining the highest per-capita prison population of any other country in the world. Which would by far save us the most money? If that makes me a joke, then the joke is on you. You pay a lot more for it than I do, so enjoy.

03-28-2012, 02:43 AM
Eh, why come here to create drama? Nothing will be changed based on some GM postings.
Lets all get along. For the republicans, they are appearing to be a big joke.
Gay weddings and abortions. I can't see what they have to do with any of the problems the country is facing.
They could have had the presidency. Instead....

If there is drama here, it's not because I'm actually trying to troll anyone. I'm just saying what I believe. It's my honest opinion. It's okay that some people do not agree with me.